
Former employees sued the Zuckerbergs on suspicion of discrimination and sexual harassment within their family business

Source: World Wide Web

[Global Network Report Reporter Zhang Xiaoya] The National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) broke the news on the 27th that two employees who had worked for the family business of Facebook CEO (CEO) Mark Zuckerberg and his Chinese wife Priscilla Chen, who had been exposed to discrimination, sexual harassment and unpaid, filed two lawsuits against the couple and many of their family business entities.

Former employees sued the Zuckerbergs on suspicion of discrimination and sexual harassment within their family business

Screenshot of NBC report

The lawsuits were filed in San Francisco County Superior Court last month, but have only now been known. Both lawsuits have listed the Zuckerbergs as defendants, accusing the latter of failing to pay in a timely manner and claiming that Zuckerberg's family business was responsible for sexual harassment and discrimination against the company's employees. But NBC said Facebook itself was not involved in the lawsuit.

According to reports, the plaintiffs in the two lawsuits are John Doe, who served as the "head of household" at Zuckerberg's home from January 2017 to March 2019, and Mia King, who worked in Limited Specialty Services, which provided security services for the Zuckerberg family from May 2018 to February 2019.

In a 35-page complaint, John Doe said he was responsible for "supervising and managing the Zuckerberg family's various possessions" and was sometimes "forced" to work overtime without pay. Doe also claimed to have epilepsy, but was still forced to do things that aggravated or posed a danger, such as climbing ladders or carrying heavy objects. He also accused himself of sexual harassment and denigration.

In her 29-page complaint, Mia King said she had suffered many insulting comments and inappropriate remarks about her breasts. In addition, she claimed that when she complained within the company, a female colleague told her, "This is where men lead and take power." She also said she was forced to work overtime and was not paid accordingly.

In response to the allegations, the report said that Bin Rabert, a spokesman for the Zuckerberg family, said in an emailed statement that the investigation showed that "these allegations cannot be confirmed", although the family will "take workplace misconduct complaints very seriously and promptly investigate all such incidents."

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