
Fang Qingping, who was late in the great instrument, where was he worse than Guo Degang? The two of them almost became brothers

author:Zhang Da Chu State
{"info":{"title":{"content":"大器晚不成的方清平,他比郭德纲差在哪里?他们俩险些成为师兄弟","en":"Fang Qingping, who was late in the great instrument, where was he worse than Guo Degang? The two of them almost became brothers"},"description":{"content":"平时喜欢看方清平的单口相声。方清平讲单口相声有个特点:皮不笑肉也不笑,就是面无表情地一本正经讲笑话。正因为这个特点,有不...","en":"I usually like to watch Fang Qingping's stand-up comedy. Fang Qingping has a characteristic of stand-up comedy: Pi does not laugh at meat or laugh, that is, he tells jokes in a serious manner without expression. Because of this feature, there are no..."}},"items":[]}

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