
Europeans and Americans read books and newspapers in the subway because there is no signal on their mobile phones? The main thing is that they have the habit of reading

Europeans and Americans read books and newspapers in the subway because there is no signal on their mobile phones? The main thing is that they have the habit of reading

Author: Sasha

This article is Sasha's original and will not be reprinted by any media

Europeans and Americans read books and newspapers in the subway because there is no signal on their mobile phones? The main thing is that they have a habit of reading

The British subway read books and newspapers, which did not find the so-called rumor-mongering original text, may be an allusion to the fact that there are more people reading books and newspapers in the Western subway.

In Sasha's experience, there are indeed more reading books and newspapers in the European and American subways.

You're going to say that everyone reads books and newspapers, and that's nonsense.

In most subways with signals, foreigners also look at mobile phones, read e-books, listen to music or simply stare and do nothing.

In general, there are still a few people reading books and newspapers on the subway.

Objectively speaking, there are basically no people on the Chinese subway who read books and newspapers, and indeed there are more foreigners.

Europeans and Americans read books and newspapers in the subway because there is no signal on their mobile phones? The main thing is that they have the habit of reading

Some people say that foreigners read books and newspapers because there is no signal on the subway.

In Moscow, for example, although the signal on the subway platform is very bad, after most trains can still be connected wirelessly, it is definitely not without signals.

Moreover, everyone knows that mobile phones have many offline APPS, which can watch videos offline, watch novels offline, and play games offline.

The signal is not a signal, in fact, the problem is not big, the key is that some foreigners have the habit of reading.

Here's a few more words.

It is no exaggeration to say that Sasha said that my knowledge comes mainly from books, not mobile phones.

I can decorate my mind a little bit today, which is inseparable from the fact that I like to read since I was a child.

My dad and aunts left me an entire shelf of books to see from childhood to middle school.

These readings have allowed me to acquire a lot of knowledge beyond textbooks, objectively more than my peers.

Moreover, these readings increased my interest in knowledge, which turned into hobbies that continue to influence me today.

Europeans and Americans read books and newspapers in the subway because there is no signal on their mobile phones? The main thing is that they have the habit of reading

Even if the Internet has been very developed, and many materials can be found on the Internet, the role of books is still irreplaceable.

The network, especially the particularity of the Chinese network, determines that there are very few slightly more professional articles, mostly fast food articles and cool articles.

In general, reading articles on the Internet is basically a pastime.

Although daily reading is mainly a pastime, after all, books have a certain depth.

However, we Chinese not have the habit of reading books, which is inseparable from the experience of growing up.

Most of my colleagues around me are intellectuals, basically bachelor's and master's degrees, and many of them are still key university graduates.

However, I have hardly seen any books they have read, either playing games and chasing dramas, or reading online novels and books that work requires reading.

At first I couldn't understand it, but then I suddenly became enlightened, and everyone really didn't read much from childhood to adulthood.

Europeans and Americans read books and newspapers in the subway because there is no signal on their mobile phones? The main thing is that they have the habit of reading

To be fair, we can't read books at the stage of study, they are just textbooks, and they are forced to read by examinations.

Generally, after getting a degree in our 20s, we rarely read books, or even do not read books at all.

Many college graduates enter the society and have a sense of disgust with books. Just like some children practicing piano, they are scolded by their families and practiced, and they hate the piano. Except for the exam songs, children will never play anything.

Once he didn't need to practice anymore, he wouldn't touch the piano again.

In 2012, the Shanghai Book Fair introduced a statistic: "China's 1.3 billion people, excluding textbooks, read less than one book a year on average." Although the big cities are better and can read a few books a year, most areas read very few books."

The People's Daily published its 16th national reading survey, and the average number of Chinese reads in 2018 was 4.67, compared with 9 in the United States, 40 in Japan and 50 in Russia.

Europeans and Americans read books and newspapers in the subway because there is no signal on their mobile phones? The main thing is that they have the habit of reading

Sasha personally believes that this data is not nonsense, Russians do like to read, which I deeply understand.

During the most depressed period of the Russian economy, ordinary people barely had to eat, but there were still many people in the library.

It is said that during the war, the only public institutions that operated in Soviet cities were hospitals and libraries.

Even if you add up paper books and e-books, Chinese does not read more than 8 books a year, which is still much lower than europe and the United States, and much worse than our neighbors Japan and South Korea.

Europeans and Americans read books and newspapers in the subway because there is no signal on their mobile phones? The main thing is that they have the habit of reading

The so-called open book is beneficial, like reading can also be able to access some of the more profound knowledge, is very good for people.

Naturally, reading books should have an atmosphere and time.

Most of the ordinary Chinese people are busy with their livelihoods and have little personal time.

More than 40% of adults think that they read less, and "busy at work" has become one of the main reasons why adults in China read less. "If you have time to study, it's not easy to eat." Xiao Liu, a courier in Beijing, complained. The last time he sat down to read a serious book was to look through the skills training manual issued by the courier company.

Europeans and Americans read books and newspapers in the subway because there is no signal on their mobile phones? The main thing is that they have the habit of reading

As for the atmosphere, that is to say, if you have a group of people reading around you, you will read books unconsciously.

Sasha had a good friend who was a nerd and loved to read. His job is in the construction industry, and he occasionally travels to other places to do some construction guidance work.

His first business trip, to a medium-sized city in the north of our Jiangsu Province, lived in the main city. He was in a hurry, and without carrying a book he often read, he wanted to go out on the street to buy a book to read, even if it was a novel.

Europeans and Americans read books and newspapers in the subway because there is no signal on their mobile phones? The main thing is that they have the habit of reading

His exact words were that he walked five streets that night and found only a small bookstore selling textbooks, less than 8 square meters, selling only textbooks and test papers. There was not a single customer in the store, only the boss who listened bored to the commentary (he did not read the book himself).

A friend also has a saying: Along the way, there are chess and card rooms everywhere, and mahjong is played in a sparse and deafening way. Bookstores can not be found, the street shampoo room, foot bath room but saw more than a dozen, business are very good!

Reading is a habit, and it is undeniable that many countries in Europe and the United States like to read more than we do, which is also an objective fact.


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The image comes from the Baidu image of the network, if there is any infringement, please notify the deletion.

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