
On the third anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his novel was once a banned book and was praised by the leaders before being introduced to the mainland

author:Huan's list

If it were not for "Mr. Deng", Jin Yong's novels might still be banned!

October 30 is the third anniversary of Mr. Jin Yong's death, let us remember this martial arts novel giant together.

In the 1980s, when martial arts novels were rampant, the official media also made a special program to criticize the bad influence of martial arts novels, accusing them of luring teenagers into early love, fighting, obsessing over the rivers and lakes and other bad behaviors. Among them, Mr. Jin Yong's martial arts novels are taken as typical and put forward for special criticism.

On the third anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his novel was once a banned book and was praised by the leaders before being introduced to the mainland

However, such criticism cannot stop the public's love for Jin Yong's novels, among which Mr. Deng, a great man of a generation, is also a fan of Jin Yong's books.

In 1981, the 57-year-old Jin Yong was invited to visit Deng Xiaoping in Beijing, and Deng Xiaoping said to him: "Welcome Mr. Cha back and walk!" I've read your novels, and we're old friends. ”

On the third anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his novel was once a banned book and was praised by the leaders before being introduced to the mainland

Jin Yong said: "I have always admired you, and I feel a great honor to see you today." Jin Yong once compared Mr. Deng to Guo Jing, but he also said: "You are smarter than Guo Jing and are a model of being a person." ”

The meeting opened the friendship between Jin Yong and Deng Xiaoping, and also prompted Jin Yong's novel to be fully unsealed in the mainland. Since then, mainland bookstores have begun to sell Jin Yong novels in a bright and upright manner, and martial arts literature has flourished, and soon after, the film and television circle has also ushered in a martial arts fever.


Before the unsealing of the mainland, Jin Yong's novels were already very popular in Hong Kong.

In the 1950s, Jin Yong successively published a number of martial arts novels in Ming Pao, such as "The Legend of the Archery Hero", "The Hero of the Divine Eagle", "The Tale of the Dragon Slaughtering in the Heavens", "The Eight Parts of the Heavenly Dragon", which triggered a warm response among readers, and the cultural circle also set off a boom in martial arts novels.

On the third anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his novel was once a banned book and was praised by the leaders before being introduced to the mainland

At the end of 1950, martial arts films began to become popular, and in 1958, hong Kong Emei Film Company filmed the first Jin Yong work, "The Legend of the Eagle Shooter", with Cao Dahua as Guo Jing and Rong Xiaoyi as Huang Rong.

Due to the rich variety of martial arts films at that time, this "Legend of the Eagle Hero" did not cause a sensation after its release.

On the third anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his novel was once a banned book and was praised by the leaders before being introduced to the mainland

In the same year, Run Run Shaw established Shaw Brothers Limited in Hong Kong and began to vigorously develop the television industry.

At the beginning of Shao's establishment, he liked to make opera movies, such as "Tianxian Match", "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai", etc. In the 1970s, the theme of opera declined, and Shao set his sights on the theme of martial arts.

When the remake of Jin Yong dramas began, the quality of Shaw's works was uneven, the 77 version of "Tianlong Babu" was criticized by fans as a magic change, and the 80-year "Flying Fox" received a lot of praise.

On the third anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his novel was once a banned book and was praised by the leaders before being introduced to the mainland

After these works were broadcast, they slowly aroused the heated discussion and pursuit of the audience, which made the president of Shaw see business opportunities. That year, Run Run Shaw waved a big hand and threw millions of dollars to buy out all of Jin Yong's film and television adaptation rights for novellas.

In the 1980s, Run Run Shaw took over TVB, and he introduced a large number of Jin Yong works to TVB, and Jin Yong sometimes participated in the adaptation of TV series.

In 1982, TVB openly recruited heroines for "The Legend of the Eagle Hero", and Jin Yong participated in the interview as an author.

On the third anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his novel was once a banned book and was praised by the leaders before being introduced to the mainland

At that time, in order to get the top spot, 23-year-old Weng Meiling changed into a costume, held a wicker in her hand, held her fist in both hands to make a greeting gift to Jin Yong and said: "Huang Rong, the daughter of the lord of Peach Blossom Island, meets Jin Daxia." ”

This clever move suddenly impressed Jin Yong, who said: Weng Meiling, beautiful and a little cunning, is his own Huang Rong.

On the third anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his novel was once a banned book and was praised by the leaders before being introduced to the mainland

As it turns out, Jin Yong was not wrong. In 1983, after the broadcast of "The Legend of the Eagle Shooter", it triggered a ratings frenzy, and the streets and alleys were full of followers of Brother Jing and Rong'er.

In the same year, Andy Lau and Chen Yulian starred in "Condor Heroes" broadcast, among many versions, Jin Yong loved this version the most, he said: "I think Andy Lau and Chen Yulian shot better. ”

On the third anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his novel was once a banned book and was praised by the leaders before being introduced to the mainland

From the 80s to the 90s, TVB remade a large number of Jin Yong works, such as "Divine Eagle Hero", "Tianlong Eight Parts", "Deer DingJi", etc., which set off a jin Yong fever on the screen, and also created a rating myth again and again, which won huang Rihua, Weng Meiling, Gu Tianle, Li Ruotong and other actors, like Li Ruotong's little dragon girl is still a classic role in the hearts of movie fans.


Unlike the fiery scenes in Hong Kong, the film and television circles in the mainland in the 1980s had not yet filmed Jin Yong martial arts dramas.

At this time, a director named Zhang Jizhong, who likes to grow a beard and is nicknamed Big Beard, started Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, as a fan of Jin Yong, he wants to be the first person to eat crabs. To this end, Zhang Jizhong set his sights on the remake of "Smiling Proud of the River".

On the third anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his novel was once a banned book and was praised by the leaders before being introduced to the mainland

He said: "Jin Yong's novel itself is vast and profound, with historical and humanistic, detailed life, and magnificent scenery, and if these elements are to be fully displayed, the entire Chinese world is none other than us." ”

Zhang Jizhong, 48, has a big breath. At this time, he had just finished filming the two works of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Water Margin", and the TV series received many praises after it was broadcast, and Zhang Jizhong's heart was also very confident.

On the third anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his novel was once a banned book and was praised by the leaders before being introduced to the mainland

In 1999, he visited Mr. Jin Yong under the title of CCTV producer, and Jin Yong and CCTV have always had a good relationship. He said: "If I can make my martial arts novels as good as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Water Margin, I am willing to transfer the copyright for one yuan." ”

On the third anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his novel was once a banned book and was praised by the leaders before being introduced to the mainland

Earlier, Jin Yong disclosed that the copyright fees he received from Hong Kong and Taiwan every year, such as film and television copyright fees, added up to about 10 million yuan.

Today, Zhang Jizhong only spent 1 yuan to buy the copyright of "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu", and behind this yuan is probably Jin Yong's patriotic heart.

After getting Jin Yong's permission, Zhang Jizhong immediately began to shoot "Smiling Proud of the River", the male protagonist finalized Li Yapeng, and the female protagonist was Xu Qing, a beautiful woman of pear vortex.

On the third anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his novel was once a banned book and was praised by the leaders before being introduced to the mainland

In order to restore the scenes in the original work, Zhang Jizhong led the crew to many places, from the Hanging Temple of Hengshan Mountain to the "Nineteen Peaks through the Rock" in Xinchang in Shaoxing, Zhang Jizhong put these scenes on the screen one by one, realistic and romantic.

In addition, the actress Chen Lifeng, who played Yilin, directly shaved her head and restored the image of the nun.

In 2001, after the broadcast of "Smiling Proud of the River", it triggered a ratings frenzy, earning 75 million yuan for CCTV, and also driving the development of tourism in scenic spots such as Shaoxing, which had a huge impact.

On the third anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his novel was once a banned book and was praised by the leaders before being introduced to the mainland

Since then, Zhang Jizhong has repeatedly remade Jin Yong dramas, and each remake will repeatedly call Jin Yong to communicate and explain, modify the work according to Jin Yong's opinions, and restore the spirit of the original work to the greatest extent.

Zhang Jizhong felt: "When shooting Jin Yong's works, we must respect the spirit of the original work, characters, plots and stories, and it is best to only subtract or add." ”

On the third anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his novel was once a banned book and was praised by the leaders before being introduced to the mainland

Zhang Jizhong's seriousness also impressed Jin Yong, he said: "Mr. Zhang is serious in filming, and I am very relieved to hand over my works to you to shoot." ”

On the third anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his novel was once a banned book and was praised by the leaders before being introduced to the mainland

With the support of Jin Yong, Zhang Jizhong's Hu Jun version of "Tianlong Babu" and Zhou Xun's version of "The Legend of the Archery Hero" were acclaimed and acclaimed.

Zhang Jizhong and Jin Yong became good friends, and his career also reached its peak because of Jin Yong drama.

In "The Divine Eagle Hero", Cheng Ying said to Lu Wushuang: "You see these white clouds gathered and scattered, scattered and gathered, life is clutched, and it is also the same. ”

On the third anniversary of Jin Yong's death, his novel was once a banned book and was praised by the leaders before being introduced to the mainland

On October 30, 2018, Mr. Jin Yong drove to the west of the crane, and a generation of heroes left, but his jianghu still exists, and his chivalrous spirit has always influenced us.

"The great hero has gone by the white crane, and there are still dreams in the world!"

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