
In autumn, you should often eat black beans, teach you a simple method, do it once for half a year, rinse water and drink special relief

author:A purse that will eat

It turned out that I was afraid to spend the autumn. The weather was getting colder, my hands and feet were like ice lumps, I often felt powerless, my small face was sallow, and even my hair became very fragile. After my aunt knew, I told me to eat some black beans often, and since I developed the habit of eating black beans every day, I was really surprised. Black beans, known as the "king of beans" reputation, is a rare ingredient in autumn, especially friends who are easy to get cold hands and feet, no spirit, nothing more should eat more black beans. Although black beans are good, but if you eat them freshly, there is really no way to stick to them, how can black beans be eaten more simply and conveniently? I share with you a trick: eat black beans often in the autumn, teach you a simple method, do it once for half a year, rinse and drink special relief.

In autumn, you should often eat black beans, teach you a simple method, do it once for half a year, rinse water and drink special relief

Black beans, everyone is not strangers, don't look at it black, the nutritional value of black beans should not be underestimated. As the saying goes: often eat black beans, but there are no diseases. Black beans are also known as "plant protein meat", so to speak, the protein content of black beans of the same weight is 2 times that of pork, 3 times that of eggs, and 9 times that of chestnuts. In addition to being rich in protein, black beans are also rich in anthocyanins and minerals, so black beans also have the characteristics of alkaline foods.

Eating some black beans every day in autumn is good for women and children's hair, and the elderly often eat black beans with good spirits and strong legs and feet. It turns out that black beans are so powerful, eating black beans in autumn is in season, how to eat black beans well?

In autumn, you should often eat black beans, teach you a simple method, do it once for half a year, rinse water and drink special relief

The dishes made with black beans have unique flavors: black bean milk, salt-baked black beans, and three black porridges are all popular ways to eat. But the practice of these black beans is time-consuming and laborious, and it is impossible to eat them every day, is there an easier way?

There really is! This black bean method is: black bean powder. The method of homemade black bean flour is very simple, fried and crushed on it, you can fry it more at a time and hoard it up, if it is properly preserved, it will not be bad for half a year, and it will be delicious to rinse with boiling water every day. However, there are some tips you must know when making your own black bean flour. For example, black beans have two kinds of "white core" and "green core", which one do we want to choose? What kind of heat is the black beans stir-fried to be just right? These tips, I will answer for you in the detailed production steps!

In autumn, you should often eat black beans, teach you a simple method, do it once for half a year, rinse water and drink special relief

How to make black bean flour? Let's talk about the practice of black bean flour. Friends who want to make their own black bean powder can collect it first.

【Black bean powder】

150 grams of black beans, black rice, black sesame seeds, and a pinch of walnuts. Eating some black bean powder every day is very good for the body, but how to eat it is a science, what are the correct ways to eat black bean powder and what are the taboos? I've put it all together in the tips at the end of the article.

In autumn, you should often eat black beans, teach you a simple method, do it once for half a year, rinse water and drink special relief

Before making black bean flour, soak the black beans for a while. There are two important points when soaking, please note that the water temperature should not be too high, and the soaking time should not be too long, so that more nutrients can be retained. The soaked black beans absorb some of the water, so that it is not easy to paste when stir-fried. Black beans have "green core" and "white core" two kinds, in comparison, Wupi green kernel beans are more nutritious varieties, the production of black bean powder to use green core black beans, do not use the wrong.

In autumn, you should often eat black beans, teach you a simple method, do it once for half a year, rinse water and drink special relief

Adding black rice to black bean powder is more comprehensive in nutrition, and it can also bless the role of black beans. After washing the black rice, pour it into the wok, and the pan should be oil-free and clean. First fry the water dry on high heat, turn to medium-low heat and stir-fry continuously, when you see some black rice cracked, and the burnt aroma indicates that the heat is in place. Put the black rice out and set aside to cool.

In autumn, you should often eat black beans, teach you a simple method, do it once for half a year, rinse water and drink special relief

I also added some black sesame seeds to the black bean flour. The three black ingredients complement each other, which greatly increases the power of black bean flour. After washing the black sesame seeds, sauté and set aside.

In autumn, you should often eat black beans, teach you a simple method, do it once for half a year, rinse water and drink special relief

At this time, the black beans are soaked well, fish it out to control the dry water, pour into the wok, the water is fried after drying, then turn to the fire and stir-fry, the black beans should be fried but can not be fried, this heat we must grasp well. As the temperature rises, the skin of the black bean will slowly crack, revealing a green core. Continue to stir-fry over low heat. When you smell the strong bean aroma, you can do it. If you are not sure, you can try it, and the crispy and delicious taste without the bean smell means that it is cooked thoroughly.

In autumn, you should often eat black beans, teach you a simple method, do it once for half a year, rinse water and drink special relief

Grind the black beans separately into a powder, if not delicate enough, you can sift and repeat the grinding. Walnuts should be broken into small pieces in advance and ground into powder together with black rice and black sesame seeds. Mix the ground powder together and stir well.

In autumn, you should often eat black beans, teach you a simple method, do it once for half a year, rinse water and drink special relief

Place the mixed black bean flour in a clean, sealed jar. Store in a cool, dry place, not in the refrigerator to avoid moisture deterioration. The container should be brushed beforehand and dried to dry, so that the black bean flour can be stored for a long time.

In autumn, you should often eat black beans, teach you a simple method, do it once for half a year, rinse water and drink special relief

How to eat black bean powder and contraindications

Black bean powder should be eaten often, but do not eat more, you can eat it every day, but it should be controlled within two spoonfuls, and eating more is useless, but it will cause additional burdens to the body. Regardless of men, women and children, the whole family can eat some black bean powder in moderation, but in some cases it is forbidden to eat, if you don't know who can't eat black bean powder, you can ask me.

Black beans must be fried, do not grind black bean powder with half-cooked black beans. When eating black bean flour, it can be mixed with warm boiled water, and it can also be eaten with black bean flour to make pasta.

In autumn, you should often eat black beans, teach you a simple method, do it once for half a year, rinse water and drink special relief

In autumn, you should often eat black beans, teach you a simple method, do it once for half a year, rinse water and drink special relief. Autumn is a good time to eat black beans. Black bean flour is a very good method, the method is simple, storage for half a year is not a problem, it is really our lazy heart. In autumn, you encounter fresh black beans don't miss, buy them back like I did and fry them and then grind them into powder, every morning whether it is sprinkled with milk, porridge or directly brewed with boiling water is delicious, you can also try it!

In autumn, you should often eat black beans, teach you a simple method, do it once for half a year, rinse water and drink special relief

The sharing of "black bean powder" is here, have you learned the simple method of this black bean? Every message you leave, and every like you likes, is my motivation to move forward! If you like it, remember to collect and share it with your friends, and we'll see you next time!

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