
Learn to read the resume with "Hou Weidong's Official Notes"

author:Ride the wind down the river

Always full of curiosity about things you don't know, it's everyone's nature! The most powerful thing in China is the superstructure! And although we have relatives in there, obviously others will not tell you what is in it, what state it is, the so-called interlacing is like a mountain! But this line is the most powerful line in China, you must understand some of the fur inside!

In Hou Weidong's official notes in this novel, the protagonist's style of doing things is worth learning, quite the style of the one at that time. Human affairs are the most important thing, so understand people thoroughly, everything in the world is controlled by people! And how do people understand? It depends on his resume, his growth trajectory, the so-called people over the name, the goose over the voice! Through his resume and some side things, get to know him as a person!

And it is emphasized that people have reached a certain level. There is a take-off point, that is, it begins to rise up and fly! And this take-off point is worth paying attention to! Find out what this take-off point is! For example, there are noble people to help, or encounter a kind of coincidence, catch up with a good time! Or maybe they have accumulated a lot of money, and their professional ability is outstanding to bring about some kind of leap!

Through the resume, you can understand this person and understand the growth process of this person! Or what his pursuit is, what is the ideal! You can take on a conversation with him, or know what he thinks at work! Then be able to communicate and coordinate very well! Reach the water like a fish and do a good job!

The so-called attention everywhere is learned, and there is no harm in understanding more!

Learn to read the resume with "Hou Weidong's Official Notes"

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