
Officialdom Novel Recommendation "Hou Weidong OfficialDom Notes Complete Collection" Officialdom Grassroots Counterattack Story "Hou Weidong OfficialDom Notes Complete Collection" Writes What "Hou Weidong OfficialDom Notes Complete Collection" Author Who is "Hou Weidong OfficialDom Notes Complete Collection" What is the point of view:

author:Book introduction good book recommendation

I came across this novel by chance, and after reading it twice, it felt very realistic and beautiful. It is not easy for a university student from a small place to climb from the grassroots level to the municipal level step by step. Shangqinglin, a place where everyone watches birds and does not, has made Hou Weidong a gold mine. An election that had no suspense made Hou Weidong jump to the vote to become the deputy mayor, and he has been out of control ever since. The novel "Complete Notes on The Officialdom of Hou Weidong" can be said to be my official enlightenment book, although I have no access to officialdom. The growth of an official is inseparable from the intricate interpersonal relationships and the exquisite personality of the eight faces, which shows that it is not easy to be an official.

The woman who impressed me more here was Hou Weidong's lover Li Jing, a woman who was not tall and slightly fat, followed by Guo Lan.

Officialdom Novel Recommendation "Hou Weidong OfficialDom Notes Complete Collection" Officialdom Grassroots Counterattack Story "Hou Weidong OfficialDom Notes Complete Collection" Writes What "Hou Weidong OfficialDom Notes Complete Collection" Author Who is "Hou Weidong OfficialDom Notes Complete Collection" What is the point of view:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" > what was written in the Complete Notes of Hou Weidong Officialdom</h1>

304 officials at all levels, 84 official storms, 66 party and government departments, 23 subtle transfers and promotions, intertwined into the fate of an ordinary civil servant - Hou Weidong's notebook will take you deep into the vast, complex and wonderful internal world of China's civil service system, from villages, towns, counties, cities all the way to the province, with the protagonist Hou Weidong's 10-year promotion road, peeling away the status quo and secrets of the vast officialdom layer by layer.

After reading this book, the officialdom will no longer be a vague and chaotic concept for you, but a clear and familiar face; those officials who appear on the scene, the thoughts behind those expressions, and the seemingly sudden words, all reveal their true faces one by one in the ups and downs of the novel.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > who is the author of "The Complete Notes of Hou Weidong Officialdom"</h1>

Xiaoqiao old tree, male, 40 years old, director of a certain bureau of a certain province and a city.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > what is the highlight of "Hou Weidong's Official Notes":</h1>

1. Hou Weidong is a grassroots person with no background and no backer, but when he was in school, he was a hero, and when he went out of society, he found that he was small, which was the same as most people in reality who once thought that he was a flower on the edge of the cliff, and later found that he was just a grain of sand in the sea of people.

2. That era was the era of going to the sea to do business, at that time, when a town mayor only had a salary of 400 yuan, Hou Weidong opened a stone field in the name of his relatives in front of a civil servant and became a millionaire. However, he gradually found that it is impossible to have money and no power, and the land snake and the government can find trouble for you just thinking about it, so he feels that he still has to embark on a career path.

3. For civil servants, this is really an encyclopedia that popularizes the "knowledge" of the officialdom, and for those of us citizens, it is also a professional material for understanding the "government". Maybe we are not mixed in the official field, but we may have to deal with people in the official field, and what is said in it is sophisticated, which is common in real society.

4. That is about love, from the campus to the society, the society will meet different people, or meet or meet... Although the first book is still a perfect situation, I think that the love between Hou Weidong and Zhang Xiaojia will be in crisis...

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