
"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

author:See the world with your eyes

Bu Haiyun is an important figure in "Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom", the father of Bu Gao, a suitor of Hou Weidong's lover Zhang Xiaojia, who led zhang Xiaojia during the Shazhou Municipal Construction Committee period --- the director of the Construction Committee.

Among the members of the Standing Committee of Shazhou City, Bu Haiyun is Zhou Changquan's supporter and follower, an important pawn used by Zhou Changquan to contain Mayor Liu Bing, and an important practitioner of Zhou Changquan's decision-making.

However, it is very interesting that the people of Zhou Changquan's faction learned the news that Zhou Changquan was about to leave Shazhou, and on the day of the collective trip for Zhou Changquan, Bu Haiyun went to Beijing.

Zhou Changquan entrusted his most optimistic Hou Weidong to Huang Zidi and Hong Ang, and did not raise Haiyun at all, why? It can only be said that he and Bu Haiyun are mutually using each other, and there is no deep friendship.

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

1. Strange business trip!

Hou Weidong served as deputy secretary of the county party committee in Chengjin, although he was the de facto secretary of the county party committee, after all, he had a "deputy" character and did not become a member of the Shazhou Municipal Party Committee. After being converted from vice president to regular, according to the rules of Shazhou, he will become a member of the Shazhou Municipal Party Committee, and his political status in Shazhou will be further improved.

Zhou Changquan paused slightly, and said, "The chengjin thing was originally a mess, and in the end it was necessary to rely on development to solve the problem." Wei Dong must remember that development is the first priority, and only in the course of development can we do a good job in rectification work. It is just that Chengjin has accumulated many drawbacks, and there will be many difficulties in the future, Zidi and Hongang, please continue to support the work of Chengjin. ”

Bu Haiyun, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive vice mayor, is an important assistant of Zhou Changquan, and the decisions of the municipal party committee are counted as six or seven times out of ten. Today he went to Beijing for a meeting and could not rush back.

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

2. When Hou Weidong counted his supporters in the Standing Committee, he did not think of Bu Haiyun at all, and when Zhou Changquan entrusted Hou Weidong to Huang Zidi and Hong Ang, he did not mention Bu Haiyun, is it accidental?

A few days after the calm days, Su Mingjun called: "Wei Dong, I have received accurate information that Yi Zhongda will become the director of the organization department of the municipal party committee." ”

For Hou Weidong, this is not good news.

Hou Weidong drew some triangular symbols on the paper, writing numbers such as 1, 2, and 3. No. 1 represents Zhu Minsheng, 2 represents Huangzidi, and 3 refers to the newcomer Yi Zhongda.

The secretary of the municipal party committee, the deputy secretary in charge of the party and the masses, and the director of the organization department, this iron triangle is like a towering mountain, which makes Hou Weidong breathless.

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

He analyzed the standing committee members of the municipal party committee outside the iron triangle one by one: "Hong Ang is the only standing committee member who is more popular, but he is only the secretary general, not the secretary general of the municipal party committee.

"Although Ji Daolin is the secretary of the discipline inspection committee of the old qualifications and his own teacher, the two of us have not established a special personal relationship for so many years, and his style is the same as that of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, which makes people wonder.

Du Zhengdong, secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, can only be called a brother and a brother by looking at Zhou Changquan's face. As for Chen Chen, the elder of the Propaganda Department, he was the one who wanted to retire, and the weight of his speech was greatly reduced. The United Front Work Minister is a good old man and cannot play a key role in the Standing Committee. ”

Counting, Hou Weidong operated in Shazhou for several years, and with the promotion of Zhou Changquan, he lost strong support. The county party secretary has to take a county into his hands, and it is difficult to walk without the support of his superiors.

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

3. Zhu Minsheng exchanged the seat of chairman of the CPPCC for the position of vice mayor of the Standing Committee who needed to really implement his own policies, which was very cost-effective!

So, to whom is this seat given? The novel was not written. It is estimated that he is more than one, not much less, less than him.

Bu Haiyun has a mind to work hard for the development of his son BuGao's enterprise, who gives the project, who is his friend. Hou Weidong supported Bugao, and the CPPCC supported Hou Weidong.

The chairman of the CPPCC experienced hearing about Bao Yong and dropped the cup in the office. The secretary general of the CPPCC heard the noise inside and hurried over to collect the cup. Experiencing a heavy breath, he said: "To beat the dog, it depends on the owner, Bao Yong used to be my secretary, is a very simple person, I don't believe that he is a grand deputy director will become a fraudster, this reason is too far-fetched." ”

The secretary general of the CppcC Did Not Have a Good Impression of Bao Yong, and at this time, when the old man heard the news, he threw a temper tantrum and advised: "After the Chairman, I read bao Yong's case report, and what he did was too bizarre. If the Public Security Bureau is fabricating the facts of the case, Deng Jiachun's boldness is inevitably too great, and I think Deng Jiachun is a stable person, and he is not stupid. ”

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

Experiencing a person who is usually quite stable, today Bao Yong's wife came to his house to cry for a morning, which made him quite upset, and he complained in front of the secretary-general, saying: "Deng Jiachun is just a gun, and the person who shot it was Hou Weidong." ”

The secretary-general said, "A person as shrewd as Secretary Hou would not do such a stupid thing. Secretary Hou is much stronger than Zhang Yongtai, and after he came, the treatment of the CPPCC organs increased, and the office conditions were much better than before. ”

The experience snorted and said, "I understand Hou Weidong's thoughts, he used the CPPCC as a vase to provide, thinking that buying two good cars and raising wages and benefits can buy people's hearts?" The CPPCC is not an organ that eats idle meals, and the three duties of political consultation, democratic supervision, and participation in and discussion of state affairs are important contents and basic forms for all parties, organizations, and people of all nationalities and all walks of life to participate in state affairs and play a role in the political system. ”

The secretary general laughed: "Chairman Bu praised Hou Weidong many times at the CPPCC meeting, saying that he was a competent secretary of the county party committee. ”

After listening to it, there is no temper, and the relationship between Bu Haiyun, chairman of the Shazhou Municipal CPPCC Committee, and Hou Weidong are not ordinary, and now Bugao is engaged in development in Chengjin New City, taking the road of Hou Weidong.

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

Seeing that the experience was a little uncomfortable, the secretary general refilled him with tea and said: "The people of the organ chartered a car to go to the Shazhou Crescent Tower the day before yesterday, and they were very satisfied with the high-rise real estate. The comrades of our organs want to book a building collectively, and in terms of price, they also want to ask the chairman to come forward to find a step high, and he still wants to give you face. ”

Without the support of comrades in the organs, it is difficult for the responsible persons of any unit to carry out their work. After decades of ups and downs in the official arena, he has seen the people's hearts very thoroughly, and naturally dare not be sloppy in such major matters involving many cadres of organs. He dialed Bu Gao's phone and called a few haha before he said, "Bu Zong, how did you think about the things you told you last time?" ”

Bu Gaozheng accompanied Hou Weidong to inspect the work, and after hearing the intentions, he said happily: "Chairman Jing, I will immediately send a sales manager to you to introduce the situation of the real estate in detail." You can do whatever you want, and in terms of price, you must be as favorable as possible, which you can rest assured. ”

For real estate development companies, it is natural to hope that the sooner the funds are withdrawn, the better, even if it is not the chairman of the CPPCC who experiences coming forward, as long as someone is willing to buy a building, the developer will consider a certain discount, not to mention that the CPPCC collective package building will be the big selling point of the real estate sales.

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

4, Huang Zidi, Yi Zhongda supported by Yi Zhongling has become a fierce enemy of Bugao development, Bu Haiyun also needs help, behind Zhou Changquan, Zhu Yan, Wu Ying, Meng Haofang Hou Weidong has become the object of cooperation

(1) How can Bugao gossip about others for no reason?

Hou Weidong knew that Bu Gao was on the phone with the same experience, and naturally would not gossip in his capacity. After Bu Gao hung up the phone, he said: "Bu Zong, I only put forward one request, all aspects of this real estate indicators must reach the level of the crescent building, you don't think that this is the county town can lower the standard, I will send someone to supervise and inspect here." ”

Bu Gao didn't think anything of it, and smiled: "I really want to ask the county commissioner to send someone to supervise and inspect, it is best to stay in our building." I also have an idea, in addition to the county commissioner, I am also going to hire some ordinary people in the county to be quality supervisors. First-class quality, five-star service, this is the biggest selling point of BBK real estate, I am not afraid of inspection, I am afraid of not inspecting. If not inspected, the loach and yellow eel are pulled into the same length, which cannot highlight the advantages of the backgammon real estate. ”

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

Hou Weidong has seen many real estate businessmen, and he is more trustworthy and has always been a good step, said: "Today I went to the construction site to see, and I will broadcast the news at night, which is to advertise to you." You must grasp the quality, don't ruin my reputation. ”

"Quality is the life of the enterprise, please rest assured Secretary Hou." Bu Gao saw that Hou Weidong was going to go down, and said, "Secretary Hou, the time is not early, let's eat together at noon?" ”

Hou Weidong shook his head: "The county is engaged in a large-scale activity of revisiting classics, my team leader is going to take the lead in eating in the enterprise, and the next time my deputy will also eat at the enterprise, and so on, which is a heavy burden on the enterprise." ”

Bu Gao said, "Shazhou City is now the banner of the Changing King of the City, and some things really need to be talked to Secretary Hou." ”

Hou Weidong's heart moved, Bugao was a successful entrepreneur in Shazhou, his father was also the chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and his news often came faster than the regular channels, so his pace slowed down, saying: "Go to the coal sanatorium, where it is quiet." ”

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

(2) Hou Weidong and Bugao have cooperated countless times, do not directly collect money, stop at the right time, support each other, cooperate very happily, and both sides have needs.

"Yi Zhongling is the eldest brother of the new organization minister Yi Zhongda, and in the business circles of Shazhou, there are four old factories in the Dongcheng District of Shazhou, all in the most prosperous positions, everyone is staring at it very tightly, and Yi Zhongling alone has three pieces."

"Who got the other piece?"

Bu Gao smiled and said, "The other piece is what I got, but the comprehensive price is at least three hundred yuan more per square meter than Yi Zhongling." Yi Zhongling has a piece of land and my land is a hundred meters in a straight line, but there is a price difference of three hundred pieces. Fuck, it's fucking weird to happen in Shazhou! ”

Thinking of this, he said rude words, apologized to Hou Weidong, and then explained: "For the real estate company, this price difference is already unbearable, I knew this, I should not have wanted that piece of land in the first place, now it is dumb to eat Huang Lian, there is pain that can not be said." ”

"Of course, land prices will affect house prices, but according to coastal experience, real estate can still win credibility and quality at the top."

"This is also my most important magic weapon, so in the chengjin project, Secretary Hou does not have to worry about quality, and I dare not ruin the reputation that has been hard to earn."

Speaking of this, Hou Weidong corrected what he had just heard and said, "There are inaccuracies in your information just now, Yi Zhongling is not Yi Zhongda's big brother, just a cousin." ”

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

(3) By the river, Bu Gao continued his topic: "Yi Zhongling is closely related to Huangzidi, and although Yi Zhongda is the director of organization, he has only arrived in Shazhou, and those three pieces of land cannot be won down by his face, and it is the role played by Huangzidi in it." ”

When the Sand Highway was built, Huang Zidi had greeted Yi Zhongling, and Hou Weidong was deeply impressed by Bugao's words.

Bu Gao continued, "Huang Zidi is Feng Dao of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, and when Zhou Changquan was in power before, he was Zhou Changquan's confidant; now that Zhu Minsheng is in power, he has become Zhu Minsheng's right-hand man." Also, I heard that Secretary General Hong was going to be the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, but he did not concurrently serve as the director of the public security bureau, and the director of the public security bureau was Lao Su. ”

Hou Weidong knew what was going on about Hong Ang, and he pretended not to know and asked, "Is the news reliable?" ”

Bu Gao said: "With ninety percent accuracy, Du Zhengdong was transferred to Maoyun as deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, which is considered to be a promotion." ”

"Then who will be the standing committee member and secretary general of the municipal party committee?" Hou Weidong really didn't know about this.

"There are several versions of this, and I didn't get accurate information."

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

5, straightforward, fast people fast talk, everyone is comfortable!

The key is that in Hou Weidong's struggle against Huang Zidi, Bu Haiyun has already started to play a role.

Arriving at the office building of the Agricultural Machinery and Hydropower Bureau, a black BMW quietly stopped in the corner of the Water and Power Bureau. Hou Weidong had just gone upstairs, and Bugao walked out of Shen Dongfeng's office, took a few quick steps, and waited for Hou Weidong on the stairs.

Hou Weidong smiled and said, "Rare guest, Bu is always the first time to the Water and Power Bureau." ”

Bu Gao's father, Bu Haiyun, was Zhou Changquan's right-hand man and had a good relationship with Hou Weidong, so the relationship between Bu Gao and Hou Weidong gradually improved, and even they still had some sympathy for each other. He has successfully developed several large buildings in Shazhou and Lingxi, giving way to Gao's ranks among the successful people, and he is now a famous young entrepreneur and deputy to the Provincial People's Congress in Lingxi Province, and his speech and demeanor are more stable and peaceful. After shaking hands with Hou Weidong, he said, "Director Hou is criticizing me and accepting punishment." ”

Sitting in the office, he took the teacup handed by Yan Chunping and said "thank you" very gracefully. When Yan Chunping left the office, he said, "Director Hou's visit to the Water and Power Bureau is a big deal, you are handsome, and it is really condescending to work here." ”

Bu Gao's words were a compliment, but also a sincere word, he had carefully studied Hou Weidong's development trajectory and had a full understanding of his ability.

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

After a little greeting, Hou Weidong went straight to the subject and said, "If you don't ascend the Three Treasures Hall without anything, please tell me directly about what you are doing." ”

"Hou Ju is a cheerful person, and it is really comfortable to interact with you, I will say it directly." Is there any intention in the recent projects of the Agricultural Machinery and Hydropower Bureau? ”

"According to the bidding system of Shazhou City, this project should participate in the bidding." Hou Weidong paused and said, "The training center and the nursing home are invested by the Water Conservancy Department, and the Water Conservancy Department has clear requirements. ”

Bu Gao sighed and said, "I understand, I hope that next time there will be a chance to cooperate with hou bureau." "Enterprise development to the present, Bu Gao is not too eager for the project, today to Hou Weidong to sit here, not only to ask about the project, but more importantly to keep in touch with Hou Weidong." In his mind, Hou Weidong is an important person who can make strategic investments.

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

"Next time there will be a chance to cooperate." Hou Weidong got up from his seat and took out a large box of tea leaves from the tea cabinet.

"Bring a box of tea leaves to Chairman Bu, this is shangqinglin handmade tea, which is personally fried by the iron principal of Shangqinglin Elementary School, and it is not lost to famous tea."

The step master took the tea leaves and said, "On behalf of the old man, I thank you, when will you come to the house and sit down, my old man often reads you." ”

Hou Weidong said: "Next week, the governor of the province is going to play tennis, and I will contact Chairman Bu when I arrive." ”

Bu Haiyun and Hou Weidong are all generals in Zhou Changquan's camp, Bu Haiyun served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive vice mayor, and after Zhu Minsheng took charge of Shazhou, Bu Haiyun was adjusted to the chairman of the Municipal Cppcc Committee, from the deputy hall to the main hall, finally upgraded, Bu Haiyun himself can accept.

Hou Weidong was transferred from the position of county party secretary to the Agricultural Machinery and Hydropower Bureau, and in comparison, Bu Haiyun was better placed. It's just that Hou Weidong is like the rising sun, and there are still good prospects for development, Bu Haiyun is the sunset of the West Mountain, and the chairman of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is already the last stop in his political life.

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

6, Hou Weidong long-sleeved good dance, open doors, interests are evenly involved, so that everyone is comfortable

"Of course I'm not going to be rude." Ning Yue sat on the sofa in a very relaxed and casual posture and said, "I have a friend who does real estate in the capital, from capital, technology to resources are first-class in China, he wants to participate in the relocation project of the four major teams in Shazhou." He did not want to make money on this project, but mainly wanted to build a model project, play a benchmarking role in Lingxi Province, and lay the foundation for entering the Lingxi market. ”

Hearing that this was the case, Hou Weidong was embarrassed. When the relocation of the Shazhou Municipal Government became a foregone conclusion, both Bu Gao and Huang Er widened their eyes, and behind Bu Gao stood Bu Haiyun, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and behind Huang Er was Mayor Huang Zidi. This is only a local power faction, and in addition, there are not a few who have found it through provincial relations.

"Although I am in charge of the Southern New Area, this matter has gone beyond the scope of the Southern New Area, and it is up to the main leaders of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government to worry about it.

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

Ning Yue smiled happily and said, "After the Spring Festival, this matter will be led by you." ”

Of course, Hou Weidong could understand the meaning, since he was in charge of the southern new area, he realized that this would happen, and said in his heart: "Zhu Minsheng threw a hot potato into my hands." ”

Since he was in charge of the Southern New Area, he realized that he would receive countless hot potatoes. However, this hot potato also has two sides, and when handled properly, it is a fragrant potato; improper handling is a hot potato.

He did not rush to take the call, said: "The key to this matter depends on how the municipal party committee makes decisions, and after the municipal party committee makes decisions, I will do my best at the implementation level." ”

"Just have this sentence, thank you in advance." Ning Yue was familiar with the meaning behind the official words, wherever there were interests, it would attract forces from all sides, and the final result was still determined by comprehensive strength.

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

7, Bu Gao invested in Da Zhou, in fact, it is to invest in Zhou Changquan, after all, Bu Haiyun has already sunset on the West Mountain, and Zhou Changquan is still in his seat

Everyone was eating and chatting, and Hou Weidong asked: "I am not familiar with the Internet, Da zhou, what is your music website all about?" ”

Da Zhou was very interested in this topic, saying: "Simply put, I want to be a professional music search engine, mainly to provide third-party link services for search users to provide music audio-visual. My idea is to do the best music website in China, the current financial pressure is quite large, is planning venture capital, Weidong has any good suggestions? ”

Hou Weidong said: "I am in contact with specific industries, and I am completely layman for the Internet, and I dare not say anything." He asked, "Are there any eyebrows at the moment?" Things about venture capital. ”

"Bugao, the most successful young entrepreneur in Shazhou, you should know, he has two companies under his command, one is BBK Real Estate Development Company, the other is Vision Company. Bu Gao is ready to invest millions into my music search engine, and I have taken the name well, called the Zhou Dynasty Music Search Engine. ”

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

"Bugao has been my friend for many years, and his Crescent Building is still the most successful real estate in Shazhou, which has been developed to the fourth phase." Hou Weidong said while pondering: "Bugao's wife and Yan Zi were once colleagues, BuHaiyun was Zhou Changquan's subordinate, and Bugao's economic strength is strong, and it is a good choice to invest by Envision Company." Even if a few million are all lost, it will not hurt the bones of the step height, as long as Zhou Changquan gives proper care, it is more than a few million yuan. ”

Da Zhou immediately took out his mobile phone and called Bu Gao: "Bu Zong, I met Mayor Wei Dong today, and he is very appreciative of you." ”

Bu Gao stood in the newly developed real estate in Lingxi and said, "Da Zhou, Xiao Man and I are in Lingxi, you have returned from Shanghai?" ”

"You're in Lingxi, so hurry up, I'm with Wei Dong and Xiu Hong." Da Zhou asked, "What kind of restaurant is this?" Impression restaurants in Shazhou. ”

Soon, Bu Gao came to Shazhou Impression Restaurant.

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

BuGao this person is good at learning, good at management, after the successful development of the crescent building, he copied four buildings in Lingxi and Tiezhou according to the model of the crescent building, and made a lot of money. He is planning to list the BBK company, so through his father's relationship, he has maintained close contact with Zhou Changquan.

After three rounds of drinking, Da Zhou sighed: "When I went abroad, it was the wrong choice, if I had stayed in China and caught up with the opportunity for great development, it is estimated that the situation would be very different." ”

Big Zhou said so that there is a feeling and hair, he is now staying in the United States, to the top is the United States white-collar workers, the annual income of seventy or eighty thousand US dollars can do, want to be a big boss is basically impossible. Every time he returned home, he would find that some of his former friends had become bosses. To be fair, he did not pay attention to Bugao before, and Bugao's father was only the director of the Shazhou Construction Committee at that time, while his father, Zhou Changquan, was the secretary of the municipal party committee in Shazhou with a top of 10,000 sentences. Ten years later, he became a white-collar American worker with an annual income of one hundred thousand dollars, which should have been quite good, but he became a billionaire and a real bourgeoisie. These changes have made Dazhou firm in his determination to return to China to start a business.

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

Da Zhou and Bu Gao had a conversation.

"Big Week, I advise you not to engage in virtual economy, simply engage in real estate, according to the current trend, the real estate industry will have a boom that lasts for ten to twenty years."

"The Internet is also a big cake, and it's a shame to give up." Although it has been hit hard now, it will eventually come out of the trough, which is the general trend. ”

"You can let the son run the music website, your conditions are so superior, the time, the location, the people are complete, it is a pity not to do real estate."

"My dad is an old antique, he won't let me do business in Lingxi, my music website is open in Shanghai."

Yan Zi's English level is not high, Daizi's Chinese level is very low, the two ladies sit together, can not communicate with each other, can only listen to the men's small talk, really boring tight. Yan Zi endured for a while, and finally put down the chopsticks, saying: "You slow talk, I will say goodbye first." ”

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

She packed up the Kun bag she had with her, and gracefully left a back for everyone.

Hou Weidong looked at Yan Zi's back and couldn't help but think of the amazing elasticity of her waist, and secretly said: "Compared with Daizi, One is a thorny rose, and the other is a water lotus in the wind, and I don't know whether in the future competition, whether the thorn rose wins, or the water lotus is more powerful." ”

Daiko's Chinese level is really not good, and Daishu's Japanese level is even worse, and the two communicate in English. At this time, the table full of men communicated in Lingxi dialect, and she only had dry eyes.

Bu Gao said: "Big Zhou, you still invest in real estate, which is the most expensive industry in Lingxi." Give up your online dreams, that thing is too tiring. ”

Da Zhou glanced at the quiet Daizi and said, "Even if I don't engage in music websites, Daizi will do it, this is her dream, and it is also mine." ”

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

"Big week, I am not a one-day friendship with you, said that good investment will not change, if you want to do other things, the start-up funds I can prepare for you."

Zhou Changquan still has a five-year term in the post of vice governor, so Bugao is trying to win over Da Zhou, not because he wants Da Zhou to directly engage in real estate, but to cooperate with him. The two of them work together and are definitely golden partners.

Full of wine and food, Chu Xiuhong, as a secretary, did not dare to stay outside for a long time, and came to the provincial government hotel to wait for Zhou Changquan.

Bu Gao said, "It's rare to invite Mayor Hou and Big Zhou to find a place to be dashing in the afternoon." ”

Da Zhou glanced at Daizi and said, "Forget it, today with Daizi, I still strive to be a good man in Lingxi." ”

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

8, Bu Haiyun and Bu Gao hope to use Hou Weidong's sharp knife to remove the trouble in their hearts, the key is that the target is Yi Zhongling and Huangzidi, and the breakthrough is that these people are ready to eat the Shazhou Silk Spinning Factory

Bu Gao did not reluctantly make Great Zhou, he pulled Hou Weidong and said, "Big Zhou is leaving, Mayor Hou can't leave, I have something I want to talk to you about." ”

From Bugao's expression, Hou Weidong knew that he had something to say, and said: "Then find a place to drink tea, I will leave at three o'clock." ”

The two of them came to the tea house of the Golden Star Hotel, took a few sips of tea, and stepped forward: "Mayor Hou, you know Yi Zhongling." ”

Hou Weidong said: "Yi Zhongling is a famous entrepreneur in Shazhou, as the deputy mayor in charge, how can I not know." ”

"In the past two years, Yi Zhongling has been very popular, and the best plots in Shazhou have fallen into his hands. He was originally engaged in food, and the construction industry is not comparable, why in the real estate industry mixed up, is not the Battle of Huangzidi. Bu Gao paid close attention to Hou Weidong's face, and saw that he was not disgusted with his own statement, saying, "If Huang Zidi continues to do this, there will definitely be a big incident, and many CPPCC members and people's congress deputies have discussed this matter and are very disgusted." ”

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

Hou Weidong's face was calm, waiting for the mystery to be revealed.

Bugao's biggest opponent in Shazhou is Yi Zhongling, who has competed with Yi Zhongling for land several times, but has been won by the other side, and he tries to squeeze out Yi Zhongling.

"It's a set of photos I got by accident." Bugao took out a stack of photographs, which were the masterpieces of amateur detective Magui.

The protagonists of the photo are Huang Zidi, Xiang Bo, Yi Zhongling and Liu Kun. Hou Weidong's heart trembled a little, and the expression on his face was still the same.

Bu Gao introduced: "This is Yi Zhongling's villa, Huang Zidi personally drove there, and came out the next morning. This is three women, it is the morning, you look at the time below, this one, after Huang Zidi left, they also left. ”

Hou Weidong carefully looked at the women in the photos, and the beautiful and dusty colors seemed to pass through the photos. He pushed the photo forward and said, "What these photos can illustrate, it doesn't make much sense." ”

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

"Liu Kun, who also went in that night, came out the next morning. Looking at this bungalow, in the morning, six young women came out of it. Bu Gao made a joke, "The young man is in good health, this time Liu Kun is accompanying six women." ”

Hou Weidong still said: "These photos have no causal relationship, are isolated, and cannot be used as evidence in court." ”

Bu Gao said, "Mayor Hou, you continue to watch." This is Xiang Bo, he arrived at Yi Zhongling's house at 3:20, and Huang Zidi arrived here at six o'clock. You look at the time of this sheet, Xiang Bo left at eight o'clock in the evening, it should be that the three of them drank wine, and Huang Zidi's car did not move. This is a photo of huang zidi coming out of the back villa at dawn in the morning. ”


Bu Gao made a final summary of this group of photos: "From these eight groups of photos, it can be seen that Huang Zidi is a regular visitor, Liu Kun and Xiang Bo occasionally come over, Xiang Bo generally leaves after eight o'clock in the evening, Liu Kun comes out of the bungalow twice, and the bungalow should be a private place." ”

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

Hou Weidong was calm on the surface and shocked inside, this group of photos exposed the secrets of Huang Zidi, Yi Zhongling, Xiang Bo and Liu Kun to the world, which has a strict logical relationship and does not need to be questioned. He was full of thoughts and threw these photos aside: "This group of photos has no value, and when it is heavenly, huang Zidi stays here in Yizhongling, but which one violates which one, and the leading cadres also have friends." ”

Bu Gao smiled and said, "Mayor Hou, this group of photos will not see the light, but only as a reference for your decision-making." I know you're paying attention to the silk mill, and this set of photos explains the strange things that have happened in the silk mill recently. ”

Hou Weidong admitted in his heart the truth revealed by this group of photos, but as a deputy department-level cadre, he had already learned to be steady. Refusing to easily take a stand in the face of great right and wrong is the cultivation of being a leader and also the city government.

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

Bu Gao put the photo into his purse and said, "Gentlemen love money and have a way to get it, this building is the Red Chamber of Shazhou, these people are the moths of the factory, and the silk spinning factory is in danger." ”

Hou Weidong's gaze was like a knife, and he looked directly at the step high, and after a while, he said, "I have something to take a step first, and that's it." ”

Bu Gao sent Hou Weidong to the door and watched his back go away.

In the Shazhou construction market, Bugao was originally thriving, but Yi Zhongling suddenly became a land swallow, taking several heavyweight pieces of good land from his mouth, and he was determined to clean up Yi Zhongling. He is a civilized person, and a civilized person has a more civilized method, and Hou Weidong is a sharp machete that comes out of its sheath, which is also an opportunity for his father, The Chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Bu Haiyun, to secretly teach him. The fortress was breached from within, and Bu Haiyun had been an official in Shazhou for more than thirty years, and he knew the mystery of it, and he saw Hou Weidong's ambitions and Huang Zidi's greed.

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

9. Hou Weidong attacked head-on, and Bu Haiyun detoured to encircle

Putting down the phone, Yan Chunping sent the folder over, the first copy was the "Suggestions on Promoting Development with Reform" of the Municipal CppcC. After reading the full text, remembering the scene when he met with BuGao, Hou Weidong secretly said: "For the sake of his son, Chairman Bu is also shooting." ”

At this time, Mayor Huang Zidi's desk also had the "Proposal on Promoting Development through Restructuring" on the desk of the Municipal CppcC. After carefully reading the "Suggestions", he said in his heart: "The matter of the silk spinning factory has nothing to do with Bu Haiyun, this is Lao Tzu helping his son to shout, and his intention is still on the land." Seeing this clearly, he wrote on it with a pen: "There are five thousand employees in the silk spinning factory, and a little carelessness will affect stability, so please ask Mayor Hou to go deep into the enterprise and propose specific measures to turn losses into profits." The restructuring should be fully investigated, and after expert argumentation, it should be submitted to the government standing committee for study, Huangzidi. ”

During his tenure as deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, Huang Zidi made a lot of land for Yi Zhongling, so he and Bu Haiyun had a disagreement, thinking of this, and secretly hated: "I knew this, why should I get on Yi Zhongling's thief ship, this person is too greedy, sooner or later he will drag me into hell together." ”

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

10. The goal must be achieved, the procedure must be just, and Hou Weidong is playing high

"That's good news." Speaking of this, Hou Weidong received a call from Deputy Director Zhu Renyi: "Mayor Hou, the bid has been opened, and it is currently the first score of the Bugao Vision Development Company." ”

Hou Weidong said plainly: "Then publicize it according to the procedure." ”

Not Yi Zhongling winning the bid, Hou Weidong breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart. The rules of the game were made by him, and he made up his mind not to ask about specific matters, in other words, even if it was really Yi Zhongling winning the bid, he would admit this result. To acknowledge the outcome is to acknowledge the rules of the game one has made.

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

11. Hou Weidong has already sung the first half of the play, and Bu Haiyun has to follow the second half of the play.

Huang Zidi, Yi Zhongda, and Yi Zhongling had already poked things on the top, and Bu Haiyun did not sing praises for Hou Weidong, did not sing praises for the program, and there would be no play in the future

Hou Weidong estimated that Huang Zidi had already gone upstairs, and only then did he get out of the car. I was going upstairs and saw Bu Haiyun, chairman of the CPPCC Committee. The CPPCC has a separate office building, and in addition to meetings or meals, Hou Weidong rarely sees Bu Haiyun in the office.

After the two shook hands, Bu Haiyun said in a confused manner: "Time is really passing fast, when I first met Zhang Xiaojia, you were not yet married, Wei Dong is still working in Yiyang, and now it is ten years, Wei Dong is good." The last sentence, "Wei Dong is good," came very suddenly, very meaningfully.

When he reached the floor of the government leader, Hou Weidong glanced at Bu Haiyun and said, "Chairman Bu, go to the office and sit down?" ”

Bu Haiyun waved his hand and said, "I have something to find the mayor of Zidi, wait a while to come over." ”

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

In the Zhou Changquan era, Huang Zidi was a member of the Standing Committee and secretary general of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and Bu Haiyun went from director of the Construction Committee to the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive vice mayor, and the two of them, together with Hong Ang, could be regarded as Zhou Changquan's hardcore in the Standing Committee. At this time, Zhou Changquan left Shazhou, and the three colleagues who had once been in the trench quickly entered their respective trenches.

After reading the documents in the office for a while, Bu Haiyun appeared at the door.

Hou Weidong did not dare to be idle, he welcomed Bu Haiyun to the sofa in the corner of the room, and said: "Chairman Bu, you are the first time to come to my office, and you don't care enough about young people." ”

Bu Haiyun looked up and smiled proudly: "According to the popular words of Shazhou, to come is to care, not to come is to be assured." After a few words of greeting, he said: "Wei Dong is worthy of being a disciple of Secretary Changquan, and the trading platform you are engaged in in the southern new area is a good practice worthy of promotion in the whole city and even the whole province." The CPPCC side is ready to organize members to take a look at it together, and we are ready to analyze this matter as a typical case and report it to the provincial party committee and the provincial CPPCC committee at an appropriate time. ”

Hou Weidong hurriedly said: "I really don't dare to be, the trading platform in the southern new area has just started, and it is still in the exploration stage, which is very immature." While modest, he thought in his head: "Bugao Vision Company has now moved to Lingxi City, which is a practice of retreating into advancing and retreating and advancing." Just from the perspective of Bu Haiyun, he has never been able to get rid of the suspicion of using power for personal gain, and moreover, Bu Gao's strength is very strong, and he has passed the reckless period, of course, he hopes that the more formal the trading platform, the better, which is probably one of the reasons why he is in favor of engaging in trading platforms. ”

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

Bu Haiyun's face was worried: "The first vote of the trading platform in the southern new area was won by BuGao, I have not said any greetings to this matter, Wei Dong knows best." Someone still reported me and you to the central and provincial governments, saying that we colluded to manipulate the trading platform, which is a great injustice. "The relationship between Bu Haiyun and Hou Weidong is good, this is not a secret in the Shazhou officialdom, and it is common to have such a statement.

In the past ten years, Hou Weidong has come all the way and has experienced ups and downs. Hearing Bu Haiyun's statement, he was not surprised, and said: "I, the leader of the preparatory group of the southern new area, only manage the preparations, manage the macro at most, formulate the institutional framework, grasp the general direction, and never participate in the specific details." This time stepping high standard is completely his skill, in line with the rules of the game, and has nothing to do with me, and has nothing to do with chairman bu. ”

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

It's a lump of mud falling into the crotch of your pants, not or. At this age, the position of chairman of the CPPCC is stared at by many people, and I don't want to do it. Bu Haiyun's words have a true meaning of 80%.

Hou Weidong looked up at the gray hair on Bu Haiyun's head, but shook his head and did not evaluate the matter.

The two chatted for a while, Bu Haiyun resigned, and Hou Weidong sent Bu Haiyun to the door. Bu Haiyun squeezed Hou Weidong's hand and said, "Wei Dong must guard against villains, the heart of harming people must not be there, and the heart of preventing people must not be without." ”

Hou Weidong squeezed Bu Haiyun's hand and said, "I am not afraid of the shadow crooked, laughing and cursing, I just want to do things well." This is also Hou Weidong's heart, he sat back at his desk, put aside the things that Bu Haiyun talked about, and picked up the research notes of the Shazhou Agricultural Depot.

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

12. Zhou Changquan certainly did not believe what Hou Weidong said, but neither did he believe it

Closing the door, Zhou Changquan glanced at Hou Weidong and paused for a few seconds before saying, "Bu Gao is doing business in Shazhou, and his old man is the chairman of the CPPCC. I heard that the four major team office buildings are the company winning the bid for the step height, you tell me the truth, is there any cat grease in the middle? ”

When he stepped into the high school bid, Hou Weidong expected that Zhou Changquan would ask such a question, he straightened his chest, and said: "Old leader, from my personal opinion, I do not want to concurrently serve as the leader of the preparatory group of the southern new area, but after the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee has decided, I can only obey." However, I only care about the macro and don't care about the specific things, and I only care about the rules and the specific operations. The rules of the trading platform in the Southern New Area are determined by me, but I will never ask about the specific bidding. ”

"Notes on Hou Weidong's OfficialDom" follows Haiyun's old calculations

(Disclaimer: All pictures only play a beautifying role, and have nothing to do with the content)

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