
Tens of millions of red crabs migrate all over the road Netizens: Can you eat it?

author:China Economic Net

Source: Qilu Network

Recently, a large number of red crabs on Australia's Christmas Island "stepped on" on the "housewarming road". It is understood that the island's red crabs migrate to the beach every December to lay their eggs.

The Australian red crab is endemic to Christmas Island in Australia and lives in the jungle and feeds on dead leaves and flowers. The annual rainy season is around december, when they leave their nests in the jungle and migrate to the sea to mate and lay their eggs. At this time, roads are blocked in various places. So a driver in Australia thought of a way to install a small thing in the shape of a shovel in front of the tire, so as not to affect his own driving, nor to affect the red crab crossing the road.

Foodie netizens can't sit still when they see these red crabs:

Tens of millions of red crabs migrate all over the road Netizens: Can you eat it?

So can these red crabs be eaten? Lightning Jun deliberately consulted the information.

The Australian red crab is probably one of the most controversial crabs. From the Australian red crab itself, it is not edible, because it contains a special toxin, not easy to destroy, the human body after eating this red crab will lead to intestinal damage. However, there are data that show that among the world-renowned seafood, Australian red crab is also among them, which shows that Australian red crab can not only eat, but also very delicious.

In this way, the consumption of Australian red crab must be cautious and do a good job of treatment, otherwise it is very easy to damage health.

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