
Millions of australian red crabs migrate during the mating season and climb all the way to the sea to breed

author:Magical foreigner
Millions of australian red crabs migrate during the mating season and climb all the way to the sea to breed

According to the British "Daily Star" reported on November 18, it is now the mating season of Australian red crabs, and millions of red crabs are migrating en masse, climbing from the woods to the nearby Christmas Island to breed.

Millions of australian red crabs migrate during the mating season and climb all the way to the sea to breed

During the migration, herds of crabs traveled long distances, turning into a "red ocean" everywhere they went, paralyzing the traffic on their way and forcing the authorities to control traffic.

Millions of australian red crabs migrate during the mating season and climb all the way to the sea to breed

Although this phenomenon has become commonplace for local residents, they can't help but marvel when they see such a spectacular picture, and it also attracts many tourists to stop and take photos.

From the video taken by a netizen, it can be seen that whether in the bushes on the side of the road or in the middle of the road, there are dense crabs.

Millions of australian red crabs migrate during the mating season and climb all the way to the sea to breed

Some crabs are very clever, and in order to avoid being crushed by the speeding cars, they climb the iron bridge and look like a polar red "crab bridge" in the distance.

Millions of australian red crabs migrate during the mating season and climb all the way to the sea to breed

Australia Park said that the annual "crab season" usually begins in October and November, with male crabs leading the annual migration, and female crabs will continue to join along the way and then head out to sea together.

Millions of australian red crabs migrate during the mating season and climb all the way to the sea to breed

After a long journey, the crabs soak in the sea to replenish their moisture before they begin mating. Once mating is successful, the male crabs return to their homeland, while the females remain in the hole to lay their eggs.

Millions of australian red crabs migrate during the mating season and climb all the way to the sea to breed

According to Australian Parks, each female crab can produce 100,000 eggs, they first leave the eggs in the nursery bag, and when the moon is full, the eggs-filled crabs will leave the cave and climb to a cool place on the coastline to prepare for the momentum.

Millions of australian red crabs migrate during the mating season and climb all the way to the sea to breed

In some areas, you can sometimes see up to 100 crabs gathering on each small beach or rock, which is breathtaking.

When the tide begins to rise before dawn, the female crabs move into the sea and then breed.

Millions of australian red crabs migrate during the mating season and climb all the way to the sea to breed

Image source: Daily Star, Bing

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