
The first summit of Creative Space (Kunming) empowers new media creation

author:Spring City in the palm of your hand

At the unveiling ceremony of the creative space (Kunming) held on July 9, practitioners from the new media industry and self-media celebrities shared the theme of new media creation.

The first summit of Creative Space (Kunming) empowers new media creation

At the event site, Jia Ruixun, founder of Douyin "Yunnan Xiaohua" IP, shared "How to sell 100 tons of rock candy oranges in 3 days on Douyin". Li Long, city manager of Douyin Yunnan, brought the sharing of "Shake Yunnan, Count says Dianfeng", interpreting the content creation situation in Yunnan through digital means, and sending a creative guide for Yunnan creators.

The first summit of Creative Space (Kunming) empowers new media creation

In order to better empower the local self-media in Yunnan and spread the beauty of Yunnan, the first creator summit in Kunming, "Unlocking Short Video Content & Live Broadcasting New Track", was successfully held, bringing creators a full of dry content about short videos, live broadcasts and content e-commerce, and at the same time, the official operation also released today's headlines and Douyin-related support policies on the spot.

The first summit of Creative Space (Kunming) empowers new media creation

Xu Jun, the founder of Yunxi Media, has been engaged in traditional media and new media for 12 years. In 2019, the Douyin short video entrepreneurship was launched, and the team members developed from 3 to 45 in two and a half years. Incubated the accounts @ Yunnan Zhang, @ Jin Wenxin, etc., with more than 2.7 million matrix fans and a total of more than 1.7 billion plays. Therefore, he took the theme of "The total number of broadcasts from 0 to 1.7 billion in the same city, how do we do it" to share with everyone the rich experience of building the same city number.

The first summit of Creative Space (Kunming) empowers new media creation

On today's headlines, vibrato, watermelon video and other platforms, how to create and disseminate content that promotes the excellent culture of ethnic minorities? Song Mingwen, co-founder of Tibetan Brothers and Sisters (Sozhen & Gyatso), used his personal experience of creating a Tibetan account with 3.2 million followers, "Tibetan Brothers and Sisters", to reveal "How Ethnic Minority Culture Goes Global". Subsequently, Li Dong, CEO of Fire Culture Media, brought a wonderful sharing to everyone - Douyin e-commerce, three steps of e-commerce operation, from the analysis of e-commerce operation, e-commerce operation cognition and e-commerce operation process three steps to lead everyone to deeply understand Douyin e-commerce.

The first summit of Creative Space (Kunming) empowers new media creation

At present, the beauty industry and the beauty-related content market have broad prospects. However, beauty content is easy to get started with, but it is difficult to master. Cheese box culture self-operated and joint incubation of fashion, beauty and other vertical talents, the total number of fans exceeded 10 million, the annual sales of self-operated talents exceeded 10 million. Cheese Box Culture co-founder Shimoda Shimoda brought you the upgrade cheats of beauty content at the scene, so that everyone can "understand" beauty better. In addition to the wonderful sharing of the guests, the official operation also brings the latest support policies of the platform to the creators. Zhao Lingyi, head of creative space (Chongqing), brought the interpretation of the official support plan of today's headlines and released the "MCN Connoisseur Partner Program for Today's Headlines" on the spot. Yang Ruiran, head of the creative space (Kunming), brought the "Douyin Xinhe Plan" to support the better growth of Douyin anchors. After the theme sharing, the atmosphere was very hot, many creators asked questions about the problems they encountered in their creation, and there was frequent interaction on and off the stage, and finally everyone returned with a full load.

Kunming Daily all-media reporter: Wang Shan

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Xi

Editor: Zhou Jianjun

Final Judge: Qian Hongbing

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