
Country Garden's service was really punctual


Country Garden property service is really very punctual, on time to collect property service fees, on time to earn the community advertising fees, on time to collect the community parking fee, for the community where the equipment hardware has passed the warranty period that is more familiar, collected the property fee does not update the equipment and facilities to the community, improve the quality of service, always want to go to the set of maintenance funds paid by the owner, and so on which day the set is finished, the owner is estimated to have to re-pay, a few times a year, but also to serve, do not know whether the property service fee collected is to play the role of garbage handling in the community, The rest went into the property fee

Country Garden's service was really punctual
Country Garden's service was really punctual
Country Garden's service was really punctual

It is said that it has opened a owners' meeting, and as a result, the community has repeatedly asked for the establishment of an industry committee, but it cannot be built, everything is decided by the property, and the owners are bullied wantonly

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