
Weng Sizai: The deceased is like Si, and the cigarettes are endless - reminiscing about Mr. Tan Yuanshou

author:Xinmin Network
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"翁思再:逝者如斯,香烟不绝——追忆谭元寿先生","en":"Weng Sizai: The deceased is like Si, and the cigarettes are endless - reminiscing about Mr. Tan Yuanshou"},"description":{"content":"著名京剧表演艺术家谭元寿先生于10月9日12时许,在京逝世,享年92岁。与他亦师亦友的翁思再回忆往事,不胜唏嘘,第一时间...","en":"Mr. Tan Yuanshou, a famous Peking Opera performance artist, died in Beijing at about 12 o'clock on October 9 at the age of 92. Weng Si, who is also a teacher and friend of him, recalls the past again, and sighs, the first time..."}},"items":[]}

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