
Inventory: Hidden details in The Big Bang Theory, 278 episodes did not say penny's surname

author:Vega is European and American control
{"v":1,"info":{"title":{"content":"盘点:《生活大爆炸》中的隐藏细节,278集都没说潘妮姓什么","en":"Inventory: Hidden details in The Big Bang Theory, 278 episodes did not say penny's surname"},"description":{"content":"《生活大爆炸》作为大家最爱的美剧,已经不仅仅是一部情景喜剧了,这部剧已经成为了一种流行文化,其中更是有不少隐藏细节,值得...","en":"\"The Big Bang Theory\", as everyone's favorite American drama, is not only a sitcom, this drama has become a popular culture, and there are many hidden details, which are worth..."}},"items":[]}