
The real "nine-story demon tower", experts excavated two floors and stopped, why did no one dare to move the other seven floors?

author:Elephant microvision

In a variety of tomb robbery film and television works, the frequent occurrence of the nine-story demon tower, in reality, many times the tomb robbers came, but there are countless precious cultural relics, many of the excavated animal corpses are unknown, and archaeologists entered, only dug two layers and did not dare to dig again, what is the secret here that no one knows?

The real "nine-story demon tower", experts excavated two floors and stopped, why did no one dare to move the other seven floors?

At the junction of Tibet and Qinghai, in an uninhabited canyon, there really exists a thousand-year-old tower-shaped tomb, which is called a nine-story demon tower by the locals. Qinghai Dulan County Chahan Wusu town about ten kilometers southeast of the hot water tank, there is a huge ancient tomb group, the local people can not say the age of these tombs, but feel that the form of the tomb is neither like the Han nor like the Tibetans, because there are ancient tombs, here is often stolen tomb thieves patronize, sometimes bold thieves, actually dare to send excavators to rob the tomb, the local government learned of the situation, but also quickly reported to the state, the state immediately launched a rescue excavation work, through the archaeologists day and night efforts, finally determined that this is a place " Tuguhun Kingdom" royal tomb group.

The real "nine-story demon tower", experts excavated two floors and stopped, why did no one dare to move the other seven floors?

Tuguhun is an ancient ethnic group in the northwestern region of China, and these three words are personal names, not national names. He was the eldest son of the head of the Xianbei Murong family in the Liaodong Yan kingdom, and because he was a concubine, he had always been wary of his concubines, so he left the royal family with his 700 subordinates and went to the Gansu area, where he multiplied. With the integration with the Qiang, the tribe gradually expanded to Qinghai, and later the descendants changed Tuguhun into a surname and tribal name, and then he was defeated by Tubo and finally disappeared into the long river of history.

The real "nine-story demon tower", experts excavated two floors and stopped, why did no one dare to move the other seven floors?

Also known as the "Blood Wei No. 1 Tomb", the nine-story demon tower is 33 meters high, 55 meters from east to west, and 37 meters wide from north to south, which is spectacular, looking like a pyramid standing on a boulder in the distance, and the two mountains behind the tomb stretch from east to west, like two dragons. The tomb is like a jewel, forming the momentum of the second dragon play bead, the bottom of the tower is specially made of mud and rubble to form a wall wrapped, exceptionally strong and difficult to punch holes in it. Every other meter or so, there will be large cypress trees crisscrossing and evenly thin across the entire tower, and the slightest carelessness may be life-threatening. The cypress wood is densely engraved with Tibetan secret texts, layer by layer until it reaches the ninth floor. On the basis of cypress wood as the skeleton, supplemented by solid stone ramming, the entire ancient tomb is like a fortress, which has been immortalized after thousands of years.

The real "nine-story demon tower", experts excavated two floors and stopped, why did no one dare to move the other seven floors?

After the investigation of experts, many precious cultural relics have been unearthed, jewelry, silk, ancient leather whips, ancient Tibetan wood chips, wooden plates, grain, wooden birds and beasts, etc., which has to admire the wisdom and technology of ancient laborers, even after so many years, the silk they made is still intact, and their texture is also very good, and the patterns carried on them are still clear.

The real "nine-story demon tower", experts excavated two floors and stopped, why did no one dare to move the other seven floors?

According to the research of archaeologists, this tomb has a history of more than 1500 years, and according to the rich funerary products in the tomb, the owner of this tomb is the king and grandson of the Tuguhun kingdom at that time, and there are even a large number of animal burial bones. Coupled with its unique construction, it is inferred that this is a royal tomb of extraordinary status.

The real "nine-story demon tower", experts excavated two floors and stopped, why did no one dare to move the other seven floors?

In this ancient tomb group, the crazy tomb robbers have been coveted for a long time, here has been illegally excavated by large and small is countless times, the most serious one, it was stolen more than 600 cultural relics, the number of amazing people is surprising, there are rumors that thieves entered the tomb after the hallucination, madness. Some people even died inexplicably inside, which seems to be very similar to the situation in film and television works, but it is not difficult to understand this situation, after all, it is a thousand-year-old tomb, which is fully possible due to the lack of oxygen in the perennial seal, coupled with the volatilization of some funerary products, which produces some toxic gases.

The real "nine-story demon tower", experts excavated two floors and stopped, why did no one dare to move the other seven floors?

According to the excavation historical records at that time, the excavation process of the tomb at that time was very difficult, each floor of the tomb had the general height of a three-story building, and the pattern structure of each floor was also different. It is not an exaggeration to say that there is a world of difference from the previous tomb discoveries, and what is more mysterious is that the excavated objects are also incredible. After the excavation of the first two floors of the tomb, archaeologists found that the excavations were mainly animal corpses, according to the statistics of about 700 at that time, and most of the animal breeds were rare and precious, and there were many corpses that were unknown. This incident gave birth to many rumors and legends at that time.

The real "nine-story demon tower", experts excavated two floors and stopped, why did no one dare to move the other seven floors?

The locals believe that these animal carcasses are unheard of, they think that these corpses are demonic things, the meaning is unknown, and believe that this tomb is used to suppress these monsters, must not be destroyed, coupled with various strange events in the excavation process, the name of the nine-story demon tower was "conceived". After the archaeological excavation was carried out in the middle of the period, the local people were afraid that the archaeological excavation of the demon tower would bring about an ominous disaster, and there were many riots in an attempt to prevent the continuation of the archaeological work, which brought great inconvenience to the archaeological studio at that time, based on the pressure of public opinion, the archaeological excavation at that time was terminated several times, the progress was slow, and finally had to be helplessly stopped, which may be one of the main reasons why the excavation of the nine-story demon tower was only carried out to the second floor.

The real "nine-story demon tower", experts excavated two floors and stopped, why did no one dare to move the other seven floors?

The Tubo people were also worried about their hatred and revenge, so they demonized these people, and the legend that the Tuguhun subjects had a nine-story demon tower was even more demonized. This place was once a forbidden place for the Tubo people, so that some later novels and film and television works created a magical and terrifying nine-story demon tower based on him.

The real "nine-story demon tower", experts excavated two floors and stopped, why did no one dare to move the other seven floors?

Archaeologists dug two floors because they had been visited by warlords and tomb robbers, and warlords had led soldiers to loot the tombs for two days, and these treasures had made a remarkable contribution to the expansion of their military power. After continuing to dig down, it was found that with the existing level of technology, there is no way to protect the cultural relics in the ancient tomb, and because the cypress wood has been loose for a long time, it is likely that there will be a collapse phenomenon when increasing the excavation, and under comprehensive consideration, the state decided to suspend the excavation of this ancient tomb.

The real "nine-story demon tower", experts excavated two floors and stopped, why did no one dare to move the other seven floors?

And there are many questions about the nine-story demon tower, such as the construction of such a huge tomb using a lot of cypress wood, and the northwest region does not produce this tree, so where does it come from? And for such a vast project, for a nation that is not good at civil engineering, how is it built? This kind of doubt, perhaps after digging the following layers, the mystery will be revealed, then let the secret of this magical nine-story demon tower sleeping in the north of the desert be left to future generations to explore.

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