
A family of three in Shenzhen crawled into the lungs into the parasite, the doctor is helpless: love to eat aquatic products pay attention to why eating crabs eat out of the "lung fluke disease" common parasites related to the aquatic product diet 3 symptoms, to determine whether they are infected with parasites How to prevent parasitic infections

author:Wonderful materia medica

"The fifth case this month is a disease eaten by aquatic products."

The doctor shook his head, very helpless.

Autumn winds, crab feet itch. At present, it is the season to eat crabs, many diners join the "crab eating army", and even more in order to pursue the deliciousness of the ingredients, choose more fresh and slippery drunken crabs. However, although the drunken crab is fresh, the risk is not small: recently in Shenzhen, a family of three went to the hospital in order to "taste the early".

About a month after the family ate this year's "head crab", symptoms such as fever, abdominal pain, bloating, fatigue, decreased appetite, and dry cough appeared one after another. After going to the hospital for examination, all three of them were diagnosed with "lung trematodiasis".

The doctor also spread his hands: "This has been calculated in time, if the medical treatment is not timely, the parasite invades the brain and causes a brain hernia, and even life cannot be saved." ”

A family of three in Shenzhen crawled into the lungs into the parasite, the doctor is helpless: love to eat aquatic products pay attention to why eating crabs eat out of the "lung fluke disease" common parasites related to the aquatic product diet 3 symptoms, to determine whether they are infected with parasites How to prevent parasitic infections

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > why eat crabs eat "lung fluke disease"</h1>

Lung fluke disease, also known as conjunctivosis, is a disease caused by the parasitism of conjunctivated trematodiasis in human organs. [1] After lung flukes infect the human body, they invade the lungs through the blood, resulting in inflammation in the lungs, which can cause chest tightness, cough, fever and other symptoms, and when severe, there will be difficulty breathing.

The way of human infection with lung flukes is mainly to eat raw, or eat half-cooked freshwater shrimp, crabs and other aquatic products made of pickled, such aquatic animals are the intermediate hosts of lung flukes, and are easily infected and parasitized by lung fluke larvae. Humans who drink contaminated water directly can also lead to parasitism of lung trematodes. Lung flukes develop into adults in the lungs of the host, and their eggs are excreted with the host's feces for a new round of parasitism. Lung flukes are widely distributed in many provinces in China, such as Guangdong, Fujian, Sichuan, Zhejiang, etc., and people in these areas need special attention.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > common parasite associated with the aquatic diet</h1>

Lung flukes. Lung flukes are one of the most common aquatic parasites, and if they are not treated in time after invading the lungs, they will invade the brain and cause encephalitis and brain hernia, resulting in serious sequelae and even life-threatening.

Liver flukes. Liver flukes, as the name suggests, are a parasite that can cause hepatitis and hepatic ascites. Diners who like to eat cold live shrimp, raw loach and yellow eel blood are all susceptible people. [2] Once infected, eggs and larvae quickly enter the body through the digestive tract, causing gastrointestinal discomfort, abdominal pain and vomiting, fever and other symptoms. If the treatment is not timely, it will damage the internal organs and cause hepatitis, cholangitis and other diseases. This parasite has a very long lifespan, can survive in the human body for decades, and the liver will appear hepatocyte necrosis under its long-term stimulation, forming cirrhosis and even liver cancer.

Guangzhou tube round nematode. Guangzhou tube roundworm is distributed in the southern region of China, and the intermediate host is Fushou snail, frog and shrimp common in paddy fields. After a person eats the incompletely cooked Fushou snail meat containing insect eggs, the eggs enter the human body and will develop into adult worms within 2 to 4 months. Adult worms circulate through the blood to reach the brain, invade the nerve central system, patients will have headaches, nausea, fever and other symptoms, which can seriously endanger life.

Xenocephalus. This parasite is brought by marine fish such as small yellow croakers and striped fish produced in the sea. They are usually infected by eating fish fillets and eggs raw. After infection, symptoms such as gastric mucosal edema, hyperemia, and epigastric pain with vomiting may occur.

A family of three in Shenzhen crawled into the lungs into the parasite, the doctor is helpless: love to eat aquatic products pay attention to why eating crabs eat out of the "lung fluke disease" common parasites related to the aquatic product diet 3 symptoms, to determine whether they are infected with parasites How to prevent parasitic infections

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > 3 symptoms to determine whether you are infected with parasites</h1>

Parasitic diseases cause different pathological changes and clinical symptoms due to different types of insects and parasitic sites.

The most common are gastrointestinal symptoms. Since parasites enter the body from the digestive tract, the most direct symptoms are the reactions of the digestive tract, such as nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc. Some parasites staying in the stomach can also cause stomach ulcers and congestion of the gastric mucosa, triggering severe inflammation.

Secondly, after the parasite enters the bloodstream, it will enter the brain with the circulation of blood and parasitize in the brain, causing some symptoms of the head. The central nervous system of the brain is damaged, and the most common symptoms are headaches and epileptic lesions. Severe cases can cause permanent brain damage, and these parasites usually need to be removed by surgery.

If it is a parasite infected in vitro, it will produce symptoms on the skin. Patients may experience symptoms such as redness, swelling, itching, etc., and are often mistaken for allergies.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > how to prevent parasitic infections</h1>

Although the parasite has a strong ability to survive in the wild, as long as they pay attention to food, they can avoid being infected.

Don't blindly eat raw food. Some people listen to the rumor that drinking yellow eel blood can make up for it, often take raw yellow eel blood to drink, and finally infected with liver fluke worms. In fact, yellow eel blood does not have a high health effect at all, and it is easy to bring diseases. In addition, we should pay attention to not eating raw aquatic products, such as shrimp, crabs, frogs, snails, etc., these ingredients even after pickling and seasoning, still can not make the parasites in them die.

Reliable method of processing. Parasites can die by thorough heating, but to reach a sufficient length and a high enough temperature at the same time, such as quick frying, sautéing, such a short cooking time may not be able to kill all the parasites in the food. In addition, many people think that the parasites in aquatic products can be eliminated with vinegar or wine, but the vitality of these parasites is very tenacious, and the high number of wine, mustard, vinegar and other seasonings cannot be effectively killed by preserving. Of course, drinking spirits and white vinegar after eating raw seafood cannot be sterilized.

Practice hygiene and wash your hands frequently. Sometimes after processing the aquatic products, the parasites will remain on the hands, so be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling fresh foods. In addition, it is also necessary to develop the habit of washing hands before meals, so as to avoid bacteria entering the body after touching objects.

A family of three in Shenzhen crawled into the lungs into the parasite, the doctor is helpless: love to eat aquatic products pay attention to why eating crabs eat out of the "lung fluke disease" common parasites related to the aquatic product diet 3 symptoms, to determine whether they are infected with parasites How to prevent parasitic infections

Infected by parasites will face serious digestive tract, brain and organ lesions, but as long as the parasite does not eat raw food or half-raw food will not come to the door, so do not eat drunken crabs, raw fish and other fresh for a momentary appetite, must be fully heated before eating.


[1] "This food can't be eaten like this!" A Family of 3 in Guangdong will be recruited after eating! Nearly killed.... World Wide Web.2020-09-17

[2] Eat seafood with caution And watch out for parasites. Food Talk.2015(07)

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#你好, the autumn equinox ##39健康超能团 #

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