
Parent-child reading | Children's Literature Hamlet

author:A prince kisses

Everyone is their own teacher! The author greatly renews the article for a long time, and may reading light up everyone's life.

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Today I share Hamlet, which is a play. Drama is not only a stage art, but also an important literary genre.

Before reading Hamlet with our children, we can teach them some basic knowledge about drama. Both the East and the West have ancient theatrical traditions, and the ancient Chinese drama is closer to "quyi". Therefore, Chinese drama is also called "xiqu", Tang poems, Song ci, yuan qu and called.

Yuanqu is a yuan miscellaneous opera, which is a sign of the maturity of Chinese theater art. Immortal works such as "Dou E'e Grievance" and "The Tale of the West Chamber" have emerged. Later, during the Ming and Qing dynasties, works such as "Peony Pavilion" and "Peach Blossom Fan" also became classics of traditional Chinese literature.

The Western theatrical tradition is more inclined to "drama". According to historians and cultural scholars, ancient Greece was the birthplace of Western theater. At that time, the people would worship Dionysus, dionysus, and at the Dionysus celebration, everyone danced and sang "Ode to Dionysus". Later, such primitive sacrifice activities gradually evolved into performance activities with special actors, special props, and special stages, that is, the prototype of drama.

In Athens and other places, literary artists specializing in theatrical creation such as the "Three Masters of Tragedy" and the "Three Masters of Comedy" have emerged. From ancient Greece onwards, there were countless western dramatists, but there was only one person standing at the top of the theater, Shakespeare.

On April 23, 1564, Shakespeare was born. Coincidentally, the day he died was also On April 23. This special day has since been designated by the United Nations as World Book Day. Shakespeare was a great success both before and after his death. His contemporaries had a dramatist named Ben Johnson, who was also very popular in England, but Ben Johnson praised Shakespeare. He said that Shakespeare did not belong to an era, but to thousands of generations.

Later generations of literary heroes were also loyal fans of Shakespeare. Goethe, Hugo, Balzac and others not only worshipped Shakespeare, but also consciously or unconsciously imitated Shakespeare. Shakespeare was also very important to Britain. Dawn dawn dawn, eyeball, generous generous, these are all created by Shakespeare in his works. He alone created about 1700 English words. Without Shakespeare, it is estimated that modern Britons would have difficulty communicating.

Shakespeare had a bumpy road to growth before achieving such achievements. He was fascinated by theatrical acting at an early age, but unfortunately, his father went bankrupt when he was 14 years old, and Shakespeare had to leave school, where he worked as an apprentice in a butcher's shop.

In 1586, at the age of 22, he came to London, where he worked as a miscellaneous job in a theater and showed the audience horses. In his spare time, he quietly watched the performances on the stage, and insisted on teaching himself literature, history, philosophy, and Greek and Latin. When the troupe needed extras, he volunteered himself, and with his excellent understanding and superb acting skills, Shakespeare succeeded in becoming a dragon set from groom. Soon after, he was absorbed into the official actor.

While learning acting, Shakespeare also read a lot of books. Knowing the history of Britain and the suffering of the people, he decided to try to write some plays on historical themes as well. At the age of 27, he created the historical drama "Henry VI", which was very popular with audiences. At the age of 31, he wrote Romeo and Juliet. After the play was staged, Shakespeare's name caused a sensation throughout London. The audience flocked to the theater like a tidal wave to see the play.

After becoming famous, Shakespeare still liked to take the stage on his own, and it is said that the Queen of England once came to see his performance in person. In order to test his concentration, the queen also deliberately threw a handkerchief on the stage. Shakespeare, who was playing the king, saw it and solemnly instructed the "minister" next to him to pick up my sister's handkerchief.

Shakespeare was also a businessman who was good at investing. Writers of the same period wrote scripts to earn contributions, and they could not make ends meet. But the shrewd Shakespeare bought land and took a stake in the theatre, earning as much as £60 a year. At that time, a principal earned only £20 a year, from butcher apprentices, village teachers, grooms, and finally into the troupe, all the way from actor to screenwriter director, to big boss. Shakespeare is truly a model of success in counterattack and on the pinnacle of life. But apparently his success was not the identity of a businessman.

Shakespeare's surviving works include 39 plays, 154 sonnets, and two long narrative poems. Later generations summed up his masterpieces as "four major comedies" and "four tragedies". Hamlet is the first of his "Four Tragedies" Since 1877, every 12 days in the West, an article or an article on hamlet has been published. So there's that sentence, a thousand readers have a thousand Hamlets.

Speaking of this book, many people will first think of "revenge of the prince". In fact, "Hamlet" is about much more than a court revenge story. The book has three revenge story lines, Hamlet's Revenge, Leotis's Revenge, and Norwegian Prince Fordingbras's Revenge. Because of the coincidence of fate, the stories of the three young men are entangled.

At the end of the story, the three achieve revenge in some way. Hamlet stabbed his uncle to death, Leotis and Hamlet perished, and the Prince of Norway inherited Hamlet's land. Through cross-comparison, Shakespeare points out three different meanings. Leotis's revenge is the simplest. He was simple-minded and simple and reckless, and at the instigation of the treacherous king, he transferred all his hatred to Hamlet, and even tried to use despicable means to conspire against Hamlet in the process of comparing swords.

Such ugly behavior is in stark contrast to Hamlet's luminous demeanor. Fordynbras's revenge was not only for the dignity of his own father, but also for Norway. He appears only three times in the play, but wins Hamlet's admiration. Hamlet said fortinbras, as obvious as the earth as a good example. At the end of the story, Fordingbras won the battle, led his army to Denmark, and took over the throne, burying Hamlet.

Three pairs of revenge relationships, it seems that only Fordingbras is the biggest winner. And this big winner is actually setting off the tragedy of Hamlet's revenge. Why did Shakespeare design it that way. Fordynbras and Hamlet are too many in a similar place, both are princes, both are on a mission to avenge their father, but Norway is determined to make a comeback and recover the lost land.

Fordybus, who grew up in this environment, developed a "fiery character" isolated from hesitation, and his boldness was lacking in Hamlet and envied by Hamlet. Leotis and Fortinbras, two threads set off Hamlet as a tragic hero from different angles. Compared with Leotis, his kindness and wisdom shine brighter. Compared with Fordembraz, his hesitation and weakness are also more pronounced.

Of course, the main line of the story is Hamlet's revenge. The main theme of ancient times and the present has been "happiness and revenge". We often see the protagonist in the story who hides his patience, investigates the truth, secretly plans, and waits until the time is ripe to blade the enemy. But Hamlet's revenge process is full of hesitation, hesitation, and even repeated opportunities, and why.

We can tell our children that Shakespeare's tragedy is classified as a "character tragedy," so the "tragicness" of the character's character is the key to understanding it. It's not just Hamlet, everyone in the show pays for their actions. Everyone dies in a different way, judged by fate.

Hamlet had many opportunities to solve his enemies, but he missed the opportunity because of hesitation. Leotis's swordsmanship was inferior to Hamlet's, but he was used for impulsive recklessness. Ophelia and Hamlet's mother, who originally harbored a love for Hamlet, oscillated between good and evil because of their vulnerability, but their "destiny" was their own making, and it was their character that dominated choices and a series of consequences.

Shakespeare wants to tell us through the experiences of these people that human misfortune cannot be attributed to any external contingency, but to personal nature and choice. Hamlet's greatness lies in the fact that he has experienced the process of growing from a child to a heroic warrior, once he had the eyes of a courtier, the tongue of a scholar, the sword of a soldier, and was "a delicate flower that the country looks forward to", a delicate flower that lives in a greenhouse, nourished by family, friendship and love, and this dreamlike life is completely shattered overnight.

Touchingly, he finally made up his mind, not afraid of sacrifice, even if he had a premonition, he still chose to compare swords with Leotis, and finally he killed his uncle to remove the worst monarch for Denmark, and he completed his growth before leaving the world.

Life is only once. This is just like Mr. Lu Xun said, the real warrior dares to face the bleak life and dare to face the dripping blood. Therefore, the famous Russian literary hero Belinsky said that Hamlet is strong by nature. But people still ask if the tragedy of his character cannot be avoided. Isn't it because Hamlet hesitates that the story turns into sadness?

In fact, Shakespeare has his own thinking. He sent Hamlet into thinking about "survival or destruction." Shakespeare also uses Hamlet's words and deeds to discuss with the reader the ultimate proposition of survival and destruction. It is precisely because of this problem that Cliff James of the United States evaluates Hamlet as embodying the dignity and nobility of human consciousness.

Survival and destruction are, first and foremost, a matter of reality. Many times, people have to face trade-offs. This also makes people suffer from "choice phobia". Hamlet is no exception. He needs to resolve the contradiction between the individual and the state. He is different from the other two Avengers. Hamlet had no real power in his hands, and his uncle was supported by most of his courtiers. Kill it hastily, the country will fall into chaos, and what will happen if foreign enemies invade. Hamlet loved his father, and he loved the country and the people, and he could not fail to consider the national interest. So he wouldn't take revenge until his uncle's sin was fully confirmed. And even if it was confirmed, he still refused to kill the enemy without thinking.

"Survival and destruction" is still a matter of value. Hamlet was educated in humanism and believed that people are valuable. Humanity is a marvellous masterpiece! Have noble reason, great power, beautiful appearance and elegant behavior! Like an angel! Revenge means assassination, conspiracy, and the nature of Hamlet's sunshine are in conflict. He originally had a beautiful view of human nature, but reality made him greatly disappointed in "human nature". He saw clearly the sinister and evil souls of his uncles, the greed and infidelity of his mother, the slaves of courtiers, the betrayal and alienation of close friends, who preferred to be in the company of evil and lost their value as human beings.

So, under the collision of ideals and reality, Hamlet began to think that this was a person's problem. Some people's problems are still "people's" problems. Hamlet realizes that his mission is not just to assassinate a traitor, but also to "turn things around". Transforming this chaotic world, he must entrust the country to Fordybras if he wants to achieve maximum value, because in his eyes, Fordynbras is a giant of action. Compared with his delayed personality, he can shoulder the heavy responsibility of reorganizing the rivers and mountains.

Big friends may wonder if "survival and destruction" are insoluble problems. In fact, Hamlet finally overcame the pressure of survival or destruction. In the graveyard scene in the first scene of the fifth act, Hamlet has already made a choice in his heart. He said that from this impermanence of fate, we should be able to see through the essence of life. Does life grow only to become these dry bones, to make people play like a game of wooden blocks?

Through thinking, Hamlet had an epiphany. As the "primate of all things", human beings are only a fleeting grain of dust in the infinite space-time of the universe and all things. Therefore, it is important to complete the cause and mission with a limited life. So Hamlet resolutely went to the duel, freed the country from evil, and made his choice noble.

The hero Hamlet bids farewell to this world, but the careerist who does everything in his power for personal gain also bids farewell to this world. The question of "survival and destruction" is eternal, and the struggle between good and evil is also eternal. Although Hamlet is gone, he represents justice and wins. He is also remembered in Denmark and beyond.

Hugo's words are very thought-provoking. Hamlet is as real as each of us, but greater than we are. He was a giant, but a real man. Because Hamlet is not you, nor me, but all of us. Hamlet is not a person, but a person.

For every child who loves literature, Shakespeare and his "Hamlet" are a solid stone that must be stepped on, so it is recommended that every big friend should help the child to appreciate Shakespeare's scenery.

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Zhao Zijun, an article a day, recording work life, reading and learning. Be a seed that spreads love.

Public number: Zhao Jun. Writing is not just about recording, it is evoking some beautiful hearts that are sleeping.

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