
Gao Xiang, deputy secretary of the party leading group and vice president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: The most important value in commemorating the Xinhai Revolution is to learn from the past and think about the future

author:Hubei Daily
Gao Xiang, deputy secretary of the party leading group and vice president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: The most important value in commemorating the Xinhai Revolution is to learn from the past and think about the future

On October 26, the International Symposium to Commemorate the 110th Anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution, jointly organized by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Hubei Provincial People's Government, was held in Wuhan. The seminar was conducted in the form of a combination of online and offline, and more than 100 experts and scholars from China, Britain, South Korea, Japan, the United States and other countries and scholars conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the theme of "Xinhai Revolution and National Rejuvenation".

At the seminar, Gao Xiang, deputy secretary of the party group and vice president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, made a keynote speech on "Studying and Implementing the Spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Speech and Deepening the Historical Research of the Xinhai Revolution". Gao Xiang pointed out that the Xinhai Revolution is a great and arduous exploration of the Chinese people and China's advanced intellectuals to realize national independence and people's liberation, and we must deeply study and profoundly grasp the historical inevitability of the occurrence of the Xinhai Revolution and the great historical significance of the Xinhai Revolution, thoroughly study and profoundly grasp the inheritance and development of the Chinese Communists for Dr. Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary cause, deeply study and profoundly grasp the important historical enlightenment since the Xinhai Revolution, and in summing up and inheriting history. Push forward the grand cause of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Gao Xiang pointed out that only the Communist Party of China can unite and unite the Chinese nation and truly take the future of the country and the nation into its own hands. Without the Communist Party of China, there would be no new China and no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This is the most fundamental conclusion drawn from summing up the 110-year history since the Xinhai Revolution. "Not seeing the CPC's inheritance of the cause of the Xinhai Revolution is not the proper attitude of respecting history; we cannot see the main tide of the times of China's social progress since the 20th century, we cannot see the development and transcendence of the CPC over the cause of the Xinhai Revolution, nor is it the respect that history deserves."

"The most important value in commemorating the Xinhai Revolution is to learn from the past and think about the past." Gao Xiang said: In the history of mankind, great social progress has never been achieved overnight, and it is always hoped to coexist with difficulties, exploration and twists and turns. This requires us to sum up more profoundly the history of China since the Xinhai Revolution, explore the sources, gain and lose, and right and wrong, profoundly sum up the internal logic of our nation to today, unswervingly adhere to the most fundamental historical conclusions, draw wisdom and strength from the long river of history to the future, and unite as one to rejuvenate China.

(Hubei Daily all-media reporter Zhou Lei)

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