
The dream of revival stirs people's hearts | Great dreams

author:China Education News

Chinese believe that no matter how high the mountain is, if you climb up, you can always reach the top; no matter how long the road is, if you go down, you will be able to reach it. In modern times, realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has become the greatest dream of the Chinese nation, and the people of the Chinese have waged a sustained struggle for more than 170 years to realize this great dream with the courage to fight the enemy to the end, the determination to restore the old things on the basis of self-reliance, and the ability to stand on their own feet among the nations of the world. Today, the people of Chinese are closer, more confident and capable of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history. I believe that as long as more than 1.3 billion Chinese people always carry forward this great dream spirit, we will certainly be able to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

——Xi Jinping

The hundred-year journey is magnificent, and the original intention of the hundred-year journey has lasted for a long time. In order to realize the dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, from suffering to glory, the CPC has embarked on a road of endeavor through blood and fire in the past century; from confusion to self-improvement, the CPC has embarked on an increasingly broad and bright road in the past century.

No matter how high the mountain is, if you climb up, you can always reach the top; no matter how long the road is, if you go down, you will be able to reach it. While celebrating the centenary of the Communist Party of China, let us explore the dream journey of the Chinese Communists.

A dialogue between "roots" and "veins"

If you want to choose a book that has influenced China for the past 100 years, the Communist Manifesto must be on the list. In 1920, Chen Wangdao, who was translating the Communist Manifesto, ate the rice dumplings dipped in ink without hesitation, but directly called out that "the taste of truth is a little sweet."

This year, he was 29 years old. A thousand autumns of a huge pen, the first translated declaration, that thin pamphlet, cut through the night sky before the dawn of China.

Since then, the land of Shenzhou has rolled up the storm of communism. Those who read the Communist Manifesto on linen paper under oil lamps, wearing bucket hats and shoulder darts, shouted "Proletarians of the world unite" and roared through the mountains and forests.

Time is a faithful listener of truth, all the noise and noise will be lost in the dust of time, and all insights will be precipitated on the riverbed of history. For 100 years, countless people with lofty ideals have gathered under the banner of faith for their dreams. In them, there is the spiritual code of this group, and the spiritual map common to communists. Today, this "code" and "map" are entering the textbook and entering the classroom.

Seedlings first nurture roots, and educate people first cultivate hearts. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We must do a good job in the study and education of young people, focus on telling the story of the party, the story of the revolution, and the story of heroes, and cultivate the feelings of loving the party, the country, and socialism, so that the red gene and the revolutionary torch can be passed on from generation to generation." ”

100 years later, a group of young teachers and students after the 90s and 00s took over the seeds left by the revolutionary predecessors.

In Shanghai, the birthplace of the party, red resources are also spread throughout various colleges and universities, and the Shanghai education system strives to seek a point of convergence between red culture and ideological and political education in colleges and universities, which arouses strong patriotic resonance among teachers and students. As a pilot province for the comprehensive reform of education in China, Shanghai pioneered the experience and practice of curriculum thinking and politics. Good course thinking is like sugar-soluble water, such as salt into the taste, so that professional courses more flavorful.

In Zhejiang, where the red boat set sail, the director of the department entered the classroom, the dean entered the classroom, and the principal entered the classroom, making the ideological and political science class rich and concrete, and the students more truly felt the breadth and heat of the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Zhejiang. Nowadays, on the podiums of Zhejiang universities, primary and secondary schools, more and more new faces have emerged - outstanding seniors, counselors, experts and scholars outside the school, local party and government cadres, social elites...

In Jiangxi, where the red gene flows affectionately, in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, the education system strives to integrate the red gene into the whole process of colleges, middle schools and kindergartens, and cast the soul with the red gene.

In Guizhou, from universities to primary and secondary schools, from the practice of educating people in the classroom to social services outside the campus, the study and education of party history for young people in all schools and schools everywhere is in full swing. Telling historical stories, using red resources, invigorating forms of education, and introducing various new methods and new technologies, the study and education of party history has really "caught fire" among young people.

Two groups of young people "holding hands"

There are many ways to tell the story of the Chinese Communist Party. One of the stories is about the "entrepreneurial history" of a group of enthusiastic young people.

There are dreams in the heart and light in the eyes. This is a sketch of the young people of that era. As Chen Duxiu wrote in the publication of "New Youth": Youth is like the early spring, like the sun, like the budding of the hundred flowers, like the new hair of the sharp blade.

Among the crowds running toward the light were young ladies from rich families, peasant children from mountainous villages, passionate young students, deviant intellectuals, and industrial workers with nothing. The common dream makes them with different life trajectories gather under the same banner.

In order to dream, they "bravely went forward, worked hard to achieve it, and severed their heads and bled to follow it." In the sky of modern history where the night was as long as a rock and the humiliation was like a mountain, they left behind the call of "young China", the expectation of "the Chinese nation to be rebuilt", and the cry of "rejuvenating China"...

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "A political party, like a person, the most precious thing is to go through vicissitudes and have a pure heart. "After 100 years, the scene of the times has changed several times, and it is so difficult to maintain the "heart of the child".

If we fold this hundred years of time and meet with the revolutionary martyrs who are active in history, today's young people will still have the feeling of "as if they are the old people", because like their predecessors, they use youth as firewood and life as oil. They also have fire in their hearts and light in their eyes.

Today, a new generation of young people are crossing time and space to remember the sages and talk to the great spirit.

"My grandfather was a Soldier of the Red Army, who died on the Long March; my father joined the People's Liberation Army; I myself was a soldier... When I was young, bullet holes could often be seen in the trees in the village..." Zuo Jinming, the principal of Ren Bishi Middle School in Yongxin County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, who was born and raised in Sichuan, often used his personal experience to tell students about the red history of his hometown. He carefully sorted out the local revolutionary stories, and took the students to visit the Three Bay Maple Tree Plain, the Memorial Site of the Red Army's Songshan Campaign, and other places, telling the story of the Red Army's fighting years.

"The west wind is fierce, and the geese in the long sky are called frost and morning moon." In front of the exhibition hall of the Red Army Battle Site in Loushanguan, Zunyi, Guizhou, Ma Xinglei, a fifth-grade primary school student, told the story of the Red Army's "fierce battle at Loushan Pass" in Zunyi, Guizhou, and recited Chairman Mao's "Remembrance of Qin'e LoushanGuan" aloud at the emotional place. As a little red preacher in Zunyi City, 11-year-old Ma Xinglei is one of the countless red gene inheritors in the new era.

At the Xin'an Tour Group History Memorial Hall in Xin'an Primary School in Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, the students served as docents and told the stories of the Xin'an Tour Group to the visitors in a colorful way, further deepening their understanding of the history of the Party; in Nanjing, the Yuhuatai Martyrs' Cemetery cooperated with the school to carry out the "Red Culture into the Campus" project, the music class children sang the original songs of the heroic Martyr Zhao Liangzhang in unison, and the children in the art class used paintbrushes to draw proud snow red plums on the stones and make their own "Yuhua Stones".

In Chongqing, Li Yuzhen, a 92-year-old veteran party member and comrade-in-arms of Sister Jiang, told the story of party history and used her personal experience to educate the children to cherish a happy life...

A journey of dreams spanning centuries

100 years is only a short moment in the long river of human history, and it is enough to witness the glory and vicissitudes of a country, and the prosperity of a political party. To maintain the youthful vitality of the century-old party, we must always maintain the posture of chasing dreams, the mentality of catching up with examinations, the state of self-confidence, and the normal state of self-revolution.

Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Chinese people have gone through the development process of modernization in other countries for hundreds of years. It has left behind more than 100 years of suffering and backwardness, the confusion and wandering of generations, as well as the blockade and encirclement of a nascent country, the questioning and hostility to an emerging system.

"The people also work hard, but they can be well-off." Benefit this China, to appease the four sides. "This chant of the Book of Poetry more than 2,000 years ago carried the simple aspirations and social ideals of the Chinese nation to live in peace and contentment, with abundant food and clothing. However, throughout Chinese history, even the so-called "Taiping Dynasty" of feudal society has been out of reach.

On the occasion of the centenary of the Communist Party of China, ushering in the building of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and comprehensively building a higher level of moderately prosperous society that benefits more than one billion people is a solemn promise made by our party to the people and to history.

From being poor and white to being the world's second largest economy; from our "foreign stuff" of nails, matches, and kerosene, to "two bombs and one star" turning out to be born, "Chang'e" running to the moon, "Jiaolong" entering the sea, and "Shenzhou" flying in the sky...

Behind the countless miracles, countless young people march forward in triumph, casting the glory of youth with the youth self. Nowadays, on the stage of rural revitalization, special teachers are exerting the sweat and wisdom of youth in the classroom; on the road of building a scientific and technological power, young scientific and technological workers have devoted themselves to research and help the nine-day moon and deep-sea exploration dream come true...

A generation has a generation's long march to go, and a generation has a generation's dream to chase. Today, we are closer than at any time in history to realizing the dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the young people in the new era are in the best period of national development and are facing a rare opportunity to make meritorious contributions. However, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is by no means something that can be achieved easily by beating a gong and a drum.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the first session of the 13th National People's Congress that the Chinese people are people with the spirit of great dreams. In the long river of thousands of years of history, the people of Chinese have always cherished dreams and unremitting pursuits, we have not only formed the concept of a well-off life, but also adhered to the feeling of serving the public under the heavens, Pangu opened the sky, Nuwa supplemented the heavens, Fuxi painting, Shennong tasted grass, Quao father chased the sun, Jingwei reclamation, Yugong moved mountains and other ancient myths in our country profoundly reflected the Chinese people's courageous pursuit and realization of their dreams. Chinese believe that no matter how high the mountain is, if you climb up, you can always reach the top; no matter how long the road is, if you go down, you will be able to reach it. In modern times, realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has become the greatest dream of the Chinese nation, and the people of the Chinese have waged a sustained struggle for more than 170 years to realize this great dream with the courage to fight the enemy to the end, the determination to restore the old things on the basis of self-reliance, and the ability to stand on their own feet among the nations of the world. Today, the people of Chinese are closer, more confident and capable of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history. I believe that as long as more than 1.3 billion Chinese people always carry forward this great dream spirit, we will certainly be able to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

The grass and trees are hairy, and the spring mountains can be seen.

While offering a hundred years of blessings to the Communist Party of China, we are also facing the new centenary. Just as Li Dazhao, a pioneer of the Communist Party of China who was once in the old era and looked at the new world, said, "The golden age is not behind us, but in front of us; not in the past, but in the future."

(Reporter Liu Bozhi)