
Pain is the Price of Freedom, Live Soberly 19

Pain is the Price of Freedom, Live Soberly 19

Chapter 11: Suffering is the Price of Freedom

If you want to be free, just think of your inner pain as a temporary shift in the flow of energy. There is no reason to be afraid of such feelings. You don't have to be afraid of rejection, or fear of getting sick, or fear that someone will die, or fear that something will go wrong. You can't spend your life trying to escape what hasn't happened yet, or everything will become negative. In the end you will discover how likely everything is to go wrong.

Make up your mind from this moment on, pain is no longer a problem for you. It is just one thing that exists in the universe. Someone will say something that will make your heart react and on fire, but then it will disappear. This is only a temporary feeling. Most people never imagine what it would be like to have a quiet heart without trouble. But if you don't learn how to live with the troubles, you will spend your life trying to escape the troubles. If you feel insecure, think of it as just a feeling.

If something troubling touches the mind, the mind also tends to retreat and retreat to protect itself.

As long as you can't cope with pain, you will respond with closure to protect yourself. Once you close yourself, the mind builds the whole mental structure around your closed energy. Your mind will try to convince you why you are right, why others are wrong, and what you should do.

Unless you reach the point of voluntarily releasing inner suffering instead of running away from it, you will never be free. You have to learn to transcend yourself and no longer run away from pain.

Smart people don't want to be slaves to pain. They will keep the world as it is, rather than running away. They will devote themselves to life with all their hearts, rather than running away with their lives. If living causes trouble in your heart, don't back down, but let it pass like a gust of wind.

Relax your mind until you can really face the place where you feel hurt. Stay open and accepting, so you can be under pressure. You have to voluntarily be in a state of tension and pain and then relax, or even more. This is the deep growth and transformation.

To continue to be relaxed, you have to relax your shoulders and relax your mind. Let such emotions be released, leaving room for pain to cross, this is energy.

If you release and let the energy pass through, it will disappear. If you relax when pain arises in your heart and dare to face it, it will disappear. Every time you relax and release, a piece of pain disappears permanently. However, every time you resist and close, you will accumulate pain in your heart.

Sometimes you will notice that you feel passionate inside when the pain passes. In fact, when you relax in the energy of pain, you feel a huge passion within you. This is the result of pain purifying from within you. Learn to feel that kind of burning. This is called the fire of yoga.

In fact, suffering is the price of freedom. When you are willing to pay this price, you will no longer feel afraid. When you are no longer afraid of pain, you will be able to face the situations in your life without fear.

When you are willing to pay the price for freedom, the spirit grows. You must be in this voluntary state at all times and at all times, maintain a willingness to face suffering, and relax and remain open with your mind.

When you can calm down with the pain you experienced in your heart, you are free. This pain will never bother you again, because the world is trying to defeat you with the pain stored in your heart. If you don't mind this, if you're no longer afraid of yourself, you're free. You are able to live in this world more energetically and vibrantly than ever before.

"Live Soberly" by Mike Singer, no. 1 on the New York Times best-seller list, finds the medicine of trouble, entanglement, and pain by exploring the heart and knowing himself.

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