
The price of excessive freedom

author:A text of A

Freedom is a politically philosophical concept under which human beings can exercise self-domination, act by their own will, and be responsible for their actions. The most basic meaning of freedom is to be unchecked and unencumbered (bound, controlled, coerced, or coerced), or the absence of restrictions or obstacles. This is what Baidu Encyclopedia said.

Judging from the expression of less than 100 words, human freedom must first be able to self-dominate, and after domination, it must also act by its own will, and be responsible for it, which seems simple and extremely difficult to do.

Self-domination is easier, and freedom can be emphasized at any time, I am by me, and my life is up to me. The key is to be responsible for the adverse consequences of free action, and in some ways, your freedom affects the freedom of others, and sometimes the freedom of the whole.

The price of excessive freedom

This poses a certain challenge to many people who shout freedom, there are many people who want to be cool, they have to be responsible after they are cool, and they have to be responsible for a long time.

For example, the freedom of love and marriage, from a logical point of view, there is nothing wrong with it, it is very smooth, but if you look further down, you will find that behind this freedom, too many tears are buried.

Love freedom, is the young people as long as the two sides look at the eyes, and then through the mutual stimulation of hormones, dry firewood, entangled, the sky is long, the sea is dry and rotten, it is difficult to understand, even if the heavens want to forcibly dismantle it will be a broken thread.

The price of excessive freedom

After the screening of this sieve of time, the heat of both sides is reduced, the freshness is not there, the packaging that was once torn open, the shortcomings that were previously contained are gradually exposed, that is, you pick me faults, I find your stubble, quarrels arise from this, and even a big fight, to one shot and two scatters.

The two sides are completely separated, it is a certain blow to everyone, the family is broken, at least 3 people are hurt, especially the children are hurt, most of the children in single-parent families have a certain inferiority complex, the lack of that part of the love is difficult to make up, the unfortunate family has produced unfortunate children, which are all excessive freedom, flaunting self-inflicted disasters.

If marriage and separation were not so free, not so convenient, with a sense of sacred ritual like religion, then such union should be stable and not easy to separate.

For the goal of a complete family, both sides bear the responsibility of not moving like a mountain, which is not only the responsibility of men, half of the responsibility is also in women, both left and right hands are very important, to cooperate well to do a good job.

In order to have a complete family, for the children to have the full love of their parents, to be a little wronged, to let a little freedom, to be more bound, to find pleasure in suffering, to expand in less happiness.

The price of excessive freedom

Although the individual has lost a certain amount of freedom, in exchange for the integrity of the family, the freedom of the family has been picked up, and everyone can get his own share of freedom from it.

This is the idea of great unity that China has always emphasized, only great unification can produce scale effects, can the whole country play a game of chess, look at our success in fighting the epidemic in the past two years, we can understand that it is unimaginable without a unified culture, ideology and system, and the United States is so powerful that it has lost.

From the perspective of the long-term dimension, the freedom of the individual is far less important than the freedom of the family, the family has a lot of hidden freedom, there is the freedom of heavenly pleasure, there is the freedom to attack and retreat, there is the freedom to transform into affection with passion, after all, passion is short-lived, and family affection is long-lasting.

The family is stable, the mood of both parties should not be too bad, there are few bad things, they will be more positive in life and work, and they will enter a virtuous circle. If the feelings of the two sides are not compatible, the light will be greatly damaged mentally, and the heavy will hurt the bones and bones, and it will be difficult to ease for a long time, and talking and developing can only be a vicious circle.

Many separated couples who have not experienced the pain caused by the breakdown of feelings, intentionally or unintentionally to get rid of a certain bondage, choose to give up without hesitation, often most of them regret, such as monkeys breaking corn, always think that the back is better, may end up feeling that the front is better.

The price of excessive freedom

Of course, some of them have lived a better life because of separation, but they have been hurt to some extent, but to varying degrees, which is more or less inseparable from the free choice of overheated.

Whether it is investment, marriage, or other industries, there will be many unfortunate people, many people lack real free choice ability, coupled with excessive free choice, which is not good from the source, the result is naturally not good.

From this point of view, if you want to make yourself truly free, you have to give up some of your false freedom, and you have to give up what you have to do in order to be able to put it away freely, and I think this is the real freedom.

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