
Youth has never been missed, I try to follow in your footsteps, fortunately you are still here

author:East loves West love

Behind every story, there are deep emotions, and I use these stories to express your emotions.

East Love West Love/Text

She had never forgotten him, and as in the past, he had become obsessed. He was her acacia boy, and fate had stuck her to him from the moment he moved in. Under the arrangement of their parents, two people go to school together every day, day after day, year after year, spring, autumn, winter and summer.

When I was a teenager, I didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse. She watched him grow into a teenager and become a member of the girls who was often talked about. She didn't hesitate to think about it, but she never knew what kind of woman he liked, gentle and dignified or lively and cheerful, probably not related to her.

As she grew up, she wore braces because of the irregularity of her teeth, and she looked at herself in the mirror and felt ugly. Since then, he has been estranged from him a lot, and the teenager does not understand why the girl left his side. Only the girl understood that she was inferior, and she did not feel that she had the opportunity, or even the right to stand by the side of the teenager.

Youth has never been missed, I try to follow in your footsteps, fortunately you are still here

She can only look at the flowers and flowers around the teenager from a distance, she is very panicked, she does not dare to go near the teenager, she does not want the teenager to find out what she is now, she is afraid of being disgusted, being abandoned, she thinks that the teenager's impression of her should be the cute little girl when she was a child. What she never knew was that the teenager she missed had become taciturn because of her estrangement.

When they were in high school, they separated, each was admitted to a different school, and since then there has been no teenager on the way home, she thinks that this is a crush that has no problem. For three years, she didn't think much of anyone, because she was still the teenager in her heart. She took off her braces and became beautiful, and her confidence came back.

Three years of high school life, countless confessions have been strangled in the cradle by her, even though she knows that the original teenager may have a sweetheart, she has never accepted others.

Youth has never been missed, I try to follow in your footsteps, fortunately you are still here

In the second year of college, she helped the society to recruit people at the door, the sun was dazzling, the breeze was just right, the tall figure was in front of her, she looked up and thought about which little lamb it was, and suddenly froze her eyes. 3 years of time, did not erase her memory, the original teenager has grown into a person who stands tall in the sky.

"Long time no see, sister" The scattered smile warmed her heart, and the teenager held out his hand, a gesture to shake hands.

"Long time no see, brother," she blossomed happily, holding out her hand and attaching it, as if years of anticipation had been answered.

He never told her that he liked her, and he felt there was still time and opportunity, until the two of them went to different high schools and he panicked. The good friend laughed at his look, he wanted to go to her, but he stopped, he thought she was still young, he still had a chance, first make himself excellent and then appear.

Youth has never been missed, I try to follow in your footsteps, fortunately you are still here

Later, he took a year off from school due to illness, and when he came back, he found out which school she had applied for and filled in her school on his own volunteer. Fortunately, the heavens arranged it so properly, as soon as I entered the school gate, I saw people who were thinking about twilight.

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