
What should I do if the bees bloom in spring and breed for a period of time? Beekeepers tell you why the colony declines after a period of breeding? Solutions to the effects of the decline in spring blooms

author:Bee tribe

Now is the key time for bees to flourish, some places have begun to spring for a while, some places are preparing to give bees spring breeding, for the northern region, now is the key time for bees to overwinter. In the past, many friends have found such a phenomenon, that is, after we give the bees spring breeding, after the spring breeding begins for a period of time, the bee colony potential is uneven, and some bee colonies begin to decline, and when facing this problem, some beekeepers seem helpless.

So what exactly causes our bees to decline after a period of breeding? How do we fix this situation in our swarms? This problem can be seen from the following aspects.

1. Why does the population decline after a period of breeding?

2. The impact of declining spring breeding potential on bee colonies

3. Workaround

What should I do if the bees bloom in spring and breed for a period of time? Beekeepers tell you why the colony declines after a period of breeding? Solutions to the effects of the decline in spring blooms

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >why does the population decline after a period of breeding? </h1>

Before the bees bloom, the bees are actually overwintering, and the remaining bees in the bee colony at this time are actually the bees that have successfully crossed the winter. After our spring breeding begins, in fact, beekeepers are based on the local bee colony to choose spring breeding, so our spring breeding bee colony, if it is experienced beekeepers, in fact, the bee colony of the breeding potential is the same, even if there is a difference is not much, if according to this theory, after the beginning of spring breeding, the bee colony should be balanced development, then what is the reason for some bee colonies to become weaker? There are two main issues to consider here, one is the time when the bee colony weakens, and the other is the queen bee's ability to lay eggs.

(1) The time when the swarm weakens: It may be that many friends have not paid attention to this time, if careful friends observe carefully, they will find that if our swarm potential weakens after the beginning of spring, this time is generally about a month after the spring bloom of our swarm.

One month is a key statistic. For our wintering bees, although the life expectancy of high-quality wintering bees of the right age can reach more than half a year, after our spring breeding, in fact, these age-appropriate wintering bees have begun to have normal feeding work, so the life of these wintering bees is not long, and after a month or so, the new bees in the bee colony have left the house, and a large number of age-appropriate wintering bees have died, which is a reason for the weakening of the bee colony for a period of time after our spring breeding.

What should I do if the bees bloom in spring and breed for a period of time? Beekeepers tell you why the colony declines after a period of breeding? Solutions to the effects of the decline in spring blooms

(2) Queen bee spawning ability: For the queen bee, because the queen bee's ability to lay eggs is different, resulting in some queen bees laying more eggs, some queen bee laying less eggs, after a month or so, the new bees in the bee colony are out of the room, the old bees die, if the queen bee spawning ability is strong, the new bees can make up for the young bees, we are naturally difficult to find that the bee colony becomes weaker, if the new bee room rate is much greater than the mortality rate in the bee colony, the bee colony naturally becomes stronger, but if the queen bee lays fewer eggs, the number of new bees is not much, and the old bees die in large numbers. There will be a weakening of the swarm that we have seen.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the decline of spring fertility</h1>

If after our bees begin to spring breeding, after a period of time, the swarm trend declines, it will inevitably cause the bee swarm to have poor feeding ability and poor thermal insulation ability, which directly affects our honey production during the large flow honey period, so after our bee colony enters the spring for a period of time, if the bee colony trend declines, measures should be taken in time to restore the bee colony and welcome the arrival of the large flow honey period.

What should I do if the bees bloom in spring and breed for a period of time? Beekeepers tell you why the colony declines after a period of breeding? Solutions to the effects of the decline in spring blooms

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > solution</h1>

For a period of time in the spring, our entire bee farm is prone to problems, some bee colonies larvae more bees less, some bee colonies have more bees, fewer larvae, in fact, no matter what kind of situation, this is unfavorable for our beekeeping, so when we encounter such a phenomenon, how do we solve it?

If we look closely, we will find that these two phenomena just form a complementary relationship, and if we can divide more bees into fewer bees, then the swarms of our entire bee farm are balanced. And what we have to solve here is actually a group boundary problem.

We all know that if we merge two groups of bees directly into a group, the bees will fight, but if we only mention the spleen of the strong group to the weak group, the weak group of bees will accept the spleen of the strong group, so if we want to break through the group boundary, the best way is to use the habit of the bees not recognizing the children and use the method of spleen tuning to solve this problem.

What should I do if the bees bloom in spring and breed for a period of time? Beekeepers tell you why the colony declines after a period of breeding? Solutions to the effects of the decline in spring blooms

The method is to put the sub-spleen in the bee colony with many larvae into the adult bee after the baby is shaken, and put into the bee colony with fewer bees to feed, for the bee colony with fewer bees, we can exchange the larval spleen in the bee colony with the capping spleen in the bee colony with fewer bees, so as to achieve the purpose of balancing the bee colony in our entire bee farm, which is more conducive to cultivating the appropriate age collection bees.

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