
America's First Prophet's Last Words: Mankind hopes that in the East, China will become the world leader

author:Tricky talk

In the legends of many countries there is such a person, who is born with special functions, five hundred years before and five hundred years later, and nothing can escape their eyes, this kind of person is what we call the prophet.

In the United States, there is such a strange person, not only can accurately predict the plane crash, but also can predict the major events that will affect the world pattern, even when the US president will die, can not escape her prediction.

This man was named Jenny Dixon, one of the greatest prophets of the twentieth century!

America's First Prophet's Last Words: Mankind hopes that in the East, China will become the world leader

Jenny Dixon was born in 1904 and fell to the ground in a Family of German Immigrants.

When she was very young, her gift for prophecy was revealed, and when she was a faltering todler, she used to pestered her parents to play with black-rimmed envelopes in the mailbox, but when they opened the mailbox, there was nothing inside. Her parents thought it was the child's gibberish and didn't believe Jenny, but the unthinkable happened, and some time later, a letter with a black edge from Germany was sent to the mailbox, and Jenny's grandfather died.

If it was just a coincidence, then something happened the following year that had to make Jenny's parents think whether their daughter really had some special function.

One day the following year, Jenny's father was away from home on a business trip, but Jenny suddenly told her mother that her father would bring back a big black and white dog, and her mother asked her why in surprise, but Jenny said that she saw her father buy the dog. When the father returned, the family really saw that Jenny's father had brought back a dog, and the dog was a black and white hound, as Jenny had predicted.

America's First Prophet's Last Words: Mankind hopes that in the East, China will become the world leader

The miraculous events that happened to Jenny forced Jenny's parents to believe that their daughter had some kind of supernatural prophetic power. So they found a gypsy witch and hoped to get her to judge what Jenny's talent was.

As a result, the witch was shocked to see her, believing that she had an unparalleled talent for prophecy, and also gave her a crystal ball for divination, who knew that Jenny saw the witch burned immediately after getting the crystal ball. Within a few days, the prophecy had been fulfilled, and the witch was admitted to the hospital with burns.

America's First Prophet's Last Words: Mankind hopes that in the East, China will become the world leader

Since then, Jenny's prophetic ability has been out of control, not only successfully predicting that her brother Ernie will become an excellent athlete, carving the daimyo into the Memorial hall of historical celebrities, but also successfully predicting that her sister Ealing will become a famous female pilot. If all of this can be explained by hindsight, an incident that happened when Jenny was 9 years old completely confirmed her prophetic ability.

An actress named Mary Dusler approached her and said that she felt that she did not have a day to be an actress, so she planned to open a boarding house for meals, but Jenny looked down and found that the crystal ball was shining brightly, revealing the shadow of countless checks, so Jenny advised her not to give up her dream, because one day she would become a world-famous star.

Sure enough, Marie Dussler won the Oscar for Best Actress at the 1931 Oscar for "Saving Women", becoming a popular star.

America's First Prophet's Last Words: Mankind hopes that in the East, China will become the world leader

With the fulfillment of the prophecies one by one, Jenny gradually gained fame in the local area, and many people came to see her, hoping that Jenny would divinate for herself. Jenny's prophecy career is going well, and her love is just as smooth!

At the age of 21, she fell in love with and married a man named Jimmy, and soon after the two were married, her husband told her that she needed to go out and that he was going to fly to Chicago in a hurry. But Jenny happened to "see" a plane crash at that time, so she persuaded her husband not to take the plane.

At that time, Jimmy did not think so, still wanted to take the plane, who knew that the always gentle Jenny was furious, insisted that he refund the ticket to take the train, out of love for his wife Jimmy changed the ticket to the ticket, the result was only to refund the ticket Soon after, he learned that the plane crashed outside Chicago, and none of the passengers on the plane were spared.

America's First Prophet's Last Words: Mankind hopes that in the East, China will become the world leader

If it were not for his wife's obstinate dissuasion, he would have become a ghost on the plane at this moment.

Jenny later moved to Washington, D.C., and due to her excellent prophetic abilities, she quickly became a social media darling. Everyone is saying that there is a great prophet from Wisconsin, her predictions are very accurate, rarely missed, and these rumors have also made the White House notice Jenny.

One early morning in November 1944, Jenny suddenly received a call from the White House, where then-President Franklin Roosevelt wanted to see her.

When Jenny Dicter arrived at the White House, Roosevelt asked her how long she had to complete her mission, and Jenny was reluctant to give the answer at first, telling Roosevelt that his life expectancy was only six months at most, maybe even less than six months.

America's First Prophet's Last Words: Mankind hopes that in the East, China will become the world leader

Suddenly, there was silence in the room, and Roosevelt asked again in disbelief, and the answer was still the same.

President Roosevelt's life expectancy is less than half a year.

As a result, in The words of Jenny Dixon, within half a year, Roosevelt died of infinite regret due to a cerebral hemorrhage.

In addition to accurately predicting Roosevelt's death, she also successfully predicted the partition of India and Pakistan.

She told Latti Bajipa, an Indian official in Washington at the time, that in two years, India would be divided in two, and if he left India and went to the other side, he would rise higher and higher, and the official immediately shouted, "I will spend my life in a unified India."

America's First Prophet's Last Words: Mankind hopes that in the East, China will become the world leader

The Indian official left angrily and called her on the morning of February 20, 1947, mocking her prophecy for failing, only to have Jenny confidently retort that "today has not passed yet"!

Sure enough, the next morning, local newspapers reported the news of the partition of India and Pakistan, and the next day, the officials who were shocked by her accurate prediction feasted on Jenny and left India for Pakistan.

After this, she also predicted the election of Truman, the defeat and election of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, the assassination of US President Kennedy, and the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, and other major events that affected the world pattern, and these things were later verified one by one.

She even challenged the great prophet of the Middle Ages, Nostradamus, arguing that mankind did not need to be horrified by his prophecy, that in 1999 mankind would not perish, and that the hope of saving mankind was in the East, while the West represented only the end of things.

America's First Prophet's Last Words: Mankind hopes that in the East, China will become the world leader

Indeed, in the year 1999, humanity did not perish.

This series of prophecies made by Jenny Dixon won her great prestige, and countless dignitaries poured into her home to obtain one of her prophecies, and some even claimed that Jenny was the strongest prophet of the twentieth century.

But horses lose their hooves, and men lose their hands.

Even if Jenny Dixon is wildly sought after by politicians from all over the world, thinking that she is the only prophetic genius, it does not mean that she can accurately predict everything. For example, on the issue of whether Kennedy's widow remarried, she made a wrong judgment.

America's First Prophet's Last Words: Mankind hopes that in the East, China will become the world leader

At that time, 5 years had passed since the assassination of President Kennedy, and President Kennedy's widow, Jacqueline Kennedy, had never remarried, and someone approached Jenny in 1968 and asked her if the president's widow would remarry, and Jenny's reply was that Jacqueline Kennedy had no intention of remarrying, and the next day Jacqueline married the Greek ship king lightspeed, almost like punching her in the face.

In addition to the prophecies about Kennedy's widow's remarriage, Jenny often flipped over other prophecies.

When Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau's wife became pregnant, Jenny made predictions about their children, claiming that they would have a lovely daughter, but the result was that the child born was a boy, which was the opposite of Jenny's prediction.

America's First Prophet's Last Words: Mankind hopes that in the East, China will become the world leader

Jenny believes that there will be great progress in human medicine in the future, cancer will be conquered quickly, and in the future, people will treat cancer as easily as treating colds now. But decades have passed, cancer is still an incurable disease that causes human headaches, and the so-called human beings can quickly cure cancer is simply an empty talk.

As time passed, Jenny grew older, perhaps because the pressure of prophecy was too great, and in the last twenty years of her life, Jenny hardly made any more prophecies, just like an ordinary old lady, going out to walk the dog, traveling, and living a leisurely and relaxed life.

America's First Prophet's Last Words: Mankind hopes that in the East, China will become the world leader

By January 25, 1997, Jenny died at Seabury Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C., ending her legendary life. On her deathbed, she left her last prophecy: the United States will eventually decline, the hope of mankind will be in the East, and China will replace the United States as the leader of the world!

As soon as this prophecy came out, it immediately triggered a lot of public opinion, some people think that this old lady is just another sensationalism, after all, although she predicted many world events, but there are many records of failed prophecy, she can just listen to this prophecy, do not have to pay attention to it.

America's First Prophet's Last Words: Mankind hopes that in the East, China will become the world leader

But whether Jenny is a swindler or a true soothsayer, the Chinese nation will never stop its progress because of an illusory prophecy.

Nowadays, the world situation is gradually becoming clearer, the United States is also in decline like ancient Rome, while China is steadily advancing to the highest peak step by step, I believe that in the near future, China will usher in a great rejuvenation!

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