
Spirited Away, looking for something

author:Wutong College

After two years, I watched Spirited Away again and had the privilege of finding the book Spirited Away.

Spirited Away, looking for something

Spirited Away is the first Japanese animated film to win the Academy Award for Best Animated Film.

Hayao Miyazaki Hayao Miyazaki, protagonist Chihiro Chihiro

1. The power of language and names

2. The blurred line between good and evil



In Spirited Away, both humans and gods are greedy. The consequences of their greed are always disastrous. At the beginning of the film, Chihiro is eager to get her parents' attention. The greed of Chihiro's parents prompts them to eat, and they are turned into pigs. Human greed is what makes It impossible for Little White to return home — humans fill his river to build apartments. When the faceless man spit out the gold, the gods snatched it like crazy.

Greed causes the characters to overlook what really matters, and greed hinders their possibility as humans and gods to reach their full potential.

Spirited Away, looking for something



In Spirited Away, the magic of food is amazing. It can manifest both positive and evil forces. Chihiro's parents are gluttonous and turn into pigs, and the faceless man can't eat enough to fill his stomach.

I think food and greed are usually a combination of evil. Roommate Ling Xiao is more gluttonous, considered a foodie. Because of this, her stomach kept protesting. Every time Ling Xiao's stomach hurts, he said that he would not eat indiscriminately in the future, and would not be greedy in the future. But before her stomach hurt, her greed could not tolerate such words as stopping and satisfying. I always say, "Gluttony comes with the danger of stomach pain." It can also be said: "Behind greed is the abyss of pain." ”

Spirited Away, looking for something



Spirited Away explores the consequences of destructively altering nature. Xiao Bai lost his home because his river was filled in. The ancient river gods were so polluted that they first looked like rotten gods. Abandoned parks and the ubiquitous ruins of the countryside reflect the management and domination of the land.

Spirited Away, looking for something

Chihiro is looking for the maturity of the mind.

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