
Internet celebrity couple Yang Qingliang and Wang Lele reunited? However, the purpose of the hype is to do it

author:Lee convex

Internet celebrity couple Yang Qingliang and Wang Lele reunited? However, the purpose of the hype is to do it!

The live broadcast and short video industry has created a batch of grassroots Internet celebrities, and it is precisely because of the drive of the fan economy that these people have made a lot of money one by one. It is precisely because it is too fast to become an Internet celebrity to open live streaming with goods, so many people have become jumping beam clowns on the Internet for the sake of heat.

They have exhausted all means to constantly heat themselves, set up various scripts in order to gain fans, and recently, a very well-known Internet celebrity couple once again caused controversy on the Internet.

Internet celebrity couple Yang Qingliang and Wang Lele reunited? However, the purpose of the hype is to do it

They are Yang Qingming and Wang Lele, and until now they are two legends in the Internet celebrity world. Regarding how this pair of CPs is popular, some people say that it is because the two people's videos are more interesting, but in fact, the most critical reason is that the two have children out of wedlock and have a minor relationship.

It is precisely because such a thing is instigative that many minors blindly follow the trend, so Yang Qingming and Wang Lele fell into a state of being suspended from live broadcasting.

It can be said that Wang Lele and Yang Qingming basically started by speculation, although they fell into a state of suspension, but the means of speculation are more and more pure fire.

Internet celebrity couple Yang Qingliang and Wang Lele reunited? However, the purpose of the hype is to do it

Basically, the hype has always been the emotional experience of the two people, which is even more bloody than the plot in the idol drama. For example, In order to deliberately anger Yang Qingliang and a certain Internet celebrity, Wang Lele finally faked the real drama, and later fell in love with the Internet celebrity's girlfriend.

And Yang Qingming is also for the sake of Qi Wang Lele and a certain Internet celebrity, and then the feelings are not suitable, and fall in love with others. In this process, this pair of "CPs" also do not forget to give each other some potions from time to time and tear each other apart. You come and go, and fans are also fighting with each other, paying and contributing.

Internet celebrity couple Yang Qingliang and Wang Lele reunited? However, the purpose of the hype is to do it

Whenever the heat of the two people declines, there will inevitably be a big event to bombard a wave and continue to stir up heat. And recently, the Internet celebrity couple Yang Qingming and Wang Lele actually reunited? On December 18th, the two sides updated the dynamics together and posted a group photo.

The purpose is also very simple, that is, to create illusions among fans. But in fact, are the two really reunited? This is, of course, just a wave of hype, and after the heat has recovered a little, the two sides have twisted and squeezed an explanation: not compounding, just reconciliation.

Internet celebrity couple Yang Qingliang and Wang Lele reunited? However, the purpose of the hype is to do it

And the purpose of the hype is only to do this: harvest fan leeks...

On December 30th, Wang Lele released the latest developments: making money steadily in the new year is more important than anything else, and I want to make money with me.

And similarly, Yang Qingliang's so-called weight loss meal replacement advertisement has also been hanging high...

Sure enough, this year, the deepest routine is still these Internet celebrities! However, Yang Qingliang and Wang Lele seem to have forgotten that they have already been yesterday's yellow flowers and internet celebrities, there is no fresh fan attention, where can leeks be cut.

So seeing this, what do you think of these two Influencers? Do you think there will still be fans who will pay the IQ tax?

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