
It is "comrades", not "brethren"—historical titles cannot be changed arbitrarily

author:Years like songs after 60 years

People who are familiar with the history of our army know that since the Jinggangshan era, Chairman Mao has begun to build a new type of interpersonal relationship of this people's army. This people's army is a people's soldier, and people are "comrades" between people. The use of the equal title of "commander and fighter" has fundamentally transformed the relationship between officers and soldiers in the army: the chiefs at all levels in charge of military command are called commanders, the trumpeters responsible for blowing trumpets, the cooks who are responsible for cooking, the breeders who are responsible for feeding livestock, the hygienists who are responsible for seeing doctors, and the other ordinary soldiers are called combatants. In short, everyone is an ordinary member of this army, only the division of labor is different, there is no distinction between high and low, and there is complete political equality.

Therefore, we can see that Chairman Mao's order to march to the whole country begins with the following: "Chinese all the commanders and fighters of the People's Liberation Army, the Central Military Commission orders you to cross the Yangtze River and liberate all of China." Chairman Mao's operational orders to the volunteers often begin with "Commander Peng Dehuai and all the comrades of the volunteer commanders and fighters." At the founding ceremony, the order read out by Commander-in-Chief Zhu De to the Chinese People's Liberation Army also began with "Chinese all the commanders, fighters, and workers of the People's Liberation Army." In previous films, television, and literary works, we have seen that the chiefs and soldiers of the Plakmen's Liberation Army at all levels refer to each other as "comrades," "commanders," "political commissars," and "commanders and fighters."

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the titles of various "members" in the army were also popularized to the whole society, and later there were "eight major members": conductors, drivers, postmen, nurses, barbers, waiters, salesmen, cooks, etc. People all called each other "comrades", forming a set of new titles reflecting new social relations. In the movie "Today I Rest", the police and the masses also call each other "comrades", and both the characters and the audience feel very close.

In the famous movie "Southern Expedition and Northern War", our army and the enemy army have two classic lines, which very vividly illustrate the difference between our army and the enemy army. The little fat soldier said to the artillery soldiers: "Comrade, the cannon cannot be bayoneted, and it is up to us infantry to solve the battle!" And the Kuomintang commander Li said to Zhang Junchang: "Commander Zhang Jun, for the sake of the party-state, pull the brothers together!" ”

Whether we call "comrade" or "brother" is one of the important symbols of our army and the enemy army. The former represents a common political belief and is an advanced civilization; the latter represents a jianghu spirit and a backward civilization.

However, I don't know when it began, and the title "comrade" gradually disappeared. The "commanders and fighters" in the troops have become "officers and soldiers," and local people also refer to each other as "masters" and "bosses." In film and television works, the title "brothers" in the Kuomintang army has even become a title among the People's Liberation Army. Watching the leaders of our Red Army, the Eighth Route Army, the People's Liberation Army, and the Volunteer Army call the soldiers "brothers" in the film and television drama feel very uncomfortable; on the one hand, this is disrespectful to history, because this is a title that does not exist in the history of our army; on the other hand, this is a common title in the Kuomintang army, and it is an insult to the commanders and fighters of our army to forcibly transfer this title to the soldiers of our army.

It is "comrades", not "brethren"—historical titles cannot be changed arbitrarily
It is "comrades", not "brethren"—historical titles cannot be changed arbitrarily
It is "comrades", not "brethren"—historical titles cannot be changed arbitrarily

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