
The mysterious Tianjin cannabis flower, why no one buys it but goes around the city, what is the secret?

author:Captain Panda said every day

On the street or on the side of the road, we will see vehicles selling Tianjin cannabis flowers, they sometimes stay on the side of the road for a day, and they have not seen a twist flower for sale, and we don't know what their real purpose is.

There is a saying among people that these people who sell Tianjin cannabis flowers are specialized in abducting and selling children, I don't know if it is true, how can a person who sells things be associated with the abduction of children?

Today we will study this matter and see who these people who sell Tianjin cannabis flowers are?

The mysterious Tianjin cannabis flower, why no one buys it but goes around the city, what is the secret?

It is rumored that these people ostensibly sell twist flowers, but their real purpose is to find a good target, steal things or kidnap children. The vehicles they used were specially made, divided into two layers, which looked like piles of twist flowers, and the space below was large enough to put a lot of things, even for the next child.

Although people have not seen the real situation, but from person to person, there may be such a thing. Today we will find out.

The mysterious Tianjin cannabis flower, why no one buys it but goes around the city, what is the secret?

Before answering this question, let's get to know this Tianjin cannabis flower! When you drive on the road or in the corners of the city, you will see this Tianjin cannabis flower.

On their glass window, there are five very dazzling characters "Tianjin Hemp Flower", the size of this twist flower is particularly large, the whole twist flower is covered with thick syrup and white sesame seeds, it looks particularly sweet, making people feel very appetizing.

People who have been to Tianjin know that this kind of hemp flower is a specialty in Tianjin, and it and ear and eye fried cakes, dog buns are collectively known as the three best in Tianjin. If you travel to Tianjin, you must be indispensable to these three kinds of cuisine, but for some people who have not been to Tianjin, they see this Tianjin cannabis flower on the street, and they will definitely buy it as a specialty to buy it and taste it at home.

The mysterious Tianjin cannabis flower, why no one buys it but goes around the city, what is the secret?

The traders who sell Tianjin cannabis flowers are particularly talkative, they will talk about the advantages of these twist flowers, so that you can buy them willingly, and some people will buy some for their families out of embarrassment.

But everyone knows that twist flowers are made of flour, with a layer of syrup attached to the surface, and the combination of the two will increase the weight of the twist flower.

Every time the vendor is cutting, the hand seems to be uncontrollable, often a knife down at least three pounds, as little as dozens of yuan or more than hundreds of yuan.

Much more than the customer wants, the customer is embarrassed to argue with these vendors out of face, and can only buy as much as they cut.

But in the customer's heart, it is very reluctant. In this attitude, the vendors will always say that they have a lot of repeat customers, and it is estimated that this kind of repeat customers are also made up by themselves.

On some websites, we see many netizens posting stories about buying Tianjin cannabis flowers. A netizen said that he met two people selling Tianjin cannabis flowers on the way to work, because he had not eaten them, and out of a certain curiosity, he decided to buy some twist flowers to taste.

The price of the twist flowers he asked the vendors was 30 yuan a catty. When the vendor gives him a good hand, it immediately becomes 80 yuan a pound, which is not clear whether it is a fraud consumer.

At that time, this netizen was particularly angry, and the vendor theorized, the vendor also found a variety of reasons, said that the cut must be bought, netizens are not willing to show weakness, and finally said to call the police, the vendors heard that the alarm was a little afraid, or sold to this netizen at a price of 30 yuan.

Netizens on the way home is very depressed, he feels that there must be something catty in it, so he went to the Internet to search, and sure enough, he found the inside story of Tianjin cannabis flowers.

The mysterious Tianjin cannabis flower, why no one buys it but goes around the city, what is the secret?

This Tianjin cannabis flower does not even have a health license, let alone its food safety. If you ask some netizens in Tianjin, they will definitely tell you that this kind of Tianjin cannabis flower does not exist in Tianjin at all, although the name has the word "Tianjin" in it, but it is not a specialty of Tianjin at all, and Tianjin has no connection at all.

The next time you see this kind of vehicle, you can take a closer look, most of the license plates of these cars are the license plates of Anhui Province, and the accent of the vendors is also imitating the Tianjin people, saying that everyone may be a little confused, where do these Tianjin cannabis flowers come from?

In Fuyang City, Anhui Province, there is a place called Huangba Township, where there is a very loud name, called twist flower production township, after hearing this, many people suddenly realized, the original Tianjin cannabis flowers are not authentic Tianjin cannabis flowers, it is high imitation. The production cost of this twist is very low, and one is between 4 and 6 yuan.

After removing all the costs, the profit of this twist is still particularly large, coupled with the unique characteristics of these twist flowers, they are made of high oil and high sugar, even if they are stored for a long time, they will not deteriorate, but its taste is extremely unpalatable.

The mysterious Tianjin cannabis flower, why no one buys it but goes around the city, what is the secret?

So for the people of this place, selling this cannabis flower is simply a huge profit. These twist flower vendors are all over the country in all provinces and cities, and they are on the go all year round. Over time, people will give them the title of human trafficking, although it is not true, but it will also bring a certain sense of panic.

After listening to the introduction, you should know whether these Tianjin cannabis flowers are tianjin specialties in the end, if you meet by chance, will you buy these Tianjin cannabis flowers?

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