
Fuding's three Xinhai revolutionaries

author:Taimushan Bai Rongmin

Fujian Fuding participated in the Xinhai Revolution with three people, namely Zhou Zhongkui, Zhu Tengfen, and Pan Yufeng. According to the relevant local literary and historical materials, the three people are given a brief introduction to their revolutionary deeds and relevant circumstances in the order of their births.

Grand Presidential Medal Winner: Zhou Zhongkui (1863-1966)

Fuding's three Xinhai revolutionaries

Portrait of Mr. Zhou Zhongkui (Courtesy of Zhou Wennan)

Zhou Zhongkui, no. Chengqing, nicknamed Kaihu, a native of Dongjia Village, Fuding Jiaomen, was born in the second year of Qing Tongzhi (1863), and finally died on October 3, 1966, at the age of 103.

Zhou 7 years old into the private school to study, temperament chivalry, like shooting, often use the barn as a practice place, morning and evening unremittingly. He read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the Biography of Yue Wumu and admired Zhuge Qiji, Yunchang Gaoyi, and Wu Mujing. At the age of 17, he was recruited by the Taiwan Recruitment Examination of Funing Town, ranked first, recorded as a number room (receiving and sending), and began his career as a horseman.

He successively served as the inspector of Funing Town and the official of Zhou Dun flood. Later, he served as the inspector of Fuzhou Titai, the chief inspector of various battalions, and the inspector of Quanzhou Tiguan. He went to Changle, Shunchang, Jiangxi Dagan and Taiwan to investigate and make meritorious contributions, and was appointed as the commander of the Right Battalion and the Middle Battalion of Funing, and the sentry officer of the Dingying Camp was in charge. He was admitted to the Minmine Camp Academy in Fujian Province, graduated from the Standing Army School, became the director of the Tenth Town Battalion of the Fujian Army, and was re-admitted to the Officer Class of the Fujian Lecture Hall of the War Department.

During the officer corps, the League, headed by Sun Yat-sen, advocated "expelling the Tartars, restoring China, establishing the Republic of China, and equalizing land rights," and the revolutionary movement surged up. Zhou Zhongkui and his classmates joined the secret organization, took the lead in cutting braids, and actively participated in the restoration movement in Fuzhou.

In the third year of Xuanun (1911), the cannons of the Wuchang Uprising sounded, and Fujian responded. On November 8 of that year, Xu Chongzhi and Sun Daoren raised the banner of rebellion and hired Zhou Zhongkui as counselor. Zhou Zhongkui took the lead and threw himself into street battles in the area of Jinmen and Gaojieli, and the Qing army fled to Shuibu, captured the Qing general Park Shou, and beheaded him for public display. The battle lasted for one day and night, and on the 9th, Fujian Province was restored. After the establishment of the Republic of China, Zhou Zhongkui was awarded a silver medal for his meritorious participation in the revolution, and a license of the second class medal for the provisional president was awarded.

Fuding's three Xinhai revolutionaries

Sun Yat-sen awarded Zhou Zhongkui the Grand Presidential Medal (Courtesy of Zhou Wennan)

In order to safeguard the New Deal and eliminate the remnants of feudalism, Zhou Zhongkui and the comrades of the League worked hard to fight in the land of Bamin. During his tenure as a guerrilla in Xiamen, he went to Anxi to clear and suppress the remnants of the enemy, and then to serve the peace. The State Council sent a telegram to comfort the labor and commended the guerrillas, and the Zhao'an guerrillas were promoted, and it was Wei Zhen fujian and Xinjiang.

Yuan Shikai usurped power and stole the country, trying to restore the imperial system, Zhou Zhongkui was distressed that the fruits of the revolution had fallen into the hands of thieves, and rushed back to Fuzhou to conspire with revolutionary volunteers to discuss Yuan's grand plan to protect the country. Running day and night, he encouraged all walks of life and Guo Gongmu of the Funing Society to participate in the second revolutionary movement, and then returned to Funing to unite workers, farmers, merchants, and academic circles to boycott Japanese goods, oppose the signing of the "Twenty-one Articles," and promote the struggle against Yuan. As a result, he was captured by Yuan Dang, listed as a "Sun Wen rebel party", and released to prison with Lin Xiutian of Lingxi to Behou of Min. Sing passionately in prison without fear. After being rescued from prison after arduous rescue, he returned to Funing to serve as a physical education teacher at the Provincial No. 3 Middle School and a Chinese teacher at the private Hanying Middle School. Later, he was recommended by the governor of Fuding County to be the captain of the county's garrison, and resigned less than a year later.

In the winter of the thirteenth year of the Republic of China (1924), Sun Yat-sen went north for the Shang Dynasty, and died on March 12 of the following year, and the bad news came, and Zhou mourned. During the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communists in the autumn of the fifteenth year of the Republic of China, the National Revolutionary Army marched to the Northern Expedition, and Zhou Zhongkui asked Miao to go north. After liberation, he was hired as a librarian of the Provincial Museum of Culture and History and a member of the CppcC Committee of Fuding County.

Fuding's three Xinhai revolutionaries

Mr. Zhou Zhongkui (first from right) participates in the activities of the Fuding CPPCC (courtesy photo by Zhou Wennan)

In 1962, when relatives and friends of his clan celebrated his hundred birthdays, Zhou Zhongkui freely talked about his life experience from the Xinhai Revolution to the liberation of the whole of China, and said with deep feeling: "Looking at China's thousands of years of history, only the proletarian revolution and the people's democratic dictatorship led by the Communist Party of China can liberate China and the people turn themselves into masters. Now the Taiwan authorities and the military and people should also take a look at the prosperity of the Chinese mainland. The two sides of the Taiwan Strait should cooperate with each other to accomplish the great cause of the reunification of the motherland. ”

Related links: The founding silver medal and the medal license of the President of the Republic of China and the command knife used by Mr. Zhou Zhongkui are the souvenirs he cherished in his life, according to Mr. Zhou Ruiguang's article "Remembering Mr. Zhou Zhongkui who participated in the Xinhai Revolution", Ms. Zhou Xiulian recalled: When her father taught at the County Lotus Pond Girls' School, he was often placed on the oval table in the school's reception room for teachers, students and staff to watch. According to Mr. Zhou Zhongkui's descendant, Mr. Sun Zhou Wennan, the cultural relics were taken in the custody of Ms. Zhuo Yuehong of the Kuomintang Party Department, and later collected by the Cultural Relics Collection Room of the Fuding County Cultural Center, and then sent to the Mindong Memorial Hall.

Adviser to Presidential Office: Zhu Tengfen (1880-1931)

Fuding's three Xinhai revolutionaries

Portrait of Mr. Zhu Tengfen (Courtesy of Mr. Zhu's descendants)

Zhu Tengfen, also known as Dasan, Zi Chengfang, Xinzi, was born in Guoyang Township, Fuding in the sixth year of Qing Guangxu (1880). When he was a child, he studied diligently under the education of his mother, and at the age of 20, he won the first prize in the Funing Province Examination, and Guangxu went to the Quanmin Normal School in 28 years. After graduation, he served as the principal of Fuding County School and Higher Primary School. After being admitted to Hosei University in Tokyo, Japan, he was recommended to meet Sun Yat-sen because of his excellent grades, and joined the Chinese League association in 1905. After the founding of the Republic of China in 1912, he successively served as the president of the Fujian Public Law and Politics College, a member of the Fujian Provisional Parliament, a propaganda envoy of the Fujian People's Army, a member of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly, an adviser to the military government, a senator of the Government Council, an adviser to the Presidential Office, and a professor at Chaoyang University in Beijing and Shanghai Law and Business School. In the fourteenth year of the Republic of China (1925), he returned to Fuding to develop The Island of Weishan, and in the twenty-first year of the Republic of China (1932), he died of illness on the island of Chengshan, and Zou Lu commented on him: "Learn from the world, aim at the People of Kangmin, also Confucianism and Heroism, and have martial arts and literature." ”

After Zhu Tengfen joined the League in Japan, he issued political opinions and actively engaged in revolutionary activities. In the spring of the third year of Xuanun (1911), he was ordered to return to China to instigate an armed uprising, and when he arrived in Shanghai, he received the news of the failure of the early uprising in Guangzhou, and he publicized the republican democracy and the Three People's Principles in the Shanghai Minbao newspaper. Before fuzhou's restoration, he returned to Fujian to participate in the formation of a provisional government, and gave speeches in the counties of Funing, calling on all walks of life to support the revolutionary regime, cut braids, untangle feet, and break with the feudal imperial system.

Fuding's three Xinhai revolutionaries

Group photo of President Sun Da's inauguration in the first year of the Republic of China (Zhu Tengfen in the second row, sixth from the left)

In the first year of the Republic of China (1912), the military and political power in Fujian was seized by sun Daoren and Peng Shousong, the old bureaucratic army of speculative revolution. Peng was violent and wanton, arbitrarily killing revolutionaries, and the crowd was indignant, and elected Zhu Tengfen, Song Yuanyuan, and five others as representatives, and went to Beijing to request that the chaos be put down. Zhu Tengfen rushed between Beijing and Shanghai, making a generous statement, exposing Peng Shousong's crimes, prompting the authorities to send troops south. Peng Shousong saw the soldiers approaching the city, and Cang panicked and fled. "Soldiers do not go away without bloodshed, and deeply win the people's hopes", this is the praise of the Min Bao on the "Five Parliamentarians Expelling Peng Incident" that year.

In the second year of the Republic of China, the National Assembly was established, and Fujian Province elected Zhu Tengfen as a member of the House of Representatives. Zhu Tengfen then joined forces with Lin Sen and Song Yuanyuan to go north and launch a parliamentary struggle with the Beiyang warlords. While in Beijing, Mr. Zhu wrote the book "Local Autonomy", which was approved by Sun Yat-sen and submitted a "local autonomy bill" to the National Assembly, which was passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives. At the end of "Local Self-Government", there are: "People give full play to their talents, and the work of soldiers is also; the land is full of profits, and the strength of agriculture is also; the use of goods is used to the fullest; the flow of trade is smooth, and the merits of business are also." The four go hand in hand, and the use of the obvious" sentence is eloquent and pertinent. Unfortunately, at that time, Yuan Shikai was deliberately dictatorial and did not allow local autonomy, and this bill was shelved for a long time.

During his tenure as a member of the National Assembly, Mr. Zhu actively participated in the "Second Revolution" and the "Patriotic Movement" and fought against Yuan Shikai. In the fifth year of the Republic of China (1916), Duan Qirui's ruling government ignored the legislative dignity of the National Assembly in an attempt to force the Parliament to pass various bills by force, zhu Tengfen wrote generously, denouncing Duan's hegemonic conspiracy and danger of being murdered by Duan, and in the face of threats, he said without hesitation: "My heavenly duty protector, how can I be afraid of death!" "It shows the indignation of a revolutionary.

In the autumn of the thirteenth year of the Republic of China (1924), the 44-year-old Zhu Tengfen returned to Dingding to take a boat to Rong for the funeral of his mother camp, and when the sea encountered strong winds, he was anchored in Luzhu Port in The Mountain, and when he came ashore, he saw sweet potatoes as big as a soup pot, and the fish was rich and fertile, but it was very desolate, so he had the idea of developing The Island of Chengshan. In the winter of 1925, Mr. Zhu raised 100,000 yuan and after obtaining the consent of the government, more than 800 people immigrated from the mainland to build a reclamation company on the island. By 1928, 30 mu of paddy fields, 2,300 mu of garden land, more than 1,000 mu of tea mountains and more than 10,000 mu of forest farms were opened up, and cattle and sheep were grazed on the island to develop fishery production. Since then, the desert island has been popular and prosperous. "Mo Dao projectiles are difficult to fight, and look at Si Ye Yi Si Min." In 1931, when Mr. Zhu was terminally ill, he wrote a suicide note: "The property of The Mountain ... Er, etc. must not be sold. Future income should be based on expanding production for the benefit of the islanders. It can be seen that his ideal of "aiming at the people of Kangmin" has always been unswerving.

Wuchang Uprising Witness: Pan Yufeng (1889-1952)

Fuding's three Xinhai revolutionaries

Portrait of Mr. Pan Yufeng (Network Photo)

Pan Yufeng, formerly known as Guorun, was born in the fifteenth year of Qing Guangxu (1889), a native of Nanyang, Tongcheng, Fuding County. From an early age, he studied at Funing Anglican Secondary School (in Kasumipo). In the twenty-ninth year of Guangxu (1903), he was admitted to the Baoding Military Academy and was the third batch of cadets in the school. During his school years, he had great friendship with Bai Chongxi, Gu Zhutong, Liu Jianxu, Huang Shaoxiong, Cai Tingkai, Jiang Guangnai, Chen Yi, Cheng Qian, etc., and also had close contacts with Huang Xing. In the past two years, he accompanied Zhu Zhixin, Huang Xing, Liao Zhongkai, and others to Japan, jin sun yat-sen, joined the Chinese League Association, and participated in the first meeting of the League. Of the 11 participants, only Pan Yufeng was not of adult age and was 16 years old at the time, so he was revered as a revolutionary pioneer by some Kuomintang elders.

In the third year of Xuan reunification (1911), Pan Yufeng served as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Fujian-Guangdong Workers' and Peasants' League, and together with Zhu Zhixin led the Workers' and Peasants' Regiment to participate in the Huanghuagang Uprising in Guangzhou. In the early morning of April 27, Zhu Zhixin and Pan Yufeng led a group of nearly 1,000 Fujian-Cantonese workers and peasants to arrive in Guangzhou from Hai and Lufeng, and attacked the South Gate with a rapid force, pressing the Qing army into the Yamen of Liangguang Governor. The whole city of Guangzhou had been occupied by revolutionary troops, but the fierce battle between the governors of Liangguang and Guangdong, Yamen, remained fierce day and night. In view of the future reinforcements of the Qing army, the revolutionary army decided to retreat. The revolutionary army sacrificed more than a hundred people, most of whom were sacrificed in the Yamen of Liangguang Governor (Huanghuagang collected 72 corpses).

The Guangzhou uprising was thwarted, and Pan Yufeng went to Wuchang to participate in the Xinhai Revolution as a commissioner of the League. On October 10 of that year, he was ordered to lead his troops to occupy The Chuwangtai of Wuchang, and the leader of the armory defenders was zhikou, so that Xiong Bingkun led the rebel troops to occupy the armory in one fell swoop, making a contribution to the Wuchang Uprising. According to Mr. Pan Ling's article "Remembering His Father Pan Yufeng", the leaders of the armory garrison, Xiong and Fang, were both Classmates of Pan Yufeng Baoding, and had originally agreed to lead the uprising, but they were shaken when they saw that the Qing army was strong. Pan Yufeng entered the armory barracks, drank and rejoiced with Fang, and then pretended to be drunk and crazy, cutting off the ten fingers of Fang's hands, Fang could not come to the battle, and Xiong Bingkun attacked and won in one fell swoop. The rebel civilian army received ordnance and ammunition, like a tiger with wings, and surrounded Li Yuanhong. Pan Yufeng led his troops to rush directly into the Lê camp to explain the stakes, and when Lê saw that the rebel army of the Nationalist Army was full of guns and ammunition, the military momentum was greatly boosted, and the people's hearts were desired, they had to revolt, sent a telegram, and demanded the independence of the provinces.

After the founding of the Republic of China, Pan Yufeng followed Sun Yat-sen in revolutionary activities. First he participated in the Battle of Yuan, and then accompanied Li Liejun to the provinces of Fujian, Guangdong, and Gansu. He participated in the Northern Expedition of the National Revolutionary Army and served as a staff officer in the He Yingqin Department of the Eastern Route Army. From the 16th to the 17th year of the Republic of China (1927-1928), he served as the county magistrate of Yancheng County, Jiangsu Province, and Kinmen County, Fujian Province. Later, because the release of a number of revolutionaries was not tolerated by Chiang Kai-shek, he retired from his post and engaged in business.

Fuding's three Xinhai revolutionaries

In the sixth year of the Republic of China, Marshal Sun Da's protector government was established and took a group photo with members of the National Assembly

Pan Yufeng has a strong sense of nationality and hates the Japanese invading army very much. In the 17th year of the Republic of China, in order to commemorate the martyr Cai Gongshi who was killed by the Japanese army in the "May Thirtieth" massacre, he donated a private residence near Shandong Road in Shanghai to create a "Gongshi Middle School". In August 21, the Japanese army launched a large-scale attack on Shanghai, and he and his relatives were evacuated with the refugees and returned to their hometown.

During his stay in the countryside, Yufeng published the "Letter to the Fuding Peasants", established a peasant association, advocated the "Second Five-Year Plan" rent reduction, carried out the peasant movement, and publicized the anti-Japanese struggle to save the country, and aroused the people to participate in the anti-Japanese struggle to save the country. In the twenty-second year of the Republic of China, General Cai Tingkai and others established the anti-Chiang Kai-shek Anti-Japanese People's Revolutionary Government of the Republic of China in Fuzhou, and he was recruited as an adviser.

Throughout his life, Pan Yufeng was jealous of the powerful, helped the weak and the poor, and was honest and upright. In his later years, his ideas were inclined towards democratic revolution. During his seclusion in Fuding, when the Kuomintang was "encircling and suppressing" the Fuding revolutionary base area and practicing the White Terror, he disregarded his safety and used his personal reputation to rescue many Communists and the revolutionary masses, and encouraged his children to defect to the revolution and join the guerrillas led by the Communist Party of China. Pan Yufeng died of illness in Fuding in 1952 at the age of 63.

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