
Chongqing Nanchuan: Spotted partridges turn the sky upside down


The spotted partridge is a national second-class protected animal, feeding on a variety of insects and larvae, as well as rodents, birds, earthworms, frogs and lizards. Spotted grebes look cute, whether they are soaring in the sky in search of prey, hunting food in the fields, or taking a nap in the forest.

Chongqing Nanchuan: Spotted partridges turn the sky upside down
Chongqing Nanchuan: Spotted partridges turn the sky upside down
Chongqing Nanchuan: Spotted partridges turn the sky upside down
Chongqing Nanchuan: Spotted partridges turn the sky upside down
Chongqing Nanchuan: Spotted partridges turn the sky upside down
Chongqing Nanchuan: Spotted partridges turn the sky upside down
Chongqing Nanchuan: Spotted partridges turn the sky upside down

Above image: Spotted partridge taken at Jinfoshan National Nature Reserve in Nanchuan District, Chongqing on May 23, 2021. Photo by CICPHOTO/Qu Mingbin

Editor: Wang Dan

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