
Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

author:Handsome little cute

At the end of the twentieth century, a child named Wang Junkai was born in Jiulongpo, Chongqing, and in 2010, he became a trainee and entered everyone's vision. In August 2013, he made his debut with two teammates to form the TFBOYS group. He is a singer, an actor, and the captain of the well-known Chinese group TFBOYS, but he is more of himself.

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

Wang Junkai (Super Handsome!!!!! )

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

(Xiao Jun when he just graduated!) )

From 10 years to the present, in eleven years, he has suffered a lot of slander and insults and insults at the age when he should have been having fun. He said that "if you don't want to be denied by others, you have to work harder", probably because he has experienced the whole network and countless people's attacks and insults, making him more determined to chase his dreams.

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

Say it out that everyone may not believe it, Although Wang Junkai is now a twenty-something adult, he is still full of innocence, he will watch the One Piece for thousands of episodes over and over again, will shout "He is the man who wants to become One Piece", after so many years in the industry, he is still like a child who has not grown up, secondary two, hot blood, full of expectations for the future, juvenile he carries his innocence in this extraordinary world.

Wang Junkai, like all star chasers, also has his own idol, Jay Chou. Since the beginning of primary school, he likes Zhou Dong, because Zhou Dong has embarked on the road of music, it can be said that Zhou Dong is his enlightenment teacher, how much does he love Zhou Dong? In the major variety shows unreservedly express their love for Zhou Dong, every year Zhou Dong's birthday card point to send blessings, will be because of the cooperation with Zhou Dong to send a lot of microblogs and ins to express their excitement. Zhou Dong also admired and liked Wang Junkai very much, wrote him songs, invited him to participate in his own movies, and gave him the only AE86 out-of-print in the world, a proper star chaser winner.

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

(Photo of Wang Junkai and Jay Chou)

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

Wang Junkai not only loves his idol, but also loves all the fans who love him.

He said, "You have always guarded me, and I will be stronger and more able to protect you."

He said, "I will be touched by your gentleness, don't think I don't know anything."

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

(Wang Junkai's 20-year-old borderless concert, the little prince's shape is too good!!! )

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

(No Borders Concert!) yyds! )

He said, "You always say that I am your light, so why are you not mine?" "These are all his words in front of the fans, they all say that star chasing is one-sided love, but before us and Wang Junkai was never one-way, we loved him, he also loved us." In 19 years, he wrote a song for fans, "Growth", in which he said to us, "From the beginning to the present, from the present to the future, having you is the most beautiful time".

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

(Wang Junkai's song to fans - "Growth")

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

(Lyrics sung to fans in "Growing Up")

And at his twenty-year-old Borderless Concert, he put a bag in each fan's position with a fortune cookie and many different notes in the biscuits, all of which were what he wanted to say to us. He never set up any pet fan settings, he never fought for it, and the words of meat and hemp never hung on his mouth, all of which flowed in his eyes...

(ps: Fortune Cookie from SpongeBob SquarePants Season 9 Episode 21 13 minutes 14 seconds, belongs to fans and his previous little secret)

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

(13 minutes and 14 seconds of Episode 21 of Season 9 SpongeBob SquarePants, 0921 is Wang Junkai's birthday, 1314 represents a lifetime, which belongs to Wang Junkai's romance to fans)

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

(Note from a fortune cookie given by Wang Junkai to fans)

This boy who loves idols and fans is a positive energy teenager who loves the motherland and the country. In 2019, the Italian brand D&Q insult incident caused a sensation in the society, and Wang Junkai, who was originally the spokesperson of its Asia-Pacific brand, immediately terminated his contract with his company and posted on Weibo, "There is no doubt that you are the best China".

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

(Statement of Termination of Contract by Wang Junkai and D&Q)

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

(Patriotic Weibo posted after Wang Junkai's termination)

In the variety show "High-energy Youth League", in a period of communication between Wang Junkai and foreign friends, foreign friends said that she loved China and loved Wang Junkai even more, and Wang Junkai subconsciously said to her that "love China is greater than me."

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

(Love China more than me)

In fact, since 15 years, Wang Junkai has participated in various activities as various "representatives". This is a boy who has been handed over to the state, he is using his own strength to tell everyone what positive energy is, and our country also recognizes him as a positive teenager.

In 2018, Wang Junkai was invited to attend the China Champions of the Earth launch event organized by the United Nations Environment Programme, and was appointed as the UNITED Environment Goodwill Ambassador by Eric Solheim, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of UNEP, and awarded the Advocate Certificate.

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

(UN Environment Goodwill Ambassador Appointment Ceremony)

As a highly influential and appealing positive energy youth idol, Wang Junkai has worked closely with the United Nations since 2016. He has also spoken out for environmental protection on many occasions, and has participated in meaningful projects such as advocating for the protection of wildlife, the protection of the planet and the fight against pollution.

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

(Wang Junkai speaks out for wildlife conservation)

In 2017, he was also awarded the honor of "Youth Action Pioneer". This has made him one of the youth advocates who have led Chinese youth to focus on environmental issues.

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

(Wang Junkai was awarded the Youth Action Pioneer)

In 2019, Wang Junkai attended the 2019 APEC Future Voices Youth Innovation Forum held at the National Library of China Art Center. At the forum, Wang Junkai was not only awarded the title of "2019 APEC Future Voice Youth Ambassador", but also delivered a speech with the theme of "Young People Should Resonate with the Times and Speak Out to the Future". Starting from his own personal experience, he shared his views on the responsibility and mission of contemporary young people, and after the forum, he also held a dialogue with Han Tianqi, chairman of APEC Voice of the Future China, Wang Junkai said that he would actively practice the responsibility of young people as a youth ambassador in the future, calling on more outstanding youth representatives to speak out to the world and provide suggestions for future development!

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

(2019 APEC Future Voices Youth Innovation Forum)

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

In 2020, Wang Junkai was invited to visit the Supreme People's Procuratorate, where he was accompanied by staff members to visit the conference room, showroom, service center and juvenile service hall. He is at the top of the new generation of traffic stars. Prior to this, Wang Junkai also cooperated with China Chang'an Network and sang the promotional song "Dream Generation".

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

(Wang Junkai was invited to visit the Supreme People's Procuratorate)

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

(Dream Generation)

It was such a secondary two, hot-blooded, like Jay Chou and extremely patriotic boy, which made me like it for eight years. Perhaps in the eyes of many passers-by, in the eyes of some fans, he is still a child who has not grown up, he became famous at a young age, and he has received a lot of flowers and applause along the way, but he never believes in getting something for nothing, only believes in heavenly rewards. In fact, he was never a child with a young mind, just a teenager who still loved life and remained innocent after running through this extraordinary life. No matter what the world treats him, he always uses his sincerity to repay this society, how gentle a person, not only stunned my time, but also amazed the time of tens of millions of fans who like him.

Wang Junkai, he knows the world but is not sophisticated, stepping through thorns, full of scars will still stop for the roses on the side of the road to appreciate, may this teenager I like for eight years, bravely move forward on this road, may this teenager who has amazed my time be still a teenager when he gives up everything and returns.

Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager
Wang Junkai: May you return as a teenager

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