
When Zhang Guotao wanted to interfere with Ren Bi, who expected to touch the nail: they were all members of the Politburo and had no right to interfere in the struggle on another occasion, the fierce struggle at the top, and the special struggle

author:Soldier observation

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="5" > a struggle on another occasion</h1>

The struggle is going on another occasion.

As a member of the Politburo, Ren Bishi also took the initiative to talk to the leading cadres of the Red Fourth Front, propagating the important significance of unity and unity and propagating the correct policy of going north to resist Japan. Zhu De and Liu Bocheng also asked Comrade Ren Bishi to give a report to the commanders and fighters of the Red Fourth Front. In his speech, he said with great enthusiasm: It is imperative to go north now. As a result of the War of Resistance Against Japan, a new revolutionary upsurge is about to emerge throughout the country, and our Party and our army should advance and not retreat. At the same time, the Shaanxi-Gansu region is better than this side, has a foundation for mass struggle, and can also affect northern China and the Central Plains. The Ganzi area, on the other hand, is extremely unfavorable to the activities of large troops, and at least grain and grass are very tight. Therefore, we should unite and resolutely go north!

Under the education of Ren Bishi, the cadres and fighters of the Red Fourth Front Army raised their understanding, clearly distinguished between right and wrong, and realized the correctness of the Party Central Committee's policy of going north to resist Japan. Fu Zhong, then director of the Political Department of the Red Fourth Front, said in an article entitled "Remembering Ren Bishi": "At the time of the rendezvous and the Red Second and Fourth Fronts, it was only because of your arrival that you (referring to Ren Bishi) gradually clarified the political insidiousness, ideological confusion, and organizational confusion caused by the traitor Zhang Guotao in the Red Fourth Front. Every time you cordially have a long night's talk with us, we sincerely and happily grasp your spirit. Your kind and sincere attitude has educated me and educated thousands of comrades to unite around the Party Central Committee headed by Chairman Mao. ”

Zhang Guotao was extremely dissatisfied with Ren Bishi's normal work and personally intervened. Ren Bishi sternly refuted it, saying: "You are a member of the Politburo, I am also a member of the Politburo, I have the right to talk to all the cadres, you can't interfere!" Zhang Guotao touched the nail again.

When Zhang Guotao wanted to interfere with Ren Bi, who expected to touch the nail: they were all members of the Politburo and had no right to interfere in the struggle on another occasion, the fierce struggle at the top, and the special struggle

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > second, fierce struggle at the top</h1>

The struggle is raging more intensely at the top.

In order to study the tasks and course of action of the Red Second and Fourth Fronts after the division, on July 2, 1936, the Ganzi Conference attended by the main leaders of the two fronts was convened. Xu Xiangqian, commander-in-chief of the Red Fourth Front, did not attend the meeting because of the matter of setting off north in Luhuo.

In the conference room, the chiefs were talking. More guards were set up at the door, refusing to allow ordinary people to approach the venue.

From time to time, ren Bi's firm voice came from the venue. According to the recollection of Yu Hongyuan, vice chairman of the former Sichuan-Shaanxi Provincial Soviet Government, who always attended the meeting, Ren Bishi mainly talked about the following issues:

First of all, he criticized Zhang Guotao for stealing the name of the central authorities to transfer the Red Second and Sixth Armies. You're going to swallow us up! Zhang Guotao defended: Because you are in a difficult situation, there are enemies following behind you, and you are a little closer to us. You can deter the enemy and maintain your strength. These reasons seem to sound grandiose, but in fact, Zhang Guotao's sophistry to cover up his plot is unconvincing.

When Zhang Guotao wanted to interfere with Ren Bi, who expected to touch the nail: they were all members of the Politburo and had no right to interfere in the struggle on another occasion, the fierce struggle at the top, and the special struggle

Second, he criticized Zhang Guotao's erroneous line of going south. Ren Bishi said: "Your line to the south is wrong, and in doing so it has dispersed the main force of the Red Army, given the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it, and forced us into the grass, with no grain, no grass, no food, no clothing, and serious losses to the Red Army." On the one hand, the army has gone north, you have gone north and south, you have gone south and north, pulling back and forth in the meadow, how many of our revolutionary comrades have sacrificed in this boundless meadow?! "You Zhang Guotao have caused evil consequences to the Chinese revolution, and your intention to establish a base area in Tianquan and Lushan is purely a fantasy." They have not been able to gain a foothold in northern Sichuan, so how can they establish base areas in Tianquan and Lushan? The enemy has taught you a lesson, suffered defeats, and suffered heavy losses, so if these forces are used in northern Shaanxi and on the anti-Japanese front, how much of a difference will it play! Therefore, leaving aside other issues for the time being, our sacred task now is to quickly meet with the army on the one hand. Ren Bi laid out the facts, reasoned, and criticized pertinently, and Zhang Guotao did not refute it.

Again, he criticized Zhang Guotao for establishing himself as a central committee. Ren Bishi solemnly pointed out: "Self-reliance of the Central Committee is a serious anti-Party act, a self-exclusion from the Chinese revolution, and absolutely intolerable by Party discipline. In response to Zhang Guotao's arrogant and unreasonable remarks that slandered Chairman Mao, Ren Bishi lowered his face and said: "Many of the comrades of our Second Front Army are from Jinggangshan Rice, and they are very familiar with Chairman Mao and have feelings. Even if he did not come from Jinggangshan, he had the highest faith in the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao. He warned Zhang Guotao: "If you want to force them to oppose Chairman Mao, then they will have to turn their faces, they don't know you!" Now that you have announced the abolition of the Second Central Committee, we welcome it. ”

Finally, Ren Bishi made an incisive analysis of the situation. He said in a loud voice: "At present, the situation in the Shaanxi-Gansu base area is very good, the central authorities have gained a firm foothold in northern Shaanxi, the base area has developed, victory has been won across the Yellow River in the east, and the western expedition is proceeding smoothly." As far as the national situation is concerned, Japan has occupied the three eastern provinces and has also taken a tiger's eye on north China and even the whole of China, making ethnic contradictions the main contradictions in the country; the central authorities have put forward the slogan of establishing an anti-Japanese national united front and put forward the question of uniting and winning over the Northeast Army and the Northwest Army, and the Chinese revolution is once again in a period of climax. Our only path is to go north and meet the center. When this meeting is held, we should immediately go north, and the road to Qinghai is not feasible. ”

When Zhang Guotao wanted to interfere with Ren Bi, who expected to touch the nail: they were all members of the Politburo and had no right to interfere in the struggle on another occasion, the fierce struggle at the top, and the special struggle

Ren Bishi's speech was impassioned, full of emotion, and very wonderful. When Zhang Guotao talked about the different opinions of some ten soldiers of the Red Fourth Front Army on the north and tried to excuse themselves, He Long said firmly: "Agree with Comrade Ren Bishi's opinion and go north." Our second and fourth fronts united and continued north to meet the Central Committee. After the three main forces meet, the situation in the north will change greatly, and it is possible that the central point of the Chinese revolution will be moved to the north, settled in the base areas of northern Shaanxi, and then unfolded throughout the country. It is not right to go south, comrade Bishi has already said, and you are doing this to split the Red Army and the Party, and to cause unnecessary losses to the revolution. Comrade Xu Xiangqian, commander-in-chief of the Fourth Front, and the vast number of commanders and fighters are resisting your mistake of Zhang Guotao. The comrades of the Fourth Front woven a large number of wool vests and woolen socks to give to our Second Front, which fully embodied the fighting friendship of the fraternal troops. We should unite and continue north. ”

Zhu De said in his speech: "We originally decided to go north, Comrade Zhang Guotao has always insisted on going south, and we have no way, now it is impossible to go south, Tianquan has suffered defeat, the enemy is following very closely, the original plan cannot be realized, there is only one way: go north and meet the central authorities." ”

Liu Bocheng, Guan Xiangying, and others also spoke, believing that they should fully agree with the propositions of Zhu De, Ren Bishi, and He Long, and resolutely go north! Zhang Guotao lost his rule in the face of their firm attitude. He knew He Long's temper, and he remembered the scene when Ren Bi was in Wuhan in 1927 and fought face-to-face with Chen Duxiu, the general secretary of the party at the time. He zhang guotao also participated in those meetings, and he had learned from Ren Bi's revolutionary struggle, and he never gave in to Ren Bi on issues of principle. So, what now?

When Zhang Guotao wanted to interfere with Ren Bi, who expected to touch the nail: they were all members of the Politburo and had no right to interfere in the struggle on another occasion, the fierce struggle at the top, and the special struggle

At the meeting, although Zhang Guotao was unwilling to go north to join the Central Committee in an attempt to act in the northwest of Xia and Tao, due to the constant urging of the party Central Committee and the representatives of the Communist International, because Zhu De, Liu Bocheng, Ren Bishi, He Long, Guan Xiangying, and others resolutely safeguarded the correct leadership of the Party Central Committee and the unity of the Red Army, and adhered to the principle of going north to meet the Central Committee, and also because of the strong demands of the vast number of commanders and fighters of the Red Fourth Front, Zhang Guotao had to accept the Red Second. The decision of the four fronts to jointly go north to meet the central authorities. Zhang Guotao's criminal activities of splitting the Party and the Red Army for nearly a year failed.

The Ganzi Conference was an important meeting held after the red second and fourth fronts met the divisions, and played a major role in promoting the meeting divisions of the three main red forces. Zhu De said happily: "Now that everyone has been unified and the two fronts are heading north together, this is a great harvest of the meeting, understanding is unified, strength is concentrated, and strength is greater." ”

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="14" > third, special struggle</h1>

Although understanding is unified, the struggle is still appearing in a special way.

Liao Chengzhi, who had worked in the Red Fourth Front, recalled this:

One day, as a "criminal" in custody, he was walking in the ranks of the troops, and he saw Ren Bishi and Zhang Guotao gesturing and talking on a small dirt slope on the side of the road. Ren Bishi looked at this team and suddenly stepped forward and asked, "Isn't this Comrade Liao Chengzhi?" I am Ren Bishi. ”

Liao Chengzhi nodded in surprise and joy: "Yes, it's me." Ren Bishi shook hands with him tightly and asked him about his work and life. Seeing that his clothes were torn and torn, and he was escorted by armed personnel, he immediately showed a look of surprise and turned back to Zhang Guotao and asked: "What is going on?" ”

When Zhang Guotao wanted to interfere with Ren Bi, who expected to touch the nail: they were all members of the Politburo and had no right to interfere in the struggle on another occasion, the fierce struggle at the top, and the special struggle

Zhang Guotao opened his mouth and stammered, and it was not easy to answer. Ren Bishi solemnly and forcefully said to Zhang Guotao: "Please tell me what he needs, I can help him." ”

Ren Bishi posed as if he was very familiar with Liao Chengzhi. In fact, the two of them had never met or known each other, but he had come to "recognize" Liao Chengzhi at this time, and he was also dragging Zhang Guotao along, and his intention was very obvious. Soon, a group of cadres within the Red Fourth Front who were dissatisfied, resisted, and opposed Zhang Guotao's erroneous line and were persecuted by him restored partial freedom under the concern and intervention of Ren Bishi and others. Among them are Liao Chengzhi, Luo Shiwen and so on.

The struggle of He Long, Ren Bishi, and other leaders of the Second Red Front against Zhang Guotao strengthened the voice of Zhu De, the commander-in-chief of the Red Army. Zhang Guotao was forced to abandon his claim and agree to go north, marking the end of the thrilling Ganzi struggle.

Of course, in this struggle, due to Zhang Guotao's deceptive propaganda, individual comrades of the Red Second Front were also temporarily deceived. When looking back on this period of history, Xiao Ke once said: "When the Sixth Army met with the troops who came from afar to greet us in Lihua Nanzhijiawa on June 3, some old comrades-in-arms said to me: Zhang Guotao has split with the central authorities, and the responsibility lies with the central authorities. I believed blindly. Originally, I was somewhat dissatisfied with the losses of the central base areas and the serious attrition and weakening of the Red Army during the Long March, and in addition to one-sidedly listening to the distorted facts, I confused the leadership of the Central Committee before and after the Zunyi Conference, and expressed dissatisfaction with the Central Committee in front of some comrades. When I met Commander-in-Chief Zhu, who sincerely explained to me what had happened, he changed his attitude. This is one of the deepest lessons of my political life. Xiao Ke's words summing up the lessons of history in this paragraph show the fine qualities of a loyal communist.

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