
Have you ever complained about your home?

author:Liu in his heart

On the 28th of last month, I came from Hefei alone to work in a small factory in Ning, and there were only 200 people! It's really boring to be a person, but I've learned to adapt to this society for a long time, and I was 03 years old

Have you ever complained about your home?

I took a picture in my dorm room

2 days ago, my father asked me for money and I didn't give it, and the next night I didn't know what the reason was at home!

I was working overtime my sister said that my stepmother drank pesticides to commit suicide, was in the hospital rescue room I thought about what happened, my sister said my dad's reason later I transferred ten thousand yuan back, I was only 18 years old I was the youngest in the family but also the most tired!

My dad didn't have good work all day and had no money to say that it was borrowed, but everyone understood that it was so difficult for me to save some money, yesterday afternoon I used a month's salary to change an Apple phone because I used it for three years before 'OPPO finally gave up a debt to himself.

I'm really tired and physically tired! Tired, looking at this home I really can't do anything really want to sleep! Long: Long! That kind! o

Have you ever complained about your home?

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