
Every woman has to have a home of her own

author:Love all the good raw rice

May I never have a daughter in my life, born a woman, it is too hard, even if I live happily in my mother's house, there is always a voice in my heart that says: "That is not your home, you have become a guest."

And even if the in-laws have a good life and the in-laws are good people, you still live carefully, afraid of doing the wrong thing, and you know in your heart that this is not your home, because you are a foreign visitor, this will always be someone else's home.

Even if it is your son, it is not only your son, but also someone else's grandson, who will get married and have children in the future, and have a home, it is also someone else's home.

I once heard a saying that girls will have no home when they grow up, and this sentence is full of bitterness.

Or do you have to have a house on your own, have a home, that home, you can make your own decisions, you can live freely, you can do whatever you want, you can laugh, you can cry sadly, you can reject all people you are not welcome.

Every woman must have a place of spiritual and physical sustenance, not like a rootless duckweed, who has no place to live and is afraid for a lifetime.

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