
"Walking with God": Experiencing 7 hells, recreating 7 life segments, showing 7 philosophies of life 01 fire soup hell 02 laziness hell 03 lies hell 04 unjust hell 05 betrayal hell 06 violent hell, heavenly hell 07 have feelings

author:Da Li said growing

Author: Da Li

What was the last thing you ever regretted in your life?

Are you willing to accept the judgment of fate for this?

With these two questions in mind, I wrote this article.

Walking with God is a magical film released in South Korea in 2017, telling the story of the protagonist Kim Jae-hung, a firefighter who died to protect a child during a firefighting operation, so he came to Hades as a righteous deceased, escorted by three hell apologists, and was reincarnated after a 49-day trial.

In the movie, Jin Zihong needs to follow the defender to the seven hell judges, review the crimes committed before his death, and after the defender defends, decide whether to be punished, which determines whether he can finally be eligible for reincarnation.

In fact, when he walked through these seven hells and re-experienced the good and evil of life and human nature, he also re-examined his own life. This is also a place that is easy to cause moviegoers to think deeply.

"Walking with God": Experiencing 7 hells, recreating 7 life segments, showing 7 philosophies of life 01 fire soup hell 02 laziness hell 03 lies hell 04 unjust hell 05 betrayal hell 06 violent hell, heavenly hell 07 have feelings

<h1>01 Fire Soup Hell</h1>

Jin Zihong first came to the Fire Soup Hell, and coming here represents that he has committed direct or indirect homicide in the human world.

In fact, the truth is that in a firefighting operation, he delayed the rescue of colleagues who were also trapped in the fire in order to rescue the injured who were also trapped in the fire, and finally the building collapsed, and the colleague died tragically.

In the prophet's defense, this plot was forgiven.

In fact, this situation is excusable in anyone's eyes, first, he did what he should have done, second, he saved the lives of eight people that day, third, it was too late when he finally tried to rush in to save his colleagues, this tragedy was not out of his own intention, and fourth, he made the choice to save the wounded first at the behest of his colleagues, that is, it was the will of the deceased.

Therefore, it is reasonable that this is not his fault, and even so, it does not mean that he has no guilt, but it is also based on his feelings of guilt and helplessness, so when this scene is reproduced in the karmic mirror, it will be so painful.

Writing this, I think of the question, if he had returned to that time, would he have made such a choice?

However, we don't know, but if the same thing happened to you, how would you choose?

Whether you will choose professional ethics, social responsibility or sophistication is a question worth thinking about.

Back to the point, I think the film wants to show that many times the reality will force you to make a choice, but no matter what your choice is, you will bear the risks and consequences, but the consideration of vital interests is not the focus of your attention, and asking it is the way to do it.

"Walking with God": Experiencing 7 hells, recreating 7 life segments, showing 7 philosophies of life 01 fire soup hell 02 laziness hell 03 lies hell 04 unjust hell 05 betrayal hell 06 violent hell, heavenly hell 07 have feelings

<h1>02 Lazy Hell</h1>

The second place they came to was the hell of idleness, which represented the punishment of those who wasted their time doing nothing in the given time.

Meaning, wasting time is also a sin.

Because in Jin Zihong's life, there is no laziness and slackness, he has been working hard, even holidays. His busyness and toil impressed the Judge of Lazy Hell, King Chu Jiang, and she asked him, what made him love life so much? I thought I could hear a positive answer, but I didn't think about it, but he said: It's for money.

In the setting of the story, "money" is seen as a false god, and if you believe in it, you will be punished.

But the judges learned in the emissary's defense that Jin Zihong was driven by money because he had a mute mother who was seriously ill and a brother who was preparing for the judge's exam, and they would not be able to live without working hard to make money.

So, instead of saying that money is his everything, it is better to say that his family is everything to him.

"Walking with God": Experiencing 7 hells, recreating 7 life segments, showing 7 philosophies of life 01 fire soup hell 02 laziness hell 03 lies hell 04 unjust hell 05 betrayal hell 06 violent hell, heavenly hell 07 have feelings

They saw in the mirror that his life had no vacation, no rest, only endless work, after work as a substitute driver, waiter, and public bathhouse, just to make more money to keep his mother and brother alive. And these soreness and exhaustion were finally liberated after death.

Although he has been busy all his life to make money, he is not for himself.

As king Chu Jiang said in the final judgment of the movie: "All he did was not self-interest, but for the sake of his seriously ill mother and young brother." "

Therefore, Jin Zihong's belief in "false gods" was forgiven.

In this part, "money" represents worldly selfishness and utilitarianism, while What Jin Zihong does is exactly the opposite, and making money can also represent selflessness and dedication.

I think that the plot of the hell of laziness conveys both the idea that life should not be wasted in the world, but also wants to tell the audience not to be enslaved by money, not to do anything for profit, if the money earned will be given more valuable meaning if it can help others.

"Walking with God": Experiencing 7 hells, recreating 7 life segments, showing 7 philosophies of life 01 fire soup hell 02 laziness hell 03 lies hell 04 unjust hell 05 betrayal hell 06 violent hell, heavenly hell 07 have feelings

<h1>03 Lies Hell</h1>

The third hell they reach is the hell of lies, which is dedicated to punishing those who like to lie in the world.

The story about this part is this: Jin Zihong left home 15 years ago to work outside the home, trying to earn money to support his mother and brother, and usually likes to write letters to contact his mother. In the letter, he fabricated that he had a happy family and a happy life with both children and daughters, and concealed the fact that he worked day and night and was still a bachelor.

In addition, he insisted on secretly writing letters to the daughter of the colleague who died in the fire mentioned earlier, giving her father the illusion that he was still alive, so that the little girl believed it to be true and waited at the door of the house every day for her father's return.

Behind these lies is his love and protection for them. It was precisely because of these white lies that his mother, who was suffering from a sickbed at the time, was cured and discharged from the hospital, and the girl who had lost her father's love was cheered up and found hope for life again.

The apologist in the film has a line like this: When the white lie is revealed, how much hope is brought and how much loss will be lost, but people in the world have grown even more because of loss.

Therefore, no matter how many hardships and ups and downs there are in life, experiencing and overcoming them is growth.

"Walking with God": Experiencing 7 hells, recreating 7 life segments, showing 7 philosophies of life 01 fire soup hell 02 laziness hell 03 lies hell 04 unjust hell 05 betrayal hell 06 violent hell, heavenly hell 07 have feelings

<h1>04 Unjust Hell</h1>

"Unjust hell, punishing those who have a cold unwilling heart and do not want to help others, who conceal the truth for their personal desires and interests, there is no indictment in Hell, and the sins committed by people in the world will never disappear, and the sins they have committed will disappear as long as they are never mentioned? Depending on the length of time the truth is concealed, the punishment for coming to Hades will change. "

This is a passage that the apologist said when they came to the unjust hell when he introduced Himself to Jin Zihong.

The film is cleverly designed because Kim Is not an unrighteous person, so they only go through the hell of injustice. In the narrative of this line, something happened in the human world.

Kim's younger brother, Kim So-hung, who was serving in the army, was mistakenly injured by a soldier of the same rank during a duty trip, shot in the abdomen and fell into a coma, while another officer who arrived buried him alive with the soldiers because he did not want to lose the opportunity for a promotion he was about to get.

"Walking with God": Experiencing 7 hells, recreating 7 life segments, showing 7 philosophies of life 01 fire soup hell 02 laziness hell 03 lies hell 04 unjust hell 05 betrayal hell 06 violent hell, heavenly hell 07 have feelings

This is the darkest plot in the film: on a thunderstorm night, two people drag a body that is still warm, carefully avoid the crowd to find a remote no-man's land, bury it, and the owner of this body has his eyes closed, but his consciousness is clear, his fingers move slightly, but he is powerless, and finally turns into a wronged soul in pain.

One ignores the fact that the other person is still alive because of fear, and one deprives others of their lives because of their future. Seeing this, I only feel that the selfishness and evil of human nature are revealed.

To act in an unfavorable or even harmful manner in order to pursue personal gain is unkind and unjust. Such a person is blinded by the immediate interests, how can he see that the road ahead is long, and the future can be expected.

Like the officer in the film, he thinks that the death of his colleague is a stumbling block to his future, but he does not realize that the person who ruined his life is himself.

"Walking with God": Experiencing 7 hells, recreating 7 life segments, showing 7 philosophies of life 01 fire soup hell 02 laziness hell 03 lies hell 04 unjust hell 05 betrayal hell 06 violent hell, heavenly hell 07 have feelings

<h1>05 Betrayal hell</h1>

And the hell of betrayal, as the name suggests, is dedicated to punishing the dead who fail to live up to the trust of others.

But the Song Emperor, who was in charge of the hell of betrayal, could tolerate a kind of betrayal, which she called "beautiful betrayal," meaning that although he betrayed others, it was not for self-interest, but for justice or social value in a broader sense. This betrayal can be forgiven.

As the "righteous dead", Kim Zi-hong does not have to go through the trial of betrayal hell, and this part of the film alludes to the two people who buried his brother Kim So-hung alive.

One is the younger brother that Kim So-hong took special care of before he died, and the other is his most trusted boss, but he is betrayed by the two most trusted people.

As he said, "What they buried was my hope and trust!" "

"Walking with God": Experiencing 7 hells, recreating 7 life segments, showing 7 philosophies of life 01 fire soup hell 02 laziness hell 03 lies hell 04 unjust hell 05 betrayal hell 06 violent hell, heavenly hell 07 have feelings

Do they think that dirt can bury their bodies and at the same time bury the truth? The opposite is true. Even if the truth is not leaked in time, it still sows the seeds of pain in their hearts.

The soldier was condemned by his conscience and was troubled all the time, and although the officers looked calm on the surface, they were not without waves in the dead of night.

Although they keep their temporary gains, they have to suffer the consequences of a lifetime of uneasy conscience. What joy is there to live like this?

Therefore, what the film reveals is that even if they know this truth, when people are faced with choices, they will be more inclined to personal interests, and betrayal will be born. But what I didn't expect was that betrayal was a double-edged sword, hurting others and hurting themselves at the same time.

Win-win is the philosophy of dealing with the world.

"Walking with God": Experiencing 7 hells, recreating 7 life segments, showing 7 philosophies of life 01 fire soup hell 02 laziness hell 03 lies hell 04 unjust hell 05 betrayal hell 06 violent hell, heavenly hell 07 have feelings

<h1>06 Violent Hell, Heavenly Hell</h1>

The last two levels they passed were the Hell of Violence and the Hell of Heaven. The two places have a certain connection, so put together to say.

Jin Zihong's trial in the violent hell was a violent beating of his brother, and then there was no explanation or apology, and many people did not know what was going on, so that defenders could not defend him. But the mystery is revealed in hell.

Hell is a judgment related to parents.

It turned out that the night he beat his brother was the darkest and most hopeless time of his life. That night, he had planned to suffocate his hopeless mother, who was seriously ill, with a pillow, and then take the rest of the sleeping pills with his brother, and the whole family would die.

But while he was hesitating, he was awakened and found by his brother, who had been asleep, and the younger brother stopped him with tears, and it was at that time, in an indescribable mood, that he extended his fist to his brother.

It was also from that night that the guilt in his heart made him decide to run away from home, living only for his mother and brother for the rest of his life, and never returned from home for fifteen years until his death.

"Walking with God": Experiencing 7 hells, recreating 7 life segments, showing 7 philosophies of life 01 fire soup hell 02 laziness hell 03 lies hell 04 unjust hell 05 betrayal hell 06 violent hell, heavenly hell 07 have feelings

However, the reappearance of karma allows him to discover the truth that they all ignored, and on the night he prepared to suffocate his mother and then commit suicide, his mother did not fall unconscious, and even quietly opened her eyes.

She knew everything, but said nothing.

When he saw this scene, Jin Zihong collapsed, and the King of Tianlun rebelled against him for this, and he cried bitterly and confessed, but he hoped to see his mother for the last time and personally apologize to her.

At this time, all the defenses of the apologists look pale and feeble.

But the King of Tianlun said a very interesting sentence: Do you want to do something that you didn't do when you were alive? I've given you enough time, fifteen years!

The final judgment is approaching, and seeing that Jin Zihong is about to lose the opportunity to reincarnate, Xiuhong, who has been paying attention to his brother's soul in another world, helps him, and the younger brother explains his brother's sins to her by giving her a dream to his mother, seeing her for the last time. But she had already forgiven him, and had been waiting for him to come home.

The forgiven Zihong was eventually reincarnated.

"Walking with God": Experiencing 7 hells, recreating 7 life segments, showing 7 philosophies of life 01 fire soup hell 02 laziness hell 03 lies hell 04 unjust hell 05 betrayal hell 06 violent hell, heavenly hell 07 have feelings

There is a line in the film that is particularly cautionary: no one can live in life, but only a few people can summon up real courage to ask for forgiveness, and a smaller number of people in the minority can get sincere forgiveness.

At the end of seeing it, I finally understood what this movie wanted to say: those who can realize their mistakes and sincerely ask for forgiveness are of course valuable, and even more valuable are those who can truly forgive each other's mistakes.

Not all mistakes in this world deserve to be forgiven, not all people deserve to be forgiven, and not all people have the obligation and heart to forgive others. It is also because of this that how many people say apologies on their lips but do not think so in their hearts; how many people pretend to be generous on the surface, but are full of hatred in their hearts.

Forgiveness is always an easier said than done thing.

And the beauty and ugliness of human nature, the truth and falsity of human feelings, shown in this film, tell the audience how precious sincere tolerance is.

When people live in the world, they collide in the world.

And tolerance is the antidote to pain, the lubricant to relieve friction; it is to let go of others, but also to let go of yourself.

At this point, I think I can answer the question raised at the beginning of the article: Does reincarnation represent rebirth?

I think that in the movie, reincarnation represents both letting go of the past and starting over, as well as forgiveness and redemption.

While forgiving others, let yourself go.

"Walking with God": Experiencing 7 hells, recreating 7 life segments, showing 7 philosophies of life 01 fire soup hell 02 laziness hell 03 lies hell 04 unjust hell 05 betrayal hell 06 violent hell, heavenly hell 07 have feelings

<h1>07 There is a feeling and hair</h1>

The seven hells through which Jin Zihong passed represented murder, laziness, lies, injustice, betrayal, violence, and innocence, as well as the seven passions and six desires, greed, hatred, and hatred in the world.

And these different dark sides accompany everyone's life, appear in different life stages of each person, and share joy and sorrow.

How can these struggles, these sins, be redeemed?

Everyone has a different answer.

What if everyone had a chance to do it all over again?

Maybe some people will repeat the same mistakes, and some people will cherish the opportunity.

However, we all know that time does not turn back, and regret in the past is useless.

If this is the case, why not treat every day as the only, work hard and love life, and live up to Shaohua together, so that people have no regrets.

Author: Da Li, insist on writing quality articles, do not say boring nonsense, more interesting content, welcome to follow my account: Da Li said grow.

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