
La Traviata Margaret: Love you with your last breath before you die

author:Optimistic piano QI

The aristocratic young Armand believes that he fell in love with margaret Gotty, the Parisian traviata: Miss É, because it was a matter of fate. This fateful love, at the first sight of the Traviata, he had a premonition.

La Traviata Margaret: Love you with your last breath before you die

Armand: "That's in the Exchange Square, in front of the Shop of Silks. She got out of an open-top four-wheeled carriage. She wears a long lace-trimmed tulle dress with an Indian scarf draped over her shoulders, and all four corners are gold-trimmed and silk-embroidered flowers. On her hand, she wore a bracelet with a thick gold chain that was traveling at the time. ”

From the moment the girl stepped out of the carriage, until she walked into the shop, and then she came out of the shop and boarded the carriage and left, Armand's feet seemed to be firmly nailed to the ground. Through the window, he watched her shop there. He didn't dare go in.

Armand secretly swore in his heart: "I am inexplicably pale and my heart is beating wildly." I want to follow her anywhere. ”

The opportunity soon arose.

Armand's friend: "Come on, Armand, I'll take you to the famous Traviata in Paris and introduce you to her." You see, she's in the box over there. ”

Armand: "No, I don't..."

Armand's friend: "What, not interested in her?" ”

Armand: "No, I mean, you're going to ask for her permission and introduce me to her if she wants to." ”

Armand's friend: "What?" Hahahaha. Okay, I'll do it. But, my dear Armand, don't think I'm introducing you to a duchess. She was a prostitute, an authentic prostitute, hahahahaha. ”

La Traviata Margaret: Love you with your last breath before you die

In Margaret's box, Armand couldn't help but be embarrassed, his face flushed, and he couldn't say a word. Margaret whispered a word in her female companion's ear, and the two of them burst out laughing.

Armand: "Madam, I'm not a boring person you think I am. Please forgive my presumptuousness. I have to say goodbye to you, and I will never come to see you so recklessly again! ”

He closed the door and walked out. Moments of silence. A burst of laughter from men and women.

Armand never appeared in Marguerite's box that day, but when Margaret was gone, Armand followed her down the street, watching her every move until he saw her return to his home.

After that, Armand met her on the street from time to time, never spoke to her, and when she was sick, Armand inquired about her condition every day, but never told anyone his name or left a business card.

This is the history of Armand's attachment to the Paris la traviata. Two years later, through the introduction of Pridance, the lady of the women's fashion shop, Armand officially entered the living room of the Camellia woman's house.

Pridance: "Traviata is now the mistress of the old duke, and the old duke looks at her very strictly!" Still, every night at eleven o'clock count N would come over. Count N thought that as long as Traviata wanted any jewelry, he would buy her any jewelry, and Traviata would fall in love with him! But he was wrong, and the Traviata bothered him. ”

Margaret called out to her female companions, "Pridance, bring them here!" I was annoyed to death by the Count..."

Pridance motioned to Armand, "Now let's go, she's calling us." ”

Pridance saw Margaret and said in a serious voice, "Here it comes, here it comes!" Margaret, be nice to the Count! He's the kind of man you need, the man who has money! The old duke is going to die, right? ”

Margaret: "Wait until he's dead!" Who's this? ”

Pridance: "Allow me to introduce you to Monsieur Armand Dival..."

It was only from that evening that the Traviata met Armand, a young man who had been attached to her for two years.

La Traviata Margaret: Love you with your last breath before you die

In the sound of a chaotic piano play, in a burst of laughter, in a vulgar singing.

Gaston teased Margaret, "La Traviata, be my mistress!" Guarantee I'll come to see you every day! ”

Margaret: "Haha I see you're crazy, Gaston, a woman like us, if she hadn't slept with you the first time someone introduced you to me, she wouldn't have been again!" ”

Armand: "Don't sing this lewd little tune!" ”

Gaston: "Hahahahaha, Armand, can't see it, you're a fake!" ”

They made trouble in the Traviata's living room until two or three o'clock. Singing and dancing, eating and drinking, and sometimes saying dirty words that are unbearable.

The more vulgar the dirty words spoken by others, the more Traviata laughs, as a 20-year-old beauty who has fallen into the country, Traviata's laughter is rude like a porter.

Armand's mood grew more and more melancholy.

At its most lively moment, Armand followed Margaret into her dressing room. There was only one candle lit in the room, and Margaret was leaning back on a large sofa, one hand pressed to her chest, and in the silver washbasin on the ground, in half a basin of clear water, there were wisps of marbling blood floating.

In the midst of the noise, Margaret suddenly coughed vigorously. Cough again. Cough violently. Until the surrounding area suddenly became quiet

La Traviata Margaret: Love you with your last breath before you die

Looking at Armand, who was nervous about her, Margaret was very calm, "Don't make a fuss, Armand, I'm used to it. Everyone knows that lung disease is a terminal illness and there is no medicine to cure it. Ah, you're crying, what's wrong with you? ”

Armand: "Listen to me, Margaret, you have to take care of your body and stop living this debauchery..."

Margaret smiled contemptuously: "High-society ladies and ladies need to take care of their bodies, what about those of us?" What does it matter if a girl like me has one more or one less? ”

Armand: "Listen to me, Margaret, I will take good care of you, not leave you, cure your illness..."

Margaret: "Are you in love with me?" ”

Armand: "Can't restrain. ”

Traviata's face was full of sorrow: "Armand, if I promise you, you will have a sentimental mistress, a neurotic woman, a sick woman, a melancholy woman, a woman who is more sad than painful when she is happy, a woman who vomits blood and spends a hundred thousand francs a year." Armand, it's troublesome. ”

La Traviata Margaret: Love you with your last breath before you die

That night, Armand accepted one of Margaret's camellias, and accepted the camellia agreement: when he saw margaret's tea in the theater box that the camellia was white, he could go to her house.

The next day, when Armand arrived at the Traviata's house as promised, he hid in the dressing room and saw such a scene.

Count N softly flattered la Traviata: "Are you well tonight, baby?" ”

Traviata was not appreciative at all: "Not good. ”

Count N looked at the Traviata, "Do you mean that I disturbed you?" ”

Traviata said in a very strong tone, "Maybe? ”

Count N was also a little annoyed: "How did you receive me like this, and did I offend you in any way, my dear Margaret?" ”

Margaret opened her mouth in a strange way: "Dear friend, you have not offended me at all, I am sick and need to sleep, and I will be very happy if you leave." As for the fact that you asked me to be your mistress, I tell you now, no. I hate you so much, bye-bye! ”

The door slammed shut.

Margaret: "I hate myself for listening to people and thinking that prostitution can have a little dignity." But now? Surrounded by insatiable and take advantage of us, sooner or later, we will destroy ourselves and others, and die like a dog! ”

That night, Armand spent the night at Margaret's house. At five o'clock the next morning, Margaret kissed him and told him that the old duke would come every morning, so he was leaving at once. From this day on, they began to fall in love with each other.

The first blow came after spending two nights with Margaret. Armand knew that Margaret had received Count G, and he had been in the street all night, staring at her window.

Armand wrote a letter to Margaret: "I wish I could love you like a millionaire, but I can't do it, you wish I could love you like a poor egg, and I'm not so empty." So let's all forget, for you to forget an insignificant name, to me is to forget an unattainable dream. ”

After writing this rude letter, Armand waited feverishly for two days, not waiting for the la Traviata's letter. Armand returned to Margaret's side and knelt down to beg her forgiveness. He hugged margaret and wept. They decided to go to the countryside together.

It was there that they lived a healthy and simple life for more than four months, and more importantly, it was there that the Traviata severed ties with her old duke, and that meant rejecting the gift of seventy thousand francs a year.

La Traviata Margaret: Love you with your last breath before you die

When news of la Traviata living with a young man from an ordinary family spread, bills and creditors followed, and she sold her carriage, shawl, and diamonds, never speaking to Armand about her difficulties.

Armand: "Margaret, Margaret..."

Margaret: "One can be content with vanity when there is no love in one's heart, but once there is love, vanity becomes vulgar." ”

They decided to rent a simple little apartment and be together forever.

Just as Armand was excited about this exciting future, a second heavy blow struck. Suddenly one day, the country houseman went to the empty building, and Traviata returned to Paris alone, leaving him.

The next news that followed was that Traviata had moved in with her most hated Count N. Armand was going crazy.

He had heard that Traviata had again lived a life of a hundred times more debauchery than before, and each appearance was paler than the last.

Armand desperately finds the Traviata.

Armand: "Margaret... Are you happy? ”

Margaret: "Please look at my face, is this a happy woman?" Don't kid yourself about my pain. ”

Armand: "Why leave me?" ”

Margaret: "I can't say. Someday you'll know. ”

Armand: "Margaret, can't we be as happy as we used to be?" ”

Margaret: "Don't talk about it, treat me like your slave, your dog, enjoy me!" ”

Margaret: "As long as I have one breath left, day or night, as long as you want me, I will come, I belong to you." But don't think about the future. ”

But the next day, when Armand arrived at the Traviata's house, he ate behind closed doors.

Maid: "Mr. Count N is here, and he won't let anyone in." ”

Jealous and insane, Armand sent Traviata a five-hundred-franc bill and wrote a note telling her it was her overnight money. This was their last meeting.

The last meeting turned out to be Yong Ti. By the time Armand received the news and rushed to Paris, Traviata had died of lung disease for a full month.

It was then that Armand knew the real reason why Margaret had left him.

Margaret's call: "I am the Traviata of Paris, and you can hear the legends about me on every street in Paris." I was a prostitute, a woman who had always lived a life of debauchery.

Armand's father came to me and asked me to leave him for the happiness of his son. ”

La Traviata Margaret: Love you with your last breath before you die

Margaret's last words in her diary, left to Armand, are: Apart from the fact that your insult is evidence that you have always loved me, I seem to think that the more you torture me, the more noble I will appear to you when you know the truth." ”

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