
Jiangxia Taxation Bureau's "Silver Tax Interactive Platform" helps small and medium-sized enterprises to break the waves

Jingchu Network (Hubei Daily Network) News (Correspondents Yan Lou, Su Yuanli, Li Bizhe) Recently, the Taxation Bureau of Jiangxia District of Wuhan City received a call from Mr. Zhou, the person in charge of Hubei Zhong'elian Electric Power Engineering Co., Ltd., thanking them for using the "silver tax interaction" platform to help enterprises "loan" real money and silver.

Founded in May 2017, Hubei Zhong'elian Electric Power Engineering Co., Ltd. is a small and micro private enterprise located in Jiangxia District, and the company mainly provides wall materials for real estate enterprises on a daily basis. This year, due to unfavorable factors such as the sharp increase in raw material prices, the overall regulation of the real estate industry and the epidemic, the company once experienced a shortage of funds and encountered difficulties in operation. "Cash flow is the lifeblood of small and micro enterprises." After learning of this situation, Li Bizhe, director of the Wulijie Taxation Office of the Jiangxia District Taxation Bureau, immediately joined his colleagues in the Tax Service Division to actively help the enterprise to connect with the bank. In the end, the company obtained a 3.85% discount loan of 2 million yuan through the "cloud tax loan", which injected a strong impetus into the production and operation of the enterprise. "Thanks to the tax authorities for attaching importance to our small and micro private enterprises, it has helped us solve our urgent needs." Now the company's employees' wages and benefits have been paid in a timely manner, and the upstream raw material payment has also been paid in a timely manner. After that, the company will also purchase more production equipment, expand production capacity, and become stronger and stronger! Mr. Zhou said excitedly.

It is reported that the "silver tax interaction" is that the tax department provides the credit evaluation results to the bank, and then the commercial banks take the initiative to dock with the relevant enterprises, timely grant credit to the enterprises that meet the requirements and have credit needs, and start the tax loan products. The "silver tax interaction" further enhances the depth and breadth of the use of tax credit in the financial field, and effectively improves the participation and activity of market entities by reducing the capital turnover pressure caused by the mismatch between the loan term and the production and operation cycle of the enterprise, and provides new momentum for promoting the development and growth of enterprises.

There are many more MSMEs that also benefit. Hubei Environmental Protection Technology Engineering Co., Ltd. is a small and micro enterprise engaged in the research and development, manufacturing, sales, environmental engineering, municipal engineering design and construction of environmental protection equipment. The company currently has 9 sewage purification device patents, the company was selected as "Hubei Province High-tech Enterprise" and "Wuhan Science and Technology Little Giant". Advanced technology has attracted a blowout of orders, and the company's newly signed contracts last year alone reached more than 60 million yuan, an increase of nearly 2 times year-on-year. However, affected by various unfavorable factors, the project collection is slower, and the pressure on the capital chain suddenly increases. Just when the company was at a loss, the Small Business Financial Services Center of Hubei Bank took the initiative to contact it according to the directory of enterprises with good tax credit provided by the Jiangxia District Taxation Bureau. In view of the tax credit rating of the company by the tax department as A,000 yuan, the bank accelerated the approval of the loan for the company, and it took only 2 days to grant a comprehensive credit of 5 million yuan, which solved the urgent need of the enterprise.

Shi Jingqiao, secretary of the party committee and director of the Jiangxia District Taxation Bureau, said: "Since the establishment of the information sharing cooperation mechanism, a total of 11 banks in the jurisdiction have docked 37,257 enterprises, of which 465 have issued loans in the form of credit, and the amount of loans issued is 3.102 billion yuan. Among the enterprises that lend, small and medium-sized enterprises account for more than 70%. He said, "In the next step, the Jiangxia District Taxation Bureau will continue to carry out various activities to visit enterprises, in-depth enterprises to ask questions, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises financing difficulties, financing expensive, slow financing and other bottlenecks in enterprise development funds, continue to play the advantages of the 'silver tax interaction' platform, and inject vitality into the development of enterprises." ”

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