
Growing tea relies on the "artifact" of the tea garden, and drinking tea can be scanned and traced back to the source! Do you love such a letter Yang Mao tip?

author:Henan Business Daily

Henan Business Daily reporter Hao Ruiling / text, picture, video

The thin, gray-green dry tea meets the boiling water of Nanwan Lake and becomes rooted and stretched. The gray-green water enters the water and gradually turns yellowish-green. The tea soup is floating and sinking, and the fresh herbal aroma comes to the nose, which is fresh in the mouth and has a sweet aftertaste.

This is known as the "King of Green Tea" Xinyang Maojian, which was once Su Dongpo's favorite.

In modern times, the collision of traditional tea cultivation and emerging technologies has also produced a wonderful spark.

Growing tea relies on the "artifact" of the tea garden, and drinking tea can be scanned and traced back to the source! Do you love such a letter Yang Mao tip?

【Make traditional tea cultivation "smart"】

What kind of good mountains and good water have bred such a good tea?

The Henan Business Daily reporter came to Wenxin Tea Village in The Xunhe District of Xinyang City, where the tea garden terraces in front of him were stacked, and the waist-length tea trees grew happily. But in the green bushes, dotted with a number of yellow lights, attracted the attention of reporters, what is this?

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Yan Jingjing, solution manager of the government and enterprise department of Xinyang Mobile, introduced that this is a lamp specially used to monitor insect conditions and catch insects. In the 10,000 acres of tea garden in front of you, there are many hidden "artifacts": soil sensors that automatically collect information such as soil temperature, humidity, salinity, PH value, etc., weather stations that monitor meteorological conditions, and high-definition cameras that monitor the growth status of tea plants...

But how can the hardware equipment carry out data backhaul, is there an optical fiber under the entire tea mountain?

Growing tea relies on the "artifact" of the tea garden, and drinking tea can be scanned and traced back to the source! Do you love such a letter Yang Mao tip?

Yan Jingjing explained that Mobile has installed a 5G signal base station in the tea garden, and the entire tea garden has covered the 5G signal, and the collected data can be wirelessly and real-time back to the Internet of Things integrated management platform. With the help of the modeling and analysis of the big data cloud platform, the administrator can accurately know the growth status of the tea plants and carry out corresponding operations, and truly achieve "what is missing".

Growing tea relies on the "artifact" of the tea garden, and drinking tea can be scanned and traced back to the source! Do you love such a letter Yang Mao tip?

【"Smart Tea Garden" makes the growth environment of Xinyang Maojian controllable】

Compared with the usual need to judge how to raise tea according to experience, compared with the insecticidal maintenance of one tea tree after another through manpower, the creation of "smart tea garden" undoubtedly solves the big trouble, and can also ensure the quality of tea.

The growth of tea plants has many influencing factors, how to ensure the quality?

Guo Jianfeng, manager of the science and technology development department of Wenxin Company, introduced that the high-quality Xinyang Maojian is inseparable from the traditional tea making process, but more importantly, it is the control of the tea growth link.

"Smart Tea Garden" can informatize the factors that affect the taste of Xinyang Maojian, such as the temperature difference between day and night, the content of organic matter in the soil, the texture of the soil, and the amount of precipitation, so that the uncontrollable environmental factors become controllable.

Take the fresh and sweet taste of Xinyang Maojian, "theanine" rich Xinyang Maojian will have a fresh and sweet taste, but theanine will produce glutamic acid and ethylamine after photosynthesis, and ethylamine oxidation will produce "catechins" that make tea taste bitter, and cloud mist can reduce the occurrence of photosynthesis. Therefore, in the process of tea plant growth, the ability of the meteorological perception system of the "smart tea garden" to "predict" the number of cloud days is particularly important.

Growing tea relies on the "artifact" of the tea garden, and drinking tea can be scanned and traced back to the source! Do you love such a letter Yang Mao tip?

【Scan the two-dimensional code, the tea can be traced】

If you can taste tea while looking at where the "hometown" of these small green buds is, how they grow, and how they are fried and packaged to come to you, is it more unique?

Growing tea relies on the "artifact" of the tea garden, and drinking tea can be scanned and traced back to the source! Do you love such a letter Yang Mao tip?

"This May should be able to achieve, we have established a blockchain-based full-process tea traceability platform." Guo Jianfeng revealed that this means that after consumers buy tea, they can obtain videos containing the environmental parameters of the tea garden and the information of all aspects of tea production and processing by scanning the two-dimensional code on the tea packaging.

Are they not confident in the original growth of the yang hair tip "five clouds, two pools and one village and one door", the sweetness tasted when tasting tea is because of how many degrees of temperature difference they have experienced, encountered hundreds of foggy days, how much organic matter has been absorbed, the temperature geometry when stir-frying, and which tea farmers have passed through? It's clear at a glance. "Because of the large bandwidth and low latency of 5G networks, consumers can scan the code to see the real-time pictures and data we collect." Yan Jingjing said.

In this way, consumers can not only drink green and reassuring tea leaves, but also have an emotional connection with the tea gardens behind these tea leaves.

(Henan Business Daily Editor Shi Shangjing Lu Ruitian)

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