
Don't know what to eat at night? Stir-fry a spicy chili fried chicken, simple home cooking

author:Ann with truffles


1 chicken breast, 1 tbsp starch, 2-3 green chili peppers, 2-3 red peppers, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon of salt, a pinch of chicken essence.

Don't know what to eat at night? Stir-fry a spicy chili fried chicken, simple home cooking


1, first wash the chicken breast, cut off the fascia, cut in half from the middle, and then cut into small pieces and put it in a large bowl;

2, put in 1 spoonful of soy sauce, oyster sauce, starch, grasp and mix evenly, marinate for more than 30 minutes into the taste (time is tight to skip this step);

3, wash the green and red peppers, cut into small cubes, if you do not like the peppers can be replaced by green and red peppers that are not spicy;

Don't know what to eat at night? Stir-fry a spicy chili fried chicken, simple home cooking

4, heat the wok, pour in the appropriate amount of oil, after warming, pour the marinated chicken into the pot over medium-low heat, stir-fry evenly;

5, fry the chicken until the surface is golden brown, the edges are scorched, you can put it on the plate;

6: Leave a little bottom oil in the pot, add garlic slices and fry them to bring out the aroma, pour the green and red pepper segments into the pot and fry until they are broken

7, pour the chicken breast into the pot and stir-fry, sprinkle salt, chicken essence, 1 spoonful of raw soy sauce to taste, you can get out of the pot!

Don't know what to eat at night? Stir-fry a spicy chili fried chicken, simple home cooking

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