
"Effective Training, Cultivating the Core Competitiveness of Enterprises" Series of Interviews - Visiting Bian Que of the Operation Department

author:Hangzhou new restaurant creation

Guest of this issue: Acting Head of Operations Department - Bian Que

"Effective Training, Cultivating the Core Competitiveness of Enterprises" Series of Interviews - Visiting Bian Que of the Operation Department

Since the launch of the induction training program, the general manager has attached great importance to it, the head of the department has personally taken the battle, and the business mentor has taught with his heart, which has greatly improved the entry experience of new students. Bian Que, the head of the acting operation department, knows the importance of the induction training program and attaches great importance to the learning and growth of new students, so we conducted an exclusive interview with Bian Que, the head of the acting operation department.

1. What did your team do for the new students in the first week of their employment?

Bian Que: On the day of the new students' induction, we led the new students to visit the workplace according to the requirements of the company, communicate with the new students, have lunch together, and organize the first day summary meeting before leaving work. In addition, we will issue the "Two-week Work Arrangement for Operation Assistant" to new students. After the new students get the "Two-Week Work Arrangement for Operation Assistant", they can know what they have to learn and what to do every day in the first two weeks after they join the company. All members of our department will pass the "Junior Takeaway Operator Professional Certification" on the day of entry, which is a feature of our department, and other departments do not have this mandatory requirement. After that, we will carry out the relevant work normally in accordance with the company's requirements and the "Two-week Work Arrangement for Operation Assistants".

2. In what ways have new students performed better in the past two weeks?

Bian Que: Fei Peng's execution is very strong, quick to get started, and he has signed the store. Galaxy is steady, hard working, and has signed a store. Wang also has a good attitude, obedience to arrangements, and experience. I love them with my business mentors.

3. In the past two weeks, what aspects do you think your new classmates need to improve?

Bian Que: In my opinion, all three of them are excellent and promising, as long as they are diligent and studious, familiar with the business, and work hard, they will definitely make great achievements in the future. More patience, more enthusiasm, less anxiety, less impetuousness, these four points are especially important for new students.

4. Based on the current situation of new students, what measures will you take to help them grow?

Bian Que: First, open books (one book per month), so that everyone can take the initiative to learn. Second, the operation team leader should do a good job in teaching. Third, in the future, the hosting of our department's morning meeting can allow new students to take turns to be responsible, and improve the language expression ability and organizational ability of new students.

5. Based on your past experience, how long does it take for a new student to be on their own?

Bian Que: Two weeks to sign the store, one month can be independent. If new students want to further improve their operational capabilities, they need to continue to learn from business mentors and old classmates, only in this way can they become the best in the industry.

6. What knowledge and skills do employees with outstanding performance in the operation department have?

Bian Que: Early communication, program formulation and implementation are the core of our work, and the outstanding employees of our department have performed well in these three aspects. Peerless their team's early communication is very good, shi breaking the sky of their team's program formulation is meticulous, landing implementation of our department everyone is relatively good, haha!

"Effective Training, Cultivating the Core Competitiveness of Enterprises" Series of Interviews - Visiting Bian Que of the Operation Department
"Effective Training, Cultivating the Core Competitiveness of Enterprises" Series of Interviews - Visiting Bian Que of the Operation Department

7. How do you think you can cultivate new students into big stars with outstanding performance in a shorter period of time?

Bian Que: First, it is very important to recruit people, our department needs new students who are lively and cheerful, have a correct attitude and strong ability to resist pressure, and only such students are worth cultivating. Second, positioning is very important, what the department should do, what goals to achieve must be clear to everyone. Third, business mentors should teach with their hearts, and while teaching work skills, they should also do a good job of humanistic care.

8. What benefits will the induction program bring to us after it is launched?

Bian Que: The new students have a better onboarding experience, they will be more down-to-earth in their hearts, and they will be able to integrate into the company faster. Department heads and business instructors have laws to follow, rules to follow, and can systematically train new students.

9. What places need to be adjusted in the "Operation Process of the New Employee Induction Program"?

Bian Que: For the time being, it has not been found, and there are new discoveries that must be the first time to feedback to the human resources department.

10. As the head of the department, what is the most important thing you would like to say to a new employee?

Bian Que: I want to say to them: Fei Peng, perform well, keep up the work. Galaxy, don't worry, calm down, I'm optimistic about you. Wang Ye, hold steady, after this hurdle, you will become better, your potential is unlimited. I also want to say a word to Suzu - Sushi, your wings have grown out, you just need to make your wings bigger and bigger, I like your character, appreciate your attitude, come on!

This interview ended in a relaxed and pleasant conversation, and I believe that under the leadership of Bian Que, the performance of the new and old students in the operation department will be booming and their lives will get better and better!

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