
Why is Sun Quan's nickname "Emperor Wu"?

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Today, the small editor of interesting history will bring you Sun Quan's nickname Why is it called "Emperor Wu"?

Sun Quan's nickname is very interesting, called "Emperor Wu Taizu", referred to as "Emperor Wu", this nickname is only one example of Sun Quan among the emperors in China, which can be described as unique, and there is no one who has come after the ancients.

Sun Quan was the de facto founder of Eastern Wu, and his father Sun Jian and brother Sun Ce were the founders and founders of Jiangdong Foundation. Sun Quan inherited the inheritance of his father and brother, and after more than 20 years of continuous external expansion, he finally formed the Sun Wu regime that divided Jiangdong and the Three Kingdoms. Unlike Emperor Wu of Wei (Emperor Cao Pi of Wei) Cao Cao and Emperor Liu Bei of the Shu Han Dynasty, Sun Quan's title was only three words "Emperor Wu", and the aura was very strong, a big character, showing Sun Quan's ambition and ambition.

Why is Sun Quan's nickname "Emperor Wu"?

The so-called merits of the thousand autumns are left to future generations. The title is the conclusion of the posterity on the coffin of the predecessor, and the title originated from the Zhou, but it is not the monopoly of the Son of Heaven, and the princes and ministers also have the title. The first to obtain the title of Emperor were two very famous figures of the Zhou Dynasty, Zhou Gongdan (brother of King Ji Fa of Wu) and Taigong Wang (i.e., Jiang Ziya), who had great merit in the Zhou Chamber and were given the title after their deaths, which was the beginning of the Tanfa. The Yi Zhou Shu (Yi Zhou Shu Shu

"Whoever does it, the trace of deeds also; The trumpeter, the merit of the table also; The car suit, the chapter of the bit also. It is based on the big line by the big name, and the small line by the fine name. Walk out of yourself, and be born of man. ”

Why is Sun Quan's nickname "Emperor Wu"?

The nickname is equivalent to the judgment of the posterity for the life of the predecessor, and it is the coffin of the posterity to the predecessor. The title should adhere to the principle of justice and fairness, and give the life deeds and merits of the predecessors a title that is in line with his life's deeds. Before the Sui Dynasty, the titles were all two or three characters, which was to be strictly distinguished from the titles of the princes and ministers, such as Liu Ying, the Emperor Hui of Han, Liu Xiu the Guangwu Emperor, Sima Yan, the Emperor of Jinwu, and of course, sun Quan, the Emperor of Wu.

According to the emperor's life and achievements, there are several types, including "shangchen", "lower 谥", "evil 谥" and "ping 谥". Among the four kinds of nicknames, "Xiachen" and the extended "evil tan" are all bad titles, such as the Sui Emperor's "炀" means "good inner and far rites", the Han Ling Emperor's "spirit" means "chaos without damage", and the Zhou Li King's "Li" means "violent and slow and unrelated", these are all inferior. "Plain", moderate also.

Why is Sun Quan's nickname "Emperor Wu"?

And "Shangchen", on the other hand, has the meaning of overflowing beauty, and is a title of praise and praise, such as Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu, Emperor Zhaolie, Emperor Gao, Emperor Jing, and Emperor Guangwu, all of which belong to the highly praised Shangchen and Meiyu.

But among so many shangchen and beautiful titles, Sun Quan is the most special, his nickname is the emperor, which is unique in China, and he is alone.

As one of the emperor's titles, the Yizhou Shu TanFa Xie has an explanation of "Then Tianfa Yao Yue Da", which means to follow the rule of Emperor Yao. Emperor Yao was one of the five ancient emperors, often combined with Emperor Shun to be called "Yao Shun", and Emperor Yao was first-class in character, conduct, and achievements, and was respected by future emperors.

Why is Sun Quan's nickname "Emperor Wu"?

Romance of the Three Kingdoms. WU Zhi. The biography of Lord Wu records: "Quan Xue, who was seventy-one years old at the time, was known as the Great Emperor. "Sun Quan was the longest-lived emperor among the monarchs of the Three Kingdoms, seventy-one years old, longer than Cao Cao and Liu Bei. His achievements have long been buried by future generations, and in fact, Sun Quan's nickname is determined by combining his own life's achievements.

When Sun Quan was eighteen years old, because his brother Sun Ce was assassinated by Xu Gongmenke and he was hastily ascended to the throne, he grew from a young man to a generation of male lords in the Three Kingdoms period, and defeated Cao Cao in the Battle of Chibi, laying the foundation for a historical pattern of three worlds. Sun Quan achieved hegemony at the age of forty-seven, ascended the throne as emperor, and stood in jiangdong. During his reign, he opened up the way of speech and meritocracy, and created a thriving prosperity. His development of the Jiangnan area has made it present a thriving Taiping and prosperous world, and the civilization along the Yangtze River has gradually replaced the northern Central Plains, and its merits are not at all under the Weiwu Emperor Cao Cao, no wonder Cao Cao will say with emotion, "When you have a son, you should be like Sun Zhongmou!"

Why is Sun Quan's nickname "Emperor Wu"?

The nickname of Sun Quan, the Emperor of Wu, also reflects his big pattern and strong psychological resistance to pressure. Cao Cao raised 300,000 troops to personally conquer Jingzhou, coveting Jiangdong, Sun Quan faced the capitulationism of Zhang Zhao and others, defied public opinion, resisted the pressure, and joined forces with Liu Bei to defeat Cao Cao at the Battle of Chibi. Liu Bei raised his troops to attack Eastern Wu, and Sun Quan requested several times to retire and reconcile for the sake of the overall situation, and sincerely asked me to leave Jingzhou, and in the case of fruitless peace talks, he boldly used the young general Lu Xun as the governor of The Capital to resist Shu, and finally Lu Xun broke the Shu army at the Battle of Yiling, once again turning Eastern Wu into danger. Although Sun Quan was partial to The East of the Jiangsu River, he knew how to protect the border and the people, rest with the people, produce and promote the economy, connecting Cao Cao in the east, Liu Bei in the west, and Eastern Wu reached the peak of national strength in his hands.

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