
Ouyang Qin: For the life of revolutionary struggle, he stayed in France and the Soviet Union to seek the truth, devoted himself to the revolution to spread the seeds of the united front in northern Shaanxi and resisted Japan, reformed the land in Redong and gathered the hearts and minds of the people to run the brigade Dading strategy, and presided over the construction of northern Xinjiang

author:Nanyue ancient post road network

Author: Peng Zhiyong, Jiang Xiaoping, Zhou Shuaiwen

  By Word:

  In 1900, Ouyang Qin was born in Ningxiang, Hunan Province, to an ordinary farming family. In 1919, he went to France to work and study, seeking the truth of saving the country and saving the people. In February 1924, Ouyang Qin joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League, and in May he became a member of the Communist Party of China, beginning a revolutionary career of fighting for the cause of communism. In his nearly 60-year revolutionary career, he contributed all his strength to the victory of the Chinese revolution and socialist construction, and established immortal merits.

  This article is excerpted from "Xiang chao" and "Remembering Ouyang Qin", reviewing Ouyang Qin's life of struggle for the revolution, and presenting the process of Ouyang Qin's secret contact and transfer of comrades to the Soviet area as a liaison officer of the Central Military Commission from the perspective of Zhang Aiping.

  Ouyang Qin was a loyal proletarian revolutionary and a staunch communist fighter. In his nearly 60-year revolutionary career, he contributed all his strength to the victory of the Chinese revolution and socialist construction, and established immortal merits.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > to stay in France and stay in the Soviet Union to seek the truth and devote himself to the revolution to spread the seeds</h1>

  In 1900, Ouyang Qin was born in Ningxiang, Hunan Province, to an ordinary farming family. He was diligent and studious since childhood, with excellent grades, and was admitted to the First Union County High School in Hunan Province in 1915, and went to France in 1919 to study work-study, seeking the truth of saving the country and saving the people.

Ouyang Qin: For the life of revolutionary struggle, he stayed in France and the Soviet Union to seek the truth, devoted himself to the revolution to spread the seeds of the united front in northern Shaanxi and resisted Japan, reformed the land in Redong and gathered the hearts and minds of the people to run the brigade Dading strategy, and presided over the construction of northern Xinjiang

Ouyang Qin

  After arriving in France, Ouyang Qin worked as a typesetter, handyman and grinder. In 1920, he joined the Progressive Organization Engineering World Society, and published an article in the Weekly Magazine in Europe, "The View of Social Transformation", criticizing the evils of capitalist society. In 1921, under the leadership of the World Engineering Society, Ouyang Qin participated in the embassy petition for work-study students to fight for the "right to eat, work and study" and the occupation of the Sino-French University of Lyon. After many struggles and the tempering of difficult situations, Ouyang Qin personally experienced the cruel exploitation of the bourgeoisie and realized that "only Marxism can save China." In February 1924, Ouyang Qin joined the Chinese Socialist Youth League and became a member of the Communist Party of China in May. From then on, Ouyang Qin began a revolutionary career of fighting for the cause of communism.

Ouyang Qin: For the life of revolutionary struggle, he stayed in France and the Soviet Union to seek the truth, devoted himself to the revolution to spread the seeds of the united front in northern Shaanxi and resisted Japan, reformed the land in Redong and gathered the hearts and minds of the people to run the brigade Dading strategy, and presided over the construction of northern Xinjiang

When Ouyang Qin stayed in France as a work-study student, he was fifth from the left in the third row

  In August 1925, Ouyang Qin was dispatched by the Chinese Communists In Europe to receive military education at the Morokhovka camp (the Chinese class of the Soviet Red Army School) on the outskirts of Moscow, soviet Union.

  In May 1926, Ouyang Qin returned to his motherland and threw himself into the torrent of the Great Revolution. In July 1926, Ouyang Qin went to Yeting Independent Regiment as a probationary platoon leader, threw himself into the Northern Expedition, participated in the battles of Tingsi Bridge and Hesheng Bridge, and withstood the test of war in the army. After the defeat of the Great Revolution in 1927, Ouyang Qin served as the chief of the organization section of the Military Department of the CPC Central Committee, and successively insisted on underground struggle in Wuhan and Shanghai, secretly contacting and transferring comrades. In the article "Ouyang Qin, Liaison Officer of the Central Military Commission in Zhang Aiping's Impression", the process of Ouyang Qin's transfer of Comrade Zhang Aiping to the Soviet Area is described in detail:

Ouyang Qin: For the life of revolutionary struggle, he stayed in France and the Soviet Union to seek the truth, devoted himself to the revolution to spread the seeds of the united front in northern Shaanxi and resisted Japan, reformed the land in Redong and gathered the hearts and minds of the people to run the brigade Dading strategy, and presided over the construction of northern Xinjiang

Zhang Aiping

Ouyang Qin: For the life of revolutionary struggle, he stayed in France and the Soviet Union to seek the truth, devoted himself to the revolution to spread the seeds of the united front in northern Shaanxi and resisted Japan, reformed the land in Redong and gathered the hearts and minds of the people to run the brigade Dading strategy, and presided over the construction of northern Xinjiang

Schematic diagram of the central red underground traffic line

  In 1930, I broke my left wrist during a battle in the Red Fourteenth Army, and the underground Party Jiangsu Provincial Committee secretly sent me to Shanghai to treat my wounds. After recovering from my wounds, I asked to continue to join the Red Army in the Jiangxi Soviet District. The provincial party committee transferred my relationship to the Central Military Commission.

  One day in the early winter, a comrade of twenty-three or four years of age, a medium-sized man with a thin face, came to see me and introduced himself as a liaison officer of the Central Military Commission sent by Comrade Zhou Enlai. He kindly asked me how my body was recovering? I was asked in detail about my injuries, injuries and surgeries. Then he took my arm and looked at the wound carefully and said, "The wound is not light." He asked me what I wanted, and I once again made a request to continue to join the Red Army in the Jiangxi Soviet District. He said: "I completely understand your feelings, and it is certainly good to return to the battlefield. However, I can't be the lord, and when I go back to report to Comrade Enlai, I will give you a message as soon as possible. A few days later, the liaison officer came. He said straight to the point: "Comrade Enlai said that your hand has been seriously injured, and it is not appropriate to become a Red Army anymore, or it is better to stay in Shanghai and continue to do underground work!" "Hearing this news, I was in a hurry. I eagerly begged him to tell Comrade Enlai again, but I still asked to go to the Soviet zone and not leave the Red Army. "Okay, I'll report back." He patted my left arm and said, "Don't worry. Comrade Enlai said that you have experience in underground work, and Shanghai needs people very much. ”

  He spoke calmly and in a humble tone. I said busily: "The front line needs people more." My wish is to go to the battlefield and charge! He smiled approvingly and walked away extra gently. A few days have passed, the comrade liaison officer has not yet come, and I think that there is no hope of going back to the Soviet area. Yes, how can the opinion of the Central Military Commission be easily changed?! Unexpectedly, a week later, the liaison officer came. Before he could say anything, he seemed very excited: "Comrade Enlai agrees with your opinion, and he wishes you a smooth journey!" It was like the fog sea night voyage suddenly saw a bright light, and a wave of joy gushed out of my heart, and I said "thank you" in a loud voice.

  I am very grateful to this comrade liaison officer for not taking the trouble to convey my opinion, sparing no effort to express his congratulations to me, and then telling me the route to the Central Soviet Region, and instructing me to wait patiently, and when the secret traffic arrives, I can follow him on the road... At that time, the secret work stipulated that when the comrades sent by the superiors did not report their names to the other side, they should not ask for their names. Therefore, I do not know the name of the comrade liaison with whom I have been in contact three times.

  In the autumn of 1932, when I visited the Ruijin Red Army School in Jiangxi, I learned that Ouyang Qin, who was the director of the Political Department of the Red Army School, was the liaison officer of the Central Military Commission at that time, and after that, I had many contacts with Comrade Ouyang Qin. In each contact, my mind recreated the scene when he was a liaison officer of the Central Military Commission, and over the past few decades, Comrade Ouyang Qin's character of treating people sincerely, being humble, and being upright has not changed, and the spirit of extreme enthusiasm for comrades and extreme responsibility for work has not changed.

(Yang Lin excerpted from "Memories of Ouyang Qin", CPC Party History Publishing House, 1992 edition, Party History Research Office of Heilongjiang Provincial Cpc Committee, Party History Research Office of Shaanxi Provincial CPC Committee/editor)

  In June 1928, the Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in Moscow. Under the white terror, Ouyang Qin successfully completed the task of escorting the six representatives of the CPC National Congress to Moscow before the meeting.

  In 1931, Ouyang Qin was transferred to the secretary general of the Central Bureau of the Soviet Union and participated in the formulation of the anti-"encirclement and suppression" strategy of the Central Soviet Region. In July 1931, when he went to Shanghai to report to the CPC Central Committee on the work of the Soviet Union, he introduced Mao Zedong's guerrilla tactics and the "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention", which were affirmed by the CPC Central Committee. In the spring of 1932, Ouyang Qin was transferred to the Ruijin Red Army School and served as the general secretary of the party branch and the director of the political department. In the winter of 1933, Ouyang Qin was transferred to the post of Director of the Organization Department of the Political Department of the Red Army. In 1934, Ouyang Qin became the director of the Political Department of the Sixth Division of the Third Red Army. In October 1934, he joined the Long March with his troops. In January 1935, the Zunyi Conference was held, and the Sixth Division of the Red Third Army, where Ouyang Qin belonged, took up the task of vigilance. After the meeting documents were issued, he resolutely supported mao Zedong's leadership and promptly conveyed the spirit of the documents to the Sixth Division of the Third Red Army. In April 1935, the Red Army was attacked by enemy air raids while passing through Baishui Town, Zhanyi County (present-day Zhanyi District), Yunnan, and Ouyang Qin was shot and wounded. After recovering from his wounds, Ouyang Qin served as the political commissar of the Supply Department of the Second Column of the Shaanxi-Gansu Detachment, and although his health deteriorated, he insisted on making efforts to ensure and improve the supply of troops.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="40" > the united front in northern Shaanxi to resist The Japanese, and the Redong land reform gathered the hearts and minds of the people</h1>

  After arriving in northern Shaanxi in 1935, Ouyang Qin successively served as the director of the Organization Department of the Shaanxi-Gansu Provincial Committee of the CPC and the secretary of the Shaanxi-Gansu Provincial Working Committee of the CPC, mainly carrying out united front work against the Northeast Army and the Northwest Army. He combined the struggle for the upper and lower levels of the two armies, made full use of the relations between relatives, classmates, and friends among the officers and men of the army, publicized the great national righteousness, and actively fought for the two armies to resist Japan and save the country. Generals Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng were touched by the CCP's spirit of resisting Japan and saving the country, and launched the Xi'an Incident on December 12, 1936. On the second day of the Xi'an Incident, Ouyang Qin attended the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, and then accompanied Zhou Enlai to Xi'an to participate in the peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident. In December 1936, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to rebuild the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. After that, Ouyang Qin was transferred to the Shaanxi Provincial CPC Committee and successively served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial CPC Committee, the Secretary of the Military Commission of the Provincial CPC Committee, the Director of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial CPC Committee, and the Secretary of the Provincial CPC Committee.

  As the director of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, Ouyang Qin actively expanded the anti-Japanese propaganda position and presided over the establishment of the Northwest Weekly, an organ of the provincial party committee. He invited celebrities to serve as editors and publishers, personally wrote editorials, organized relevant articles, actively publicized the policies of the Communist Party of China, and guided the masses to carry out the anti-Japanese national salvation movement. The "Northwest" weekly magazine became an important position in the northwest region to publicize the anti-Japanese struggle and save the dead, and was affirmed by Mao Zedong's inscription.

  In May 1939, Ouyang Qin was appointed secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. He actively implemented the CPC Central Committee's principle of "concealing and being capable, laying ambushes for a long time, accumulating strength, and waiting for the opportunity," put forward the tactics of "giving priority to consolidation," "breaking into the crux of the matter," and "breaking into the heart.", and advocated transferring cadres, party members, and progressive elements whose identities had been exposed back to the border areas; party-member cadres and progressive elements whose identities had not been exposed managed to infiltrate the Kuomintang grass-roots organizations, integrating united front work with grass-roots work, and making important contributions to preserving and developing the party's strength.

  In 1941, Ouyang Qin was transferred to the secretary general of the Northwest Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. In April 1945, Ouyang Qin attended the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China as an official representative. After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Ouyang Qin was transferred out of the northwest and served as secretary general of the Jicha Reliao Branch of the CPC. In connection with the situation of the struggle in Rehe, he proposed that the struggle against the Kuomintang was a struggle for leadership, mobilized all forces to defend Rehe, and mobilized all forces to defend Rehe, such as mobilizing the masses so that the masses could gain benefits by using different methods of liquidation, rent reduction, production, and suppression of bandits, thus opening up the situation for the party's work in Jicha Reliao. In the spring of 1948, Ouyang Qin was responsible for guiding the Land Reform in Redong. He led the working group to go deep among the masses, patiently and meticulously did ideological work, put forward the method of opening the door and uniting the middle peasants, aroused the enthusiasm of the masses, and achieved remarkable results in the land reform in Redong. In order to protect the achievements of land reform, 20,000 people joined the army in Redong, more than 200,000 people supported the front, and the broad masses actively sold public grain.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="41" > the strategy of operating the brigade, and is in charge of the construction of northern Xinjiang</h1>

  In July 1948, Ouyang Qin was transferred to the communist party brigade dadi committee secretary (in February of the following year, he was reappointed as the secretary of the brigade party committee). At that time, the brigade university was controlled by the Soviet army, the Communist Party of China could not openly operate in the brigade university, and there were both the United States and the Soviet Union fighting in the brigade area, and the political situation was very complicated. After in-depth investigation, Ouyang Qin clearly pointed out that the brigade was a liberated area under the control of the Soviet army, and formulated work guidelines and various policies according to this characteristic. With superb political wisdom, he unified the thinking of party members and cadres internally and handled well the relations with the Soviet garrison externally, thus turning the brigade into a stable and strong position of the Communist Party of China. In February 1949, the COMMUNIST Party of China organized public activities in the brigade region, and Ouyang Qin put forward the strategy of "developing production, improving people's livelihood; developing culture, and cultivating cadres" at the right time, and made outstanding contributions to the Liberation War by using the industrial base of the brigade university to develop the military industry and produce artillery shells.

  In January 1950, as the secretary of the Cpc Brigade Municipal Committee, Ouyang Qin accompanied the Chinese leader on a visit to the Soviet Union and participated in the signing of the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance and the Sino-Soviet Agreement on China's Changchun Railway, Lushunkou and Dalian. At the banquet after the signing of the agreement, Stalin, the supreme leader of the Soviet Union, specially proposed to toast with Ouyang Qin and praise his achievements in the work of the brigade and his contribution to Sino-Soviet friendship.

  In August 1954, Ouyang Qin was transferred to the First Secretary of the Heilongjiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China. He attached great importance to ideological and political work, attached importance to uniting cadres and the masses, presided over the drafting of the first editorial of the "Heilongjiang Daily," "Unite together and forge ahead courageously." He conducted in-depth investigations, synthesized the opinions of all sides, and determined the development policy of Heilongjiang Province in accordance with the provincial conditions of Heilongjiang Province, which is an emerging industrial area and an important agricultural and forestry region, thus laying a solid foundation for building a prosperous, happy, and beautiful Heilongjiang. In 1956, Ouyang Qin was elected a member of the Eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. In July 1958, he concurrently served as the director of the Northeast Economic Cooperation Zone and the governor of Heilongjiang Province. On September 26, 1959, the "Songji Three Wells" in Datong Town, Songnen Plain, was spewing oil, and on the eve of the National Day, Ouyang Qin proposed to change "Datong" to "Daqing" and named the newly discovered large oilfield "Daqing Oilfield". Since then, the name "Daqing Oilfield" has resounded throughout the country and the world. During the three-year difficult period from 1959 to 1961, Ouyang Qin responded to the call of the PARTY Central Committee and Zhou Enlai, overcame the difficulties of the tight grain supply in Heilongjiang Province, took into account the overall situation, did the work of the provincial party committee team, increased the number of grain transfer plans, and supported the whole country in tide over the difficulties.

Ouyang Qin: For the life of revolutionary struggle, he stayed in France and the Soviet Union to seek the truth, devoted himself to the revolution to spread the seeds of the united front in northern Shaanxi and resisted Japan, reformed the land in Redong and gathered the hearts and minds of the people to run the brigade Dading strategy, and presided over the construction of northern Xinjiang

Ouyang Qin inspected the Daqing oilfield

  Ouyang Qin served as the main leader of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee for 12 spring and autumn periods, leading the construction of the old industrial base, the development of the Northern Wilderness, the Battle of Daqing Oilfield, and the construction of the Kazakh military industry, etc., and made immortal contributions to the development of black land and the construction of the northern Xinjiang of the motherland. Today, Ouyang Qin's deeds are still praised by the people of Heilongjiang. During the "Cultural Revolution", Ouyang Qin experienced hardships and devastation, but he was still determined, persisted in the struggle, and showed the iron backbone of a Communist Party member. After the end of the Cultural Revolution, he was still full of ambition and said that he would contribute to the prosperity and rejuvenation of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation. In February 1978, he was elected vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

  On May 15, 1978, Ouyang Qin died of illness. Ouyang Qin's life was a glorious life, a life of fighting, a life of wholehearted service to the people, and a life of struggle for the cause of communism. Throughout his life, he pursued the truth and sought truth from facts; he promised the party and the country all his life, taking into account the overall situation; he served the people all his life and bowed to the best of his ability. The verse "There are few generations of people with big ends, and several people with iron bones are the same", which is a true portrayal of his spiritual character throughout his life. His brilliant deeds, noble character and fine work style are the precious spiritual wealth left to us, which will surely inspire us to forge ahead on the long march of the new era.

  (Note: The above picture is supplemented by nanyue ancient yidao network.) )

  (This article is recommended by Ari and edited by Nanyue Ancient Yidao Network.) If copyright is involved, please contact Nanyue Guyi road network. )

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