
The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

author:Lazy worms raise babies daily

Pull the tablet for the first time. It is estimated that it is also incomplete, and I just want to pull the story of this barefoot woman.

This film has been pulled by many people, and recently a favorite puller has also deleted his own pull (not deleted by the platform and review), which is very sad. Compared with other filmmakers, I will only combine my observations and ideas more, and that's it.

In the words of others, it is probably not a piece of film, perhaps because it is not able to create such a good work on its own, so I borrow the wine glass of others to pour my own blocks. Then the purpose of this pouring may be to wake up the gods, but it is probably just to express something. If it can affect anything and become a small node in the communication chain, it is naturally a windfall.

The understanding of art is different, not necessarily the best that coincides with the creator's intention, nor is it necessarily the best that has the greatest practical significance. Not necessarily the clearest and most accurate is good, probably only what you can read is the best.

Two-dimensional creatures look at three-dimensional objects, they are shallow, and everyone lacks interior and space-time. Reading the film understands this matter, and there should never be a set of standard answers. So I didn't look closely at the clouds or the velvet. And treat a work as a new and isolated work.

First, the mapping relationship between image and connotation

1. The First Story (1)

The amazing point of Jiang Wen is that there are many images and connotations, and all his works will form a consistent mapping relationship. Because of this consistency, it is actually possible to return to the early works with the later mapping relationship. Or maybe he spent his whole life interpreting this "The Sun Also Rises" with other works, until everyone can glimpse one or two of his drunken dreams.

Although it will be marked one by one later, the content of this similar noun explanation is advanced and more conducive to understanding.

But imagery, it is best not to land directly, do not have to be accurate to the individual. On the one hand, you will find that sometimes it doesn't work right, and on the other hand, over-reading can ruin the experience.

Man vs. Woman:

Women are the carriers of beliefs and thoughts, and thoughts are thoughts in the heart, ideals or desires.

Men are the carriers of power and substance, but not directly in themselves, but in their hands, in international relations and socio-economic realities.

Feet & Shoes:

A woman's feet are the medium through which ideas land and the way to achieve desire.

Feet in walking are practices.

The shoes worn by the feet are paths. Walking with shoes on your feet is a path in practice.

Washing feet is the carrier of the idea where it is rediscovering the landing, and the re-searching of the mind.

Peeing is also a renewal of thoughts.

Fish and Water:

Fish live in water, and the relationship between fish and water is dependent. Water has rivers and seas and wells. Water is for the people.

Fish come from the water, and they also go to the water. It should be said that many images will point to the people. For example, crazy mother's scratched grass.

Alyosha and Lee Bukong:

Alyosha is the ideal companion for a mad mother. Both in the past and in the future.

Li Bukong is the real partner of the crazy mother. There is only the past, there is no concrete face.

Symbols and People:

When the character is regarded as a symbol and pays attention to its external expression, it is bound to be impossible to pay attention to the inner world of the character. Characters are not symbols, there is a direction, the direction is changed; there is a connotation, the connotation is changed; there is a relationship, the relationship is changed; there is an internal change, the internal change is more important than the explicit change.

——It is enough to be familiar with the original film here, and the follow-up pull film is purely broken and too broken——

Second, the content pull piece

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:01:35)

The first story is the story of the crazy mother and the fish shoes.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:00:13)

The beginning of the story, the crazy mother is dreaming. What dreams do you have?

From the figurative picture, there is a lot of information: 1. Crazy mother pillow red pillow, red dream; 2. The hair is partially white, but has a young face; 3. Striped clothes, symbolizing bondage and confinement - crazy mothers have firm beliefs and strong self-restraint; 4. She was asleep and tossing and turning.

So who is the mad mother? It is the red thought that spreads in the Chinese nation, which is both firm and always new. The core of the crazy mother is the group of people in the Chinese nation who persistently pursue the red thought, a group of people who have not changed their original intentions, and a group of people who have always had a clear goal and a firm belief, and her heart really has the existence of "only what can be anything". There is no need to doubt that she ever existed, and it is possible to believe that she still exists.

However, everything is always worse than expected, the wind blows, the rain blows, the rain can fall on the soil, the wind can blow the rock, which is also the way the real world carries the events of this world.

The dream of pursuing an ideal society is the hope that can lead the benign development of society. The mad mother dreamed that she was looking for the right shoes.

This kind of pursuit, written in the West in the book and placed above the court, also exists in large quantities outside the court and within the clan. The saints sought the way and then preached, the dynasties ruled and then governed, and the ideas were conceived in the historical era and the specific individual, and were used in the body and practiced in societies of different sizes.

The survival and prosperity of society; inner identity and belief. This quest is not unprecedented, but has never stopped. At present, we have regained our cultural self-confidence and found that taking the ancient as a mirror is not without essence. Talking about finance and taxation, Sang Hongyang reappeared in the field of vision; talking about unification, Great Qin reappeared in the discussion of funds after tea and dinner; talking about the public, the ideal and exhortation of the world for the public, accompanied by the concept of the country, which is not a modern concept, but a culture engraved in the national gene for thousands of years.

I feel that this pursuit is an eternal pursuit in any field, that faith and hope will always exist, but that thought is not fixed, it needs to be constantly renewed. No set of immutable things can be applied to reality forever.

Ask li bukong who he is.

Who is Li Bukong? All the information about Li Bukong is a sidehand. Some people say that he is Tang Yulin who still has faith, and some people say that he is a proletarian revolutionary martyr, and he should not be a specific person.

But one thing is certain, to say who is Li Bukong is a very absolute praise.

He is a connection, an act that leads to an outcome, an "bridge" that extradites a blood, a gene, into the newborn's body. It is also the person who once protected the crazy mother. But who makes up the bridge? Not one person, not a group of people. There are too many people who come and go. Many of these people have more specific and distinct images in other film and television works.

What are the entities that make up the bridge? It is for those who have sacrificed everything for their dreams, and it is life, strength, and money that are sacrificed. It's all Lee bukong.

So go back in time, who is the crazy mother? Before she connected with Li Bukong's bridge, she was trying to find a way to save China. When she gave birth to a child with Li Bukong, she was the one who gave birth to the new ideas of new China.

The crazy mother is stubborn and determined, and after she gives birth to a child, she is unwilling to change the red thought of the Chinese nation. Crazy mothers do not exist unconsciously, and ideological culture is always new.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:00:27)

These shoes are the shoes of the crazy mother's dream. She has very specific expectations for the shoes she wants to put on and the "Tao" that she wants to practice, which is the path of hope, bathed in the sun, and steadfast on the flowers and plants.

Here, it's an ideal road, and the shoes haven't been crossed yet. But the mad mother dreamed of it, and it was the shoes she wanted to wear out of her own will.

Then it can only be the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. This pair of shoes, there is no way to specifically depict, the props group presented a lot of shoes. It will not be the same pair, the shoes that fall to the ground are different from the shoes envisioned, and the original assumptions and later ideas are different, which means that there is always a search.

After this pair of shoes appeared the children in the rails and flowers. In the expectations of the mad mother, only such a child lies on such a track, and only such a path leads to the future she expects.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:00:44)

Washing feet is the renewal of thoughts, and the thoughts are also looking for a place to land, and there is no need for specific explanations, there can be many directions, corresponding to many specific things. The head and eyes are also observing the foot.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:00:58)

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

Ideological culture needs soil. It also needs to be practiced.

Crazy mother, walking barefoot, there is no specific path, the road is also to be walked, the thought is so directly landed.

On the way to find shoes, barefoot walked a lot of roads.

Then came to the store.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:01:08)

Shop, what is the store? What shop can offer a lot of red shoes?

It's SU.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:01:16)

As a woman of ideological culture, she is fat. Such an expression is both a praise and a derogatory, rich and bloated ideology and culture, tolerant and incompetent.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

"I want a pair that's so big."

"Fish shoes with yellow whiskers."

Yellow whiskers can be a characteristic of the Chinese nation.

Whatever it is, it's the shoe that crazy moms need, a collection of traits they should have in addition to red.

The yellow beard is also a self-controlled power.

Why are there so many shoes without whiskers in the store? When you buy shoes in the store, is it difficult to force a beard?

The crazy mother who browsed the group shoes had light in her eyes, and there was certainty and confusion, and she was very determined.

In fact, the shoes in the store are not the same as the shoes in the dream of the crazy mother.

The crazy mother did not describe the details of the shoes, and she could change the details when she took them back. But she wanted a pair of shoes that suited her—"such big shoes," a pair of shoes that had to have yellow whiskers. In the absence of it, you can only buy it first. Buy to have it first. There is to dress to walk.

The gaze after getting the hand is thinking and examining, after all, the shoes are bought.

Will the yellow whiskers in the shop be the yellow whiskers in the dream? Can Disney's Mulan be our Mulan?

After the shoes were in hand, the shoes were not worn, and the road had not yet taken two steps. The crazy mother was knocked over by her son.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:01:38)

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:01:40)

Before the crash, even if the mad mother came to the present world, she was in a dream world; after being knocked over, the colors of the present world finally became clear. Everything went from the illusion to the reality.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

So what is the son doing? The first thing workers and peasants become when they change their identities is engineers. But the son is moving bricks and doing private work. The secret work was bumped into by the mother and overheard by the female clerk.

So the mother chased the son, and the female clerk chased the crazy mother. The female clerk chased the crazy mother just to ask for money, and they all borrowed a pair of shoes for you, and a pair of shoes that she thought could be used to walk for you were lent to you, but chasing you for money is also a kind of generosity. After giving the money, the crazy mother secretly observed that the female clerk took the money and left, and then slowed down. The crazy mother silently tolerated her son's private work.

In terms of ideology and culture, the relationship between the crazy mother and the female clerk was only a pair of shoes, and the relationship between the male teacher and the son was once taught by hand. There is a succession of hearings, and there are specializations in the art. But male teachers clearly understand this exchange more deeply.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:02:27)

The female clerk knew about her son's private work, so the male teacher also knew. Just because female clerks don't care doesn't mean male teachers don't care.

Male teachers do not allow their sons to do private work.

He was unhappy and had to give his son a problem. What does this question mean?

It's a knock. Without my teaching, you have the ability to engage in construction, to engage in industry?

It's the reckoning. The account must be settled, but it cannot be wrong.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:02:31)

Yeah, I'm not qualified to laugh. But although his son grew up to be so old, he didn't know what to understand, he didn't know if he should laugh or not, and he wouldn't control his laughter.

What are you laughing at?

I didn't laugh anything.

Why don't you laugh again?

I finished laughing.

Are you done laughing? I'm not done laughing yet!

Then use the abacus to play for me: be vigilant and defend the motherland.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:02:39)

"What are you fighting?"

"Heighten vigilance and defend the motherland."

"Can the abacus type out?"

"You told me to hit."

Without theory, industrialization cannot be achieved. Without heavy industry, there would be no military industry.

If we insist on pointing to reality, there has been a decade or so when the frequency of military exercises around China by major powers is extremely high. If we don't obey, we'll have to compete with you.

It is these comparisons that make the construction of the third line a national strategy. Of course, when you do make second-hand preparations, some threats are not counted. Just like others could have been able to get Singapore's water source, but when Singapore's seawater purification technology capacity came up, this threat was no longer valid.

The male teacher made it clear to his son that the defense of the motherland played by the abacus was empty talk. This is just a conundrum I have given you. If the motherland cannot be defended, it should not be done with its own small calculations.

The abacus is planning, the bricks are construction. But who is doing it, for whom, the difference is big.

The difference between defending the motherland and whether it was fought by an abacus or really made up is a big difference.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:02:49)

What male teachers want is complete control, complete possession of your gains. I don't want to be the first goose in a flock. Doing private work to earn private money is not allowed, and having your own calculations is not allowed. Throwing away your abacus is a knock and a threat on the surface.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:02:53)

What does it mean to go out? The experts sent must be recovered, the information must be destroyed, the equipment does not want to be left to you, the debts you owe must be repaid immediately, even if you starve to death, you must pay me back. However, the content of the experts' operation has not been followed, and the principle of technology and how to operate the equipment have not yet been learned. The son did not dare, this decision is not something that the son can do.

The debt is not so good to owe, and the salary of the SU experts is not much cheaper than that collected by the Eagle Emperor in the occupied areas.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)
The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:02:57)

Here the mad mother took the abacus, which was the abacus of the son who was thrown out by the male teacher.

As soon as he looked at his face, the temperament of the crazy mother had shocked the male teacher. This is probably better than the feminine temperament of the male teachers who produce shoes. She is also young. The charm of an ideology and culture cannot deter others or defend the motherland.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:03:05)

What do male teachers teach their sons? It is an advanced production technology, a national heavy industry system construction - from entry to collapse. People teach a lot, and you owe them a lot, until you completely owe yourself. The crazy mother decided to let her son go. Don't want this teacher, plan your own plate, and pile up the advanced productive forces.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:03:11)

The abacus is the right problem. Is this a real solution to the problem, and is the defense of the motherland really realized?

What tmd is the TMD Combined Fleet? Within the range of the cannon, there is truth.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

The correct answer from the abacus does not count. This is the realization of "defending the motherland".

"You don't know everything."

Crazy mom says male teachers don't understand anything? The lines in su's own thread group were not clear, and how the lines outside the line were balanced were in a mess.

Without male teachers and female shop assistants, relying on the strength of the third world itself, it is also possible to plan to defend the motherland.

The "help" of male teachers is gone. The shoes bought in the store still continue to be held. There was something else before the fish shoe, and at this time, it pointed to Marxism-Leninism.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:03:14)

"But are you wearing it?"


"But I've never seen you wear shoes."

"That was before, and I hadn't dreamed of it before." Even if I dreamed, I didn't see it the next day. ”

Crazy mom really wants to put on these shoes. Because it was a shoe she both dreamed of and saw, and got her hands on. Dream sincerely, take it sincerely.

Crazy mom really wants to put on these shoes, but the road ahead is difficult. The audience's love for the crazy mother is real, but the audience does not really empathize with the crazy mother's thoughts and thoughts, and does not need to understand the crazy mother's behavior.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:03:29)

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:03:39)

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:03:44)

Expelled the male teacher, did not need to go to school as a squad leader, did not plan to plate, what to do, he sat on Uncle Wang's tractor, and went to work with Uncle Wang to build.

"Uncle Wang, my mother promised me to drop out of school."

"Okay, come and do a good job with me."

In the reality of the period referred to by the director, some heavy industry research institutions have transformed into food factories; when Sino-US relations are better than self-research, chip research that has been developed to the progress of advanced processes has also stopped.

On the road of pursuit, twists and turns are the inevitable. The target is anchored there, and the middle is not a smooth road.

A straight line can be drawn, can fly by fantasy, but cannot walk with your feet. This is not actually an affirmation of twists and turns, but a denial of fantasy.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:04:15)

So what is the parrot flying in the sky that sings "I know, I know"? It could be utopian socialism. Is the intellectual of the tongue, may be the private desire of the public stage ...

Knowing too little is shallow, knowing too much is self-interested. Such knowing is not for salvation, for healing, but for the sake of a question in front of one's eyes and loudly claiming to know.

Why can't the crazy mother find fish shoes after the birds come? What makes a crazy mother can't land on the ground in fish shoes? The answer is probably a lot of money.

One of the possibilities is that this pair of fish shoes is difficult to be worn by the crazy mother.

Your own dreams can only be realized by yourself. Your own way, only to explore on your own. The fish shoes in the dream are the appearance depicted in the dream, and the patterns and accessories that have not been drawn by others must also be handmade by themselves.

So Li Dongfang waited for the crazy mother for a long time, and when he waited, the years were still flowing, but some things stopped.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:05:20)

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:05:52)

The son did not believe that the crazy mother should wear fish shoes, and did not care whether the crazy mother wore shoes or not. Crazy mother has no fish shoes, sons are mother's sons, Li Dongfang is still surnamed Li.

Li Dongfang, he wants the days to go forward, the road to go forward. Eating enough and dressing warmly is the son's deepest and simplest wish. Li Dongfang can work with Uncle Wang precisely because they have the commonality of sobriety and reality.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:06:22)


Don't be afraid

The train stopped on it,

He smiled at dawn. ”

What the crazy mother shouted in the tree was a dream, and it was also the most sincere wish of the heart. It was a promise, a foreknowledge that she believed could be fulfilled.

Alyosha is the most used name for Ergouzi, Wang Mazi, Patriot, and Jianjun. Alyosha is Not Empty, is the bridge, and is also the broadest masses of the people. They are the origin and destination of ideological culture, respectively. Where it came from and where it went, it can be explained.

Alyosha is not exactly an old dream, Alyosha is the ideal partner for a crazy mother.

So what does the mad mother's shout mean?

The train runs on the tracks, and in front of the tracks there are flowers born, newborns.

Why did the train stop on it?

Shoes, rails, feet exist to walk. Walking is for the hope of dreams.

The child of Li Bukong and the crazy mother is Li Dongfang. Li Bukong is a former partner in reality, and Li Dongfang is a son in reality.

Alyosha and the mad mother's child are newborns on the railroad tracks of their dreams. It is the son of the dream, the state that the son has not yet reached. Alyosha is the ideal companion, looking back in the long river of time or looking forward.

The train is development, what will not stop is time, what will stop is that the direction of development is through the red yellow beard fish shoes, to the newborn. Alyosha is the hope of the broad masses of the people, and the newborn is the hope of the broad masses of the people. No one is the root of whom, who represents, you have me and I have you.

Alyosha, don't be afraid.

The people of my heart, the warriors who threw their heads and spilled their blood, need not be afraid.

Because there are crazy mothers who do not hesitate to live and die, and who also have to pursue a kind of hope.

Don't worry about your child, the train stops above and that dream end will always arrive.

Dreams are fragile and pure. As long as there is the guidance of the dream, it will go all the way to the direction of the dream.

The success does not have to be in me, the ideal will always be realized.

It always dawns.

The newborn lying on the railroad tracks of his dream smiled.

The Sun Also Rises: The Story of the Barefoot Woman (I)

(The Sun Also Rises, 0:06:48)

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