
The sun also rises as usual

author:Life is quiet

The sun comes out, the sun sets, rushes back to the place where it came out, the wind blows south and turns north, does not stop rotating, and returns to the original road, the rivers are flowing into the sea, but the sea is dissatisfied.

Everyone is a bumpy experience in this life. The road of life is not always smooth, nor is it always potholed.

A while ago, the colleague's father died of an accident, which was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day for the colleague. This sudden disaster crushed colleagues, and colleagues did not come to work for half a month.

A few months ago, the leader of the unit underwent major surgery due to physical discomfort. The leader of the smooth sailing in his career, in the unit said one is not the same, one hand covers the sky, after the operation he has a deep feeling, power, money, desire, nothing is more important than the body. The body is broken, no matter how much power there is, no amount of money is useless.

No matter what you have experienced, joy, pain, disaster, great wealth, great nobility, the sun will rise as usual. Therefore, people should calmly face all the twists and turns in life.

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