
Father in heaven, how are you?

author:Listen to the blossoming of flowers 1234

Tomorrow is the day to give my father the "Three Seven" grave, and when I think of my old father, the tears can't stop filling my eyes.

His father was chained by cerebral thrombosis since he was in his forties, and although he recovered well, it seriously affected his quality of life. He did not drink or smoke all his life, and lived most of his life on the craftsmanship of a carpenter. Whoever has a house to repair, furniture, and make a big carriage love to ask him for help, because my father's craftsmanship is really good, and he is a veritable master. Father has no other hobbies, is to love to drink tea, he brewed a pot of tea, sit down is two warm pots, this first cup of tea you do not drink first, otherwise he will not be willing. Tea is not a good tea, twenty or thirty dollars a pound of jasmine tea to drink with relish, and later I also bought green tea black tea for him, but he just can't drink it, and he just doesn't like it, so he goes with him.

Dad is not good at talking, even some wooden ne, sisters nine rank boss, and my second uncle from childhood to work the most, the most affected, eighty-eight years of the family of twenty-four people, seeing that me and my brother are almost adult, grandparents only separated my father and second uncle out of the single, at that time the conditions were not good, only five adobe houses are the father's shelter, but the parents with diligence and thrift, hard to give our brothers two said daughter-in-law, built five brick houses, and separated us. He said that he suffered from the late separation of the family and delayed the small family to live, so he separated our family after his brother got married.

After getting sick, my father has not been idle, after the busy farming, he relies on his craft to earn money to supplement the family, at that time the value of work was low, the money was small, and slowly in the past few years, he was tied several times, the situation was more serious, he suddenly fell down, he could not get up, so that he did not dare to leave people around. Speaking began to be slurred, left hand left foot is not flexible, slowly lose the ability to work. In the previous year, he was in a wheelchair and could not walk on his own. Looking at my father's helpless appearance, my heart was like a knife. My lifelong strong father was tormented by a ruthless illness, and I hated myself for not having the ability to give my father the best treatment.

I took my parents to where I worked, and I wanted the old man to live in my son's building so that he wouldn't have to leave regrets when the time came. Parents live in the master bedroom, because the master bedroom has a separate bathroom, more convenient, pushing a wheelchair in and out of the room, inevitably breaking the door and wall skin, the pain of the wife sometimes and I muttered, I comforted the wife to be tolerant of their old people. One night, my mother woke me up with a sharp knock at the door, let's see what happened to your dad? I quickly got up to see my father, my eyes were closed, my teeth were clenched, I shouted that he should not, quickly dialed the 120 emergency number, sent to the hospital, the doctor said that cerebral thrombosis caused epilepsy. ay! Poor old father, the old disease has not been removed, and a new disease has been added. During the hospitalization, the old father's consciousness was somewhat confused, often shouting, making us very embarrassed, afraid that the same room patient would be angry, and a week later, the mother insisted on being discharged from the hospital and returned directly to her hometown. After being discharged from the hospital, the old father never got out of bed again.

My brother and I bought nursing beds from the Internet for my mother's care. Mother refused the kindness of our nurse, insisted on taking care of herself, to know that the mother is three years older than the father, turning over and scrubbing this is all hard work, the mother said you can't just keep it like this, you have to earn money to support the family, I am a little tired to replace the two of you hurry to do what to do.

Two days after Father's Day this year, I was on the night shift, suddenly received a call from my mother, saying that my father is not good, let me hurry home, I asked the leader for leave, with my wife hurried home, my four aunts and brothers are around the old father, I tearfully look at the father who gave birth to me to raise me, this lifelong strong man gave me care and care, but was tortured by the ruthless disease to die. Dad, the son is back, and I whisper softly in my father's ear. The father was unconscious, and there was no response to how he shouted. Open your mouth and breathe out, with very little intake. We called the doctor, and the doctor said that there was no blood pressure after the examination, so let's prepare for the aftermath. As soon as I heard it, I couldn't help but grieve, my old father was going to be separated from my yin and yang, and as a child, I was powerless to save my father's life. At this time, the father suddenly and slowly opened his eyes, tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, the sound of grunting in his throat also stopped, a few mouthfuls of white foam flowed from the corners of his mouth, and slowly there was no longer a gasp, and his mouth was slightly open, so that his father left us forever. We cried loudly, and my aunt said don't cry, don't cry, hurry up and put on your father's birthday coat, it will be difficult to wear it when it is late. I endured the grief and put on the birthday clothes that my father had prepared for me with my brother. The wife said to hold Daddy's chin on the side, so as not to close her mouth when the time came.

Half a month has passed, until now, when I think of my father's dying appearance, I can't help but burst into tears, and I don't dare to think about him in my spare time, just for fear that I can't control myself and cry bitterly. This was the first time I grew up looking directly at the departure of my loved ones, and it felt like tearing my heart and lungs and hurting my heart.

Tomorrow morning, I will go back to my hometown to visit my old father's grave, and I still have a stomach to say to my father. Looking at the sky outside the window, the stars are dotted, and I don't know if my father is living well in the sky, I say that there is no illness in heaven. I hope so.

Father, all the way good, in the next life we will be father and son. [Tears] [Tears] [Tears] [Tears] [Tears] [Tears]

Father in heaven, how are you?
Father in heaven, how are you?

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