
Guardians of the Galaxy Tree Groot's five favorite films, ReviewWord 1, The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)2, Police Academy 7: March into Moscow (1994)3, Million Golden Arm (2014)4, Love boar Girl 5, Godfather 2 (1974)

author:Little sister takes you to the movie

Shortly after the release of "Guardians of the Galaxy 2", the "Rotten Tomatoes" website obtained a list of five of Groot's favorite films through the communication of film director James Gunn, and the taste of the little tree people was very unique, and the comments were concise and concise.

To find out rocket raccoon's choices, watch rocket raccoon's favorite five movies

Guardians of the Galaxy Tree Groot's five favorite films, ReviewWord 1, The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)2, Police Academy 7: March into Moscow (1994)3, Million Golden Arm (2014)4, Love boar Girl 5, Godfather 2 (1974)

<h1>1, The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977</h1>).

Guardians of the Galaxy Tree Groot's five favorite films, ReviewWord 1, The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)2, Police Academy 7: March into Moscow (1994)3, Million Golden Arm (2014)4, Love boar Girl 5, Godfather 2 (1974)

Synopsis: Based on a fairy tale created by British writer A.A. Milne, it tells the story of Winnie the Pooh and his good friends living happily.

Guardians of the Galaxy Tree Groot's five favorite films, ReviewWord 1, The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)2, Police Academy 7: March into Moscow (1994)3, Million Golden Arm (2014)4, Love boar Girl 5, Godfather 2 (1974)

Groot had something to say, "I am Groot. ”

<h1>2, Police Academy 7: March into Moscow (1994</h1>).

Guardians of the Galaxy Tree Groot's five favorite films, ReviewWord 1, The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)2, Police Academy 7: March into Moscow (1994)3, Million Golden Arm (2014)4, Love boar Girl 5, Godfather 2 (1974)

Synopsis: After six film trainings, the mature cadet police follow Instructor Harris and Headmaster Rashad to Moscow to team up with the Red Square police to solve new cases.

Guardians of the Galaxy Tree Groot's five favorite films, ReviewWord 1, The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)2, Police Academy 7: March into Moscow (1994)3, Million Golden Arm (2014)4, Love boar Girl 5, Godfather 2 (1974)

Cadet police officers dressed up in disguise

Guardians of the Galaxy Tree Groot's five favorite films, ReviewWord 1, The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)2, Police Academy 7: March into Moscow (1994)3, Million Golden Arm (2014)4, Love boar Girl 5, Godfather 2 (1974)

During the October Incident, Yeltsin ordered the army to surround and shell the parliament building where the Russian State Duma was located, disbanding the Duma by force

The little sister has something to say: This is the first American comedy to be filmed in Russia, but in 1993, when the crew was filming in Moscow, just in time for the "October Incident", the producers immediately changed their plans and decided to move to Budapest, but soon, Yeltsin, who was the president of Russia at the time, returned to power, the political situation was stable, and the crew completed all the filming work in Moscow.

<h1>3, "Million Golden Arm" (2014</h1>).

Guardians of the Galaxy Tree Groot's five favorite films, ReviewWord 1, The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)2, Police Academy 7: March into Moscow (1994)3, Million Golden Arm (2014)4, Love boar Girl 5, Godfather 2 (1974)

Synopsis: American sports agent Bernstein discovered the story of two baseball bowlers from nearly 40,000 people through an Indian reality TV show "Million Golden Arm". The film is based on real people.

Guardians of the Galaxy Tree Groot's five favorite films, ReviewWord 1, The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)2, Police Academy 7: March into Moscow (1994)3, Million Golden Arm (2014)4, Love boar Girl 5, Godfather 2 (1974)

<h1>4, "In Love with the Wild Boar Girl"</h1>

Guardians of the Galaxy Tree Groot's five favorite films, ReviewWord 1, The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)2, Police Academy 7: March into Moscow (1994)3, Million Golden Arm (2014)4, Love boar Girl 5, Godfather 2 (1974)

Synopsis: In order to date Christie Bay, a beautiful woman she has long wanted, Nate must find a suitor for her unattractive girlfriend Joan, but unconsciously, she falls in love with Joan, who is becoming more and more beautiful.

Guardians of the Galaxy Tree Groot's five favorite films, ReviewWord 1, The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)2, Police Academy 7: March into Moscow (1994)3, Million Golden Arm (2014)4, Love boar Girl 5, Godfather 2 (1974)

Beauty Chrissy Bay and ugly girl Joan are good girlfriends

Guardians of the Galaxy Tree Groot's five favorite films, ReviewWord 1, The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)2, Police Academy 7: March into Moscow (1994)3, Million Golden Arm (2014)4, Love boar Girl 5, Godfather 2 (1974)

Paris Hilton participates in the film's promotional campaign

Little Sister has something to say: This low-budget romantic comedy with a budget of nine million dollars only received more than one and a half million DOLLARs at the global box office, and lost all its money. The biggest gimmick of the film, the famous lady Paris Hilton, who starred in the film, not only won the "Worst Actress" award of that year, but also won the "Crown" of the Golden Raspberry Award for "Worst Actress in Ten Years".

<h1>5, The Godfather 2 (1974</h1>).

Guardians of the Galaxy Tree Groot's five favorite films, ReviewWord 1, The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)2, Police Academy 7: March into Moscow (1994)3, Million Golden Arm (2014)4, Love boar Girl 5, Godfather 2 (1974)

Synopsis: The film mainly tells the struggle of the second generation of godfather Mike Corleone (Al Pacino), and recalls the hardships of the first generation of godfather Victor Corleone (Robert De Niro) to start a business, showing the career and family life of two generations of godfathers in different historical periods.

Guardians of the Galaxy Tree Groot's five favorite films, ReviewWord 1, The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)2, Police Academy 7: March into Moscow (1994)3, Million Golden Arm (2014)4, Love boar Girl 5, Godfather 2 (1974)

Little Sister has something to say: only two sequel films in the history of cinema have won the Academy Award for Best Picture, "The Godfather 2" is the first and the second is "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" (2003).

These are the top five of Groot's favorite films, and finally a special thanks to director James Gunn for providing this list!

Guardians of the Galaxy Tree Groot's five favorite films, ReviewWord 1, The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977)2, Police Academy 7: March into Moscow (1994)3, Million Golden Arm (2014)4, Love boar Girl 5, Godfather 2 (1974)

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