
Late summer and early autumn, 10 appetizing and easy-to-learn home cooking to eat, a few simple steps, when I was a child, I would make fried asparagus loofah scrambled eggs shrimp slippery egg dried sautéed four seasons of beans stewed with asparagus tempeh hollow cabbage stems fried sweet potato leaf grass mushroom loofah soup bowl hollow cabbage yam egg soup chrysanthemum story

author:Kikuko Gourmet Notes

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > fried asparagus</h1>

Late summer and early autumn, 10 appetizing and easy-to-learn home cooking to eat, a few simple steps, when I was a child, I would make fried asparagus loofah scrambled eggs shrimp slippery egg dried sautéed four seasons of beans stewed with asparagus tempeh hollow cabbage stems fried sweet potato leaf grass mushroom loofah soup bowl hollow cabbage yam egg soup chrysanthemum story

Ingredients to prepare: 300 grams of asparagus / 30 ml of cooking oil / 2 grams of minced black pepper / 2 single garlic / appropriate amount of paprika / appropriate amount of cooked sesame seeds / appropriate amount of cumin powder

Step 1: Wash the asparagus to remove the old stem part, grind the garlic into minced garlic, heat the oil under the pan, fry the asparagus until it becomes emerald green, and some of it becomes slightly soft.

Step 2: Add the minced garlic, stir evenly to bring out the garlic flavor, then add the appropriate amount of salt, and continue to stir evenly.

Step 3: Sprinkle the prepared paprika and cumin powder evenly, stir well with chopsticks again, sprinkle cooked sesame seeds and black pepper before coming out of the pot, and then simply mix evenly to eat.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" > scrambled eggs with loofah</h1>

Late summer and early autumn, 10 appetizing and easy-to-learn home cooking to eat, a few simple steps, when I was a child, I would make fried asparagus loofah scrambled eggs shrimp slippery egg dried sautéed four seasons of beans stewed with asparagus tempeh hollow cabbage stems fried sweet potato leaf grass mushroom loofah soup bowl hollow cabbage yam egg soup chrysanthemum story

Ingredients: 3 eggs / 30 ml cooking oil / 1 loofah / 3 millet spicy / 2 garlic / salt to taste

Step 1: Remove the head and tail of the loofah, scrape off the outer skin, cut it in half, divide into long strips, and then cut into diamond-shaped pieces.

Step 2: Slice the garlic, cut the millet into small pieces, beat the eggs and stir well.

Step 3: Bring water to a boil in a pot, add 1 tsp of salt, 1 tsp of oil, blanch the loofah for about 30 seconds, drain the water and set aside.

Step 4: Heat the oil, pour in the egg mixture, and slide with the spatula to solidify the egg liquid.

Step 5: Sauté the garlic slices and millet spicy sauté to create a fragrant flavor, and stir-fry the loofah evenly. Add the right amount of salt before starting the pan, stir-fry again and eat it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" > shrimp slippery eggs</h1>

Late summer and early autumn, 10 appetizing and easy-to-learn home cooking to eat, a few simple steps, when I was a child, I would make fried asparagus loofah scrambled eggs shrimp slippery egg dried sautéed four seasons of beans stewed with asparagus tempeh hollow cabbage stems fried sweet potato leaf grass mushroom loofah soup bowl hollow cabbage yam egg soup chrysanthemum story

Ingredients to prepare: 100 grams of shrimp / 5 eggs / 15 ml of corn oil / 5 ml of cooking wine / 1 g of chopped pepper / a little green onion / salt to taste

Step 1: Mix the prepared shrimp with cooking wine, a little salt, pepper and marinate for 15 minutes, beat 5 eggs and stir into egg mixture.

Step 2: Heat the oil in the pan, fry the shrimp until it changes color and put it in a bowl for later, scoop out the shrimp and pour in the stirred egg mixture, turn on the low heat, and spread the shrimp evenly.

Step 3: Gently slide the spatula in all directions, and the egg liquid will flow out with both sides of the spatula until all the egg liquid has solidified.

Step 4: Finally sprinkle with green onions, gently put the slippery shrimp slippery eggs into the delicate plate, and the simple and rice shrimp slippery eggs are eaten.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" > dried sautéed beans</h1>

Late summer and early autumn, 10 appetizing and easy-to-learn home cooking to eat, a few simple steps, when I was a child, I would make fried asparagus loofah scrambled eggs shrimp slippery egg dried sautéed four seasons of beans stewed with asparagus tempeh hollow cabbage stems fried sweet potato leaf grass mushroom loofah soup bowl hollow cabbage yam egg soup chrysanthemum story

Ingredients: 350 g beans / 3 g peppercorns / 150 g minced pork / 2 poisonous garlic / salt to taste / dried chili peppers to taste / a little cooked sesame seeds / 2 spoons of light soy sauce / 1 tsp of sugar

Step 1: Pick off the head and tail of the beans, tear off the meridians of the bean edges, break them into two pieces, cut the dried peppers into small pieces, and slice the garlic cloves for later.

Step 2: Wash and drain the beans, fry them until soft, then remove the oil and put them in a bowl.

Step 3: Leave the bottom oil in the pot, sauté the minced meat until it changes color, then sauté the peppercorns, garlic slices and dried chili peppers, and sauté until fragrant.

Step 4: Put the fried beans under the pan, stir-fry evenly, add soy sauce, salt, 1 spoonful of sugar and stir-fry again.

Step 5: Sprinkle with cooked sesame seeds before the pot and stir-fry evenly, use chopsticks to put the fried dried sautéed beans into the bowl, so that you can have less salt and less oil, and the oil at the bottom of the pot can also be left to mix the noodles very delicious, let's taste it together.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="05" > asparagus</h1>

Late summer and early autumn, 10 appetizing and easy-to-learn home cooking to eat, a few simple steps, when I was a child, I would make fried asparagus loofah scrambled eggs shrimp slippery egg dried sautéed four seasons of beans stewed with asparagus tempeh hollow cabbage stems fried sweet potato leaf grass mushroom loofah soup bowl hollow cabbage yam egg soup chrysanthemum story

Ingredients: 300 g asparagus / 1 tbsp sugar / 1 tbsp peppercorn oil / 2 tbsp light soy sauce / a pinch of green onion / salt to taste / dried chili peppers / ginger and garlic to taste

Step 1: Cut the dried peppers into small pieces, bring the water to a boil in a pot, and cook the asparagus for about 2 minutes and quickly fish out.

Step 2: After fishing, soak in cold water to maintain the emerald green color and refreshing taste of the asparagus, and then tear the asparagus into small pieces and place them on the plate.

Step 3: Add ginger and garlic, salt, sugar, green onion, drizzle with soy sauce, pepper oil and drizzle with dried chili peppers.

Step 4: Heat the oil under the pot, burn until it smokes slightly, put in the chopsticks with small bubbles to come out, pour the hot oil into the asparagus shreds with ingredients, and mix well when eating to enjoy the delicious.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="06" > tempeh hollow cabbage stem</h1>

Late summer and early autumn, 10 appetizing and easy-to-learn home cooking to eat, a few simple steps, when I was a child, I would make fried asparagus loofah scrambled eggs shrimp slippery egg dried sautéed four seasons of beans stewed with asparagus tempeh hollow cabbage stems fried sweet potato leaf grass mushroom loofah soup bowl hollow cabbage yam egg soup chrysanthemum story

Ingredients: 400g hollow cabbage stalks / 30g dried tempeh / 2 shallots / 10 spicy millet / 1 scoop of light soy sauce / 30 ml of cooking oil / salt to taste / garlic cloves to taste

Step 1: Wash and cut the hollow cabbage stalks into small pieces, wash and cut the green onions, cut the green onion, cut the millet spicy pepper rings, and cut the garlic cloves into minced garlic and set aside.

Step 2: Stir-fry the minced garlic and tempeh until fragrant, then stir-fry the hollow cabbage stalks until they change color.

Step 3: Add red pepper and green onion, add salt and sugar, drizzle with soy sauce, stir-fry again and put it on the plate to eat.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="07" > stir-fried sweet potato leaves</h1>

Late summer and early autumn, 10 appetizing and easy-to-learn home cooking to eat, a few simple steps, when I was a child, I would make fried asparagus loofah scrambled eggs shrimp slippery egg dried sautéed four seasons of beans stewed with asparagus tempeh hollow cabbage stems fried sweet potato leaf grass mushroom loofah soup bowl hollow cabbage yam egg soup chrysanthemum story

Prepare ingredients: sweet potato leaves 400 g / cooking oil 40 ml / water starch small half bowl / minced garlic / salt to taste

Step 1: Remove the sweet potato leaves and tear off the skin and wash, heat the oil under the pot, stir-fry the minced garlic, and then remove the washed sweet potato leaves and stir-fry until the sweet potato leaves change color.

Step 2: After adding salt, stir-fry again, and finally pour in water starch, quickly stir-fry evenly, and then put it on the plate and eat it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="08" > mushroom loofah soup</h1>

Late summer and early autumn, 10 appetizing and easy-to-learn home cooking to eat, a few simple steps, when I was a child, I would make fried asparagus loofah scrambled eggs shrimp slippery egg dried sautéed four seasons of beans stewed with asparagus tempeh hollow cabbage stems fried sweet potato leaf grass mushroom loofah soup bowl hollow cabbage yam egg soup chrysanthemum story

Ingredients: 100 g mushrooms / 1 loofah / 2 eggs / 1 piece of ginger / cooking oil / salt / a pinch of goji berries

Step 1: Wash and peel the loofah and cut into hob pieces, wash and cut the mushrooms in half, and cut the ginger into small pieces for later

Step 2: Beat the eggs into egg liquid, heat the oil under the pan, pour the egg liquid and flatten the noodles, use the spatula to cut into small pieces and plate for later.

Step 3: Pour a little oil into the pot, stir-fry the ginger, add the loofah and fry until it changes color, and then stir-fry the mushrooms evenly.

Step 4: Add an appropriate amount of boiling water, add goji berries after boiling, add an appropriate amount of salt to boil, and finally add the scrambled eggs, and then cook for 1 minute to drink.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="09" > bowl hollow cabbage</h1>

Late summer and early autumn, 10 appetizing and easy-to-learn home cooking to eat, a few simple steps, when I was a child, I would make fried asparagus loofah scrambled eggs shrimp slippery egg dried sautéed four seasons of beans stewed with asparagus tempeh hollow cabbage stems fried sweet potato leaf grass mushroom loofah soup bowl hollow cabbage yam egg soup chrysanthemum story

Ingredient list: 350 grams of hollow cabbage / 50 grams of green peppers / 50 grams of red peppers / 10 grams of garlic cloves / 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce / a little peppercorn powder / salt to taste

Step 1: Wash and dry the green and red peppers, slowly fry them over low heat, fish out the tiger skins when they see them, let them cool in a bowl and peel off the skin for later.

Step 2: Put the processed chili peppers into a bowl, add garlic cloves and 1 spoonful of salt and mash, it is recommended to mash as much as possible, the taste is better.

Step 3: Scoop out the mashed chili peppers into a large bowl, drizzle with the right amount of hot oil and mix well, then add the pepper powder and soy sauce and mix well again.

Step 4: Wash and cut the hollow cabbage into small pieces, boil the hot water in the pot and fish it out, put the fished hollow cabbage into a large bowl of prepared chili peppers, mix well enough to eat.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="10" > yam egg custard</h1>

Late summer and early autumn, 10 appetizing and easy-to-learn home cooking to eat, a few simple steps, when I was a child, I would make fried asparagus loofah scrambled eggs shrimp slippery egg dried sautéed four seasons of beans stewed with asparagus tempeh hollow cabbage stems fried sweet potato leaf grass mushroom loofah soup bowl hollow cabbage yam egg soup chrysanthemum story

Ingredient list: 200g yam / 2 eggs / 5 stalks of shanghai green / 5g of lard / 2g of salt

Step 1: 200 grams of iron stick yam pat flat chopped, 50 grams of green vegetables cut into small pieces, two eggs beaten and stirred well.

Step 2: Bring 1000 ml of water to a boil in a pot, crush the yam and stir, skim off the foam, then slowly stir the egg mixture under the stirring, and then boil the green vegetables.

Step 3: Add 1 small spoonful of lard during the period, add the right amount of salt before leaving the pot, and a simple and delicious yam egg soup is ready!

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="11" > Kikuko Monogatari</h1>

In late summer and early autumn, appetizing simple home cooking is still our main theme, and when it is officially autumn, autumn will begin to stick. These 10 home-cooked dishes that I would have cooked as a child are eaten at the end of summer.

Recall the taste of childhood, super simple, a few steps is good, the whole family loves to eat, taste it together. Food is worth sharing, life needs to be recorded, Kikuko food is worth moving forward with you.

This graphic work is the original of Kikuko Food, every picture and every paragraph of text is carefully taken and written, and I am willing to grow together with you and live a healthy life. Your attention, forwarding and commenting are the greatest encouragement and support for Sister Juzi, it is strictly forbidden to copy, steal pictures, and infringe on bad self-media accounts, and the author reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility.

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