
Picture Talk Japanese Drama: Forbidden Pure Love, 93 College Teachers (Introduction)


A campus drama in one of Nojima's "Black Campus Trilogy". The other two are Kinki Kids' "Human Disqualification" and Ishida's "Underage".

The rating of this drama in Douban is 8.9 points, and this 93 college teachers were broadcast in Japan that year, and the word of mouth and ratings were very good.

A total of 11 episodes, in addition to 2-6 episodes of the ratings in about ten percent, the 7th episode began to get better and better, averaging about 25%, especially in the finale, the ratings set a high rating of 33%.

This drama won the 3rd TV LIFE Annual Japanese Drama Awards, the Male and Female Lead Awards, and the Song Award.

The theme song of the play is Morita Boy's Failure of Us. A song with a fresh melody but very sad lyrics. It's very good to listen to, I recommend everyone to listen to it.

Picture Talk Japanese Drama: Forbidden Pure Love, 93 College Teachers (Introduction)

Promotional posters

Picture Talk Japanese Drama: Forbidden Pure Love, 93 College Teachers (Introduction)

A warm date for two people

The actor, Hiroyuki Sanada, was born in 1960 in Tokyo, Japan. He has starred in many TV series, movies, stage plays, etc., and is a middle-aged actor of the Japanese power faction, and has been named the Four Heavenly Kings of Japanese middle-aged actors along with Nakai Takaichi, Ken Watanabe, and Hiroshi Sato. In recent years, Sanada Hiromi began to turn to Hollywood, participated in the disaster suspense film "Sun Havoc", co-produced "Rush Hour Three" with Jackie Chan, and co-produced "Rush Hour Three" and "Speed Racing".

In 1984, he won the Japanese Golden Arrow Award for Newcomers, in 1992 he won the Le Cordon Bleu Award for Best Actor, and in 1992 he won the Film Reward Award for Best Actor. In 1994, he won the Best Actor Award for Japanese Drama for his college teacher, and in 2005, Hiroyuki Sanada won the Best Actor Award for his film "Ayikis of the Fallen Country", and has three film titles. He became the second actor in Japanese history to win the film emperor three times after Toshiro Mifune.

Sanada Hiroyuki is not that handsome look, but it is very flavorful. In this drama, Sanada Hiroyuki portrays the honest and cowardly teacher very vividly, according to the inconceivable that he is actually a martial arts practitioner.

Picture Talk Japanese Drama: Forbidden Pure Love, 93 College Teachers (Introduction)
Picture Talk Japanese Drama: Forbidden Pure Love, 93 College Teachers (Introduction)

The heroine is Sachiko Sakurai, born in 1973 in Chiba Prefecture, Japan, and graduated from Horikoshi High School, a prestigious art school. She debuted in 1989 as the heroine of Shinji Nojima's Black Campus Trilogy, which has also become her masterpiece and her pinnacle. He retired from show business in 2009. After that, it seems that he has played supporting roles in some serials.

Sakurai Sachiko belongs to the kind of beautiful women who are very decent and very affinity. In this play, she plays the female student cocoon who is full of darkness and longs to be rescued, but is very lively on the surface.

Picture Talk Japanese Drama: Forbidden Pure Love, 93 College Teachers (Introduction)
Picture Talk Japanese Drama: Forbidden Pure Love, 93 College Teachers (Introduction)

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