
The "afterword" of the future "chain love" | Ma Fangye: sending blockchain into our lives

author:Economic Daily
The "afterword" of the future "chain love" | Ma Fangye: sending blockchain into our lives

The picture shows Ma Fangye, a special expert of the blockchain industry talent think tank and a senior deputy editor-in-chief of Securities Daily

Waves, sun, sand... Embrace blockchain together. Such a romantic and sexy scene, and the blockchain such an abstract theme? Yes, it's a true story, and it happened in 2016. Who's talking about that? Wang Wei, a big man in the M&A industry and chairman of the China Finance Museum.

He said, "In the summer of 2016 I attended a three-day blockchain talk in Necke Island in the Caribbean. Famous hippie entrepreneur Richard Branson Branson) invited people from different sectors in more than a dozen countries to discuss blockchain applications in the midst of waves and sun and sand."

He went on to say that the more than 30 attendees were not familiar with each other, none of them were technical experts, none of them were Bitcoin miners, none of them understood hashing algorithms and double-spending theory, but they all discussed blockchain with confidence and organized more than a dozen seminars involving the arrest of fugitives, the prevention of money laundering, the protection of artistic property rights, the confirmation of the authenticity of transactions, the prevention of corruption, social elections, earthquake rescue and endangered biological protection. On the last day of the party, someone actually used songs and rap (rap) to express the meaning of blockchain about "trust", "certification" and "value transfer". While feeling the concrete achievements vivid in these fields, we are also experiencing a common application logic: the results of spontaneous organization and cross-cooperation based on big data analysis, and there is no authoritative institution or enterprise organizing this system and process.

In the words of one young man present, Alex Tapscot, who co-authored the blockchain revolution with his father, we are creating a whole new trust protocol where all participants are writing programs that constrain our behavior. More than 30 people who "don't understand" technology and professionals have organized more than a dozen seminars with great interest? The conference was not organized by an authoritative body? It's incredible, unbelievable.

Perhaps, blockchain has already entered their lives. Could it be that, as Liu Cixin put it in a public speech, "blockchain is the next node of humanity"? Maybe. After all, blockchain solves the trust problem that is as old as humans, and under this trust system, the transmission of value is very safely brought to the Internet. The digital economy and society under the bit world mapped to the atomic world can be established from then on. Since then, the digital economy and society in which the atomic world and the bit world have merged into one have been integrated. Here, people can encrypt, encapsulate, package, timestamp, and chain digital information to clarify the property rights of information and program our future.

The American poet Whitman has a poetic cloud: "There is a child who walks forward every day, he sees the first thing, he becomes that thing, that thing becomes a part of him..." The blockchain is also a child. What it first saw was a mysterious pusher behind it, but what it saw was a shocking, bubble-like bitcoin that rose to the sky, but what it saw was a dangerous and chaotic world.

Human beings always have extremely high expectations for new things, especially new technologies, which may be the root of the "bubble". It is undeniable that curiosity is a human instinct, but also a driving force for human beings to constantly surpass themselves. In the process of going from chaos to governance, we are happy to find that after rising to a national strategy, the blockchain began to see the entity, saw the people's livelihood, and saw the top-level design of economic and social change. And these are becoming a new life component of the blockchain. The blockchain with spirit and flesh is quietly melting the embarrassment of the people before.

If you don't have skin, how can you get a girlish feminine appearance? If the skin doesn't itch, how can you enjoy the supreme satisfaction of tickling? If you don't have a nose, how can you smell the fresh air in the morning? If you don't have eyes, how can you see the beauty of the world?

This "new sight" of the blockchain is to grow such a "skin", such a "nose" and such an "eye". How to add skin to the blockchain, draw eyes, install noses, and become angels requires the joint and long-term hard work of all parties in society.

The "afterword" of the future "chain love" | Ma Fangye: sending blockchain into our lives

As a blockchain discussor, learner and disseminator, he boldly edited the book "Chain Love with the Future - Entering the Blockchain Kingdom", which is also an attempt to popularize the blockchain, aiming to send the blockchain into our lives.

The book is divided into five chapters, which comprehensively introduce and discuss the relationship between Bitcoin, blockchain and their two, the ecology of blockchain, the development and application of blockchain technology! Due to the relatively hasty writing time and limited level, there are inevitably many errors in the book, so please criticize and correct readers. As the old saying goes: A good man three gangs. In the process of brewing and writing this book, as the authors, we have also received help and guidance from all aspects, and without your help, this book could not have been published.

On behalf of all the editors, I would like to express my gratitude to dr. Gao Jian, the "father of bonds" in China, the dean of the International United Business School of Zhejiang University, the dean of the Internet Finance Research Institute, Professor Ben Shenglin of the School of Management, the vice president of the Hong Kong International New Economic Research Institute, Dr. Zheng Lei, chief economist of Baoxin Financial, the former director of the General Department of the Ministry of Finance, Mr. Wang Guangkun, executive vice president of the National Budget and Accounting Research Association, and Mr. Chen Weigang, former vice president of the Party School of the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the supervisory board of the state-owned key financial institutions Mr. Li Ming, Director of the Blockchain Research Office of China Electronics Technology Standardization Institute, Professor Qi Deyu, Director of the Computer System Research Institute of South China University of Technology, Chairman of guangdong Trusted Digital Identity and Crypto Blockchain Application Alliance, Deputy Leader of the Working Group of the National Standard "Education Card Application Specification", Joint Leader of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Trusted Digital Identity Cryptography Blockchain Application Think Tank, Professor He Cheng, Chief Expert of Hunan Provincial Engineering Research Center for Education Card Application Big Data, Mr. Xiao Feng, Vice Chairman of Wanxiang Holdings and Founder of Wanxiang Blockchain Lab, Professor Tao Chunsheng of the School of Economics of Minzu University of China, President Yu Jianning and Teacher Fang Jun of Huobi University, Mr. Li Yinke, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the Blockchain Special Committee of China Electronic Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Downssi, Deputy Director of the Department of Informatization and Industrial Development of the State Information Center, Dr. Downssi, Deputy Director of the China Smart City Development Research Center, Yan Xing, Member of the National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee, Member of the National Cryptography Industry Standardization Technical Committee, Yan Xing, Senior Engineer, Executive Secretary General of Guangdong Trusted Digital Identity and Crypto Blockchain Application Alliance, Mr. Shao Fei, Director of trusted education professional committee of Guangzhou Blockchain Association, Mr. Luo Xiao, founder and CEO of Yuchain Technology, Dr. Cao Feng, inventor of China's first international blockchain patent and CEO of Paichain Technology, Mr. Gao Bin, vice chairman of the Blockchain Professional Committee of China Communications Industry Association and founder of Qidian Blockchain Ecology, Ms. Zhang Xiaoyuan, head of the Industrial And Information Technology Blockchain Industry Talent Research Institute and secretary general of the Blockchain Industry Talent Think Tank, and Mr. Fan Jingang, executive deputy secretary general of the China Institute of Electronics, Zhong Hong, President of Tsinghua x-Lab Qingteng Alliance Research Institute, President Zhang Wen of Beijing Internet Court, President Yi Huanhuan of Beijing Internet Finance Association Research Institute, Zhang Yousheng, Chairman of Beijing Wenjin Network Information Service Co., Ltd., Chen Shuangshuang, Partner of Beijing Deheheng Law Firm, Ms. Li Lingling, Assistant Director of Public Relations of Guotai Yuanxin Asset, Distinguished Tutor of Finance major of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Executive Committee Member of Blockchain Joint Development Organization, Angel Investor Dr. Wang Binsheng, Chief Economist of SDIC Xinda, Shen Minggao, chief economist of GF Securities, Chen Jianfu, president of Securities Daily, vice president Tian Miya, and other editorial board colleagues, all reporters of the Financial Institution Center of Securities Daily led by Zhang Zhiwei, Huang Xiaoqin, Li Wen and Xu Tianxiao, Director Zhao Xueyi, Editor Wang Shijun, Zhang Bo of North China University of Technology, and Wang Peili of Minzu University of China.

Finally, I would like to thank Wei Min, director of the Commercial Publishing Center of China Finance and Economic Publishing House, and his colleagues, as well as my wife and family, for their full support. At the same time, the publication of this book coincides with the third anniversary of the death of his mother, Ms. Meng Xianhua and his mother-in-law, Ms. Ma Shuying; in the past three years, the author's family has not stopped thinking about the second elder; here, I would like to express my deep gratitude for their nurturing and educational grace, and wish the second elder all the best in heaven.

The British writer Stevenson wrote a character named Li Li, who carried a ladder every evening to carry on the lamp and light a lamp in each room to illuminate the way forward for passers-by. I hope this book is such a light, even if it emits a little light. "Zone" moves trust, "block" uses data, and "chain" moves to the future. Asking is a question; action is the answer. "Greatness" always comes from a brave beginning, let's enter the rich new continent and new kingdom of blockchain together.

Ma Fangye is at home in Beijing in 2020

The "afterword" of the future "chain love" | Ma Fangye: sending blockchain into our lives

"Chain Love with the Future: Entering the Blockchain Kingdom" by Ma Fangye Zhang Zhiwei Xu Tianxiao, published by China Finance and Economic Publishing House in June 2020

This article is excerpted from "Love with the Future "Chain" - Entering the Blockchain Kingdom", please pay attention to this book for more specific content. The book was edited by Ma Fangye, deputy editor-in-chief of Securities Daily, and edited by Zhang Zhiwei, Xu Tianxiao, Xing Meng, Li Bing, Wang Ning, Lü Dong, Su Xianggao, Peng Yan, Yu Junyi, and others of the Central Department of Financial Institutions of Securities Daily, and has recently been officially published and distributed by the China Financial and Economic Publishing House. ”

Editor: Yu Junyi Duty Editor-in-Chief: Huang Xiaoqin

Final Judge: Ma Fangye / Zhang Zhiwei

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