
After Wei Qing's death, the entire clan was also destroyed, what was the reason why Emperor Wu of Han turned his face and was ruthless?

author:Deng Haichun

Speaking of the Han Dynasty, in addition to the great talent and strategy of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, it is also indispensable to the spirit of the great general Wei Qing: to seize the Dragon City, to collect the River Loop, to attack Gao Que, to break the Xiongnu, to pingbei Xinjiang, to fight seven battles and seven victories, to protect the rivers and mountains, and to guard the peace of the Great Han.

After Wei Qing's death, the entire clan was also destroyed, what was the reason why Emperor Wu of Han turned his face and was ruthless?

He changed the situation that the Han Dynasty could only exchange peace with the Xiongnu, so that the Han Dynasty began to raise its eyebrows and make great contributions to the development of northern Xinjiang. Some people say that Wei Qing was appreciated by Emperor Wu of Han because of Wei Zifu. However, although Wei Qing was indeed discovered by his sister Wei Zifu at the beginning, everything he did later was fought by himself on the battlefield with strength, strategy and blood. He went on consecutive expeditions to recover a large amount of lost land, making the Han Dynasty prestigious, so he was awarded the rank of Sima Dajun, even higher than the position of the prime minister at that time.

After Wei Qing's death, the entire clan was also destroyed, what was the reason why Emperor Wu of Han turned his face and was ruthless?

What is even more precious is that Wei Qing is not proud of his achievements, but on the contrary, he is more and more cautious as his status is getting higher and higher, perhaps he is afraid of the lord of gong and high, perhaps afraid of the suspicion of Emperor Wu of Han, and even more afraid of being slandered by people with hearts.

Even so, this power of "one person above ten thousand people" still made him walk on thin ice. However, during Wei Qing's lifetime, Emperor Wu of Han did not move him in any way. Even after his death, he personally gave him a name and chose a cemetery, showing great sorrow. However, after Wei Qing's death, the Wei clan was almost slaughtered by Emperor Wu of Han, and even Wei Qing's wife, even though she was the sister of Emperor Wu of Han, did not escape the disaster, and Wei Qing's sister Empress Wei, including the crown prince Liu Zhao, also died.

It is a pity that a generation of generals, hard work and high achievements, but after death, they are full of doors and scattered! So, why did Emperor Wu of Han rush to kill the Wei family after Wei Qing's death, and what was the truth?

I. Emperor Wu of Han's heart disease: the pain of foreign relatives

Since the founding of the Han Dynasty, it has been entangled with foreign relatives. When Liu Bang founded the country and the world, Lü Hou's family was always an important force on which he relied. Later, in order to curb the momentum of foreign relatives, Liu Bang once vowed: "If there is no king of the Liu clan, if there is a person who has died and is not placed by the superior, the whole world will condemn it." "He crowned all the sons of the Liu clan as kings and sent them to various places to guard the world for the Liu family."

Unfortunately, his life expectancy was shorter than that of Lü Hou. After Liu Bang's death, Lü Yan came to the imperial throne, performed the power of emperor, and arbitrarily made Lü people kings, which had the momentum of replacing Liu Shi.

After Wei Qing's death, the entire clan was also destroyed, what was the reason why Emperor Wu of Han turned his face and was ruthless?

When Lü's foreign relatives were destroyed, the ministers agreed to make Liu Heng the Emperor wen of Han and Liu Heng's biological mother Bo Ji as empress. Although Empress Bo did not interfere too much in politics, she still made her brother Bo Zhao the Marquis. Bo Zhao, believing that his sister was the empress dowager, went so far as to arrest the general who had been ordered to go out to suppress the rebellion and privately behead him, while Empress Bo also strongly obstructed Emperor Wen of Han from disposing of Bo Zhao. After Empress Bo's death, another Dou clan appeared. This woman was very powerful, the lord of the harem of the Three Dynasties, through the three periods of Emperor Wen of Han, Emperor Jing of Han, and Emperor Wu of Han, from Empress Dou to Empress Dou to Empress Dowager Dou. Moreover, this empress dowager did not interfere in the affairs of the dynasty when Emperor Wu of Han first ascended the throne. The ambitious Emperor Wudi of han was limited at every turn and hated the monopoly of foreign relatives. In order to check and balance, he began to support "his own people" and let the Wei family dominate, but later the Wei family was still supported by himself as his jealous "foreign relative".

Second, Wei Qing fell out of favor: the king was suspicious

Since ancient times, the emperor was suspicious, always deliberately wary of everyone, and blood and kinship could be abandoned, let alone courtiers? Especially Emperor Wu of Han, he was not a prince at the beginning, the throne was even more difficult for him, and he had a strong desire for control over imperial power. And Wei Qing rose all the way to Sima Da, his sister Wei Zifu was also an empress, and the chancellor and the crown prince, including half of the court, were related to the Wei family, Wei Qing behaved without problems and was perfect, and the prestige of the Wei family was faintly showing signs of catching up with the Liu Han royal family.

After Wei Qing's death, the entire clan was also destroyed, what was the reason why Emperor Wu of Han turned his face and was ruthless?

But there was no way, Emperor Wu of Han needed Wei Qingzhen to guard the frontier, so it was not easy to suppress him, and he could only ignore Empress Wei Zifu and the crown prince. Later, Huo went ill and became famous in World War I. And his temperament style was wide open, which was more in line with the expectations of Emperor Wu of Han. Since Huo went to the disease and sealed the wolf Juxu, Wei Qing was gradually left out in the cold: "Since then, it has become more and more expensive for the qing to go sick and go away. The qing deceased went to the door more, and when things went to the sick, they won the official title. "

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Biography of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Biography of Historical Figures ¥29.8 Purchase

3. Harem Tricks: The Curse of witchcraft

In fact, there is another very important reason for the tragedy of the Wei family: the open and secret struggle in the ancient palace. As the saying goes: the emperor has no family affairs. Although the former dynasty and the harem are two fields, they are closely related. Wei Qing and Wei Zifu were naturally both losses and losses. Wei Zifu was loved by Emperor Wu of Han in his early years because of his beautiful appearance, and later followed Emperor Wu of Han for more than twenty years, and he had no freshness, but the harem continued to select favored newcomers. When Wei Qing died, Wei Zifu was already old and yellow, losing the emperor's love and loss of Wei Qing's mutually dependent backing.

After Wei Qing's death, the entire clan was also destroyed, what was the reason why Emperor Wu of Han turned his face and was ruthless?

At that time, the Zhao clan of the Hook Ge Palace was more favored, and in the fourteenth month of pregnancy, he gave birth to a son, Liu Fuling, and wanted to compete with the crown prince and Empress Wei. At this time, Emperor Wu of Han, who was already dying, actually changed the Hook Ge Palace to Yao Mother Palace because he heard that Yao's mother was also pregnant for fourteen months before giving birth to Emperor Yao.

Coupled with Wei Qing's death, the court began to shuffle. Many people began to seize power and profit from the Wei family. Those ministers who secretly speculated even thought that the prince was going to be replaced, and without Wei Qing, a great general, the prince and the Wei family were in danger. Some "mutations" against the Wei family also began to occur, gradually opening the prelude to a catastrophe.

First Gongsun He was arrested, then Princess Zhuyi and Princess Yangshi were executed for the crime of witchcraft, and Wei Qing's son Wei Ling and Princess Wei Chang's son Cao Zong were seated consecutively. The favored minister Jiang Chong was afraid that emperor Wu would be hated by emperor Xin after his death, so he rumored that Emperor Wu was ill because someone had cursed Tianzi with witchcraft, but in fact, his ultimate purpose was to frame the crown prince Liu Zhao.

After Wei Qing's death, the entire clan was also destroyed, what was the reason why Emperor Wu of Han turned his face and was ruthless?

However, Emperor Wu of Han was already old and suspicious, and he became more and more greedy for imperial power, so he ordered Jiang to act as an emissary to investigate the case of witchcraft. Jiang Chong instructed the wizards to dig around in search of dolls, but when they were dug, they arrested the people around them and tortured them to extract confessions. The people made false accusations against each other in fear, so tens of thousands of people died before and after the crime. And the more people confessed, the more Emperor Wudi of Han believed in the witchcraft incident. Eventually, Jiang Chong dug up the so-called evidence in the Prince's Eastern Palace.

Liu Zhi wanted to explain to Emperor Wu of Han that he had been wronged, but he was obstructed by Jiang Chong and others, and he credulously believed the plan of the young Fu Shide, and prepared to arrest Jiang Chong and correct the army. Emperor Wu of Han was furious when he heard the news of the "Prince Rebellion" and ordered Liu Qu to hunt down and kill the rebels. At this point, the father and son actually turned against each other by force because of the provocation of the courtiers, and the two sides fought for five days, killing and wounding tens of thousands. The result was naturally that the prince was defeated, Wei Zifu committed suicide, and the prince's whereabouts were revealed and he hanged himself after fleeing.

After Wei Qing's death, the entire clan was also destroyed, what was the reason why Emperor Wu of Han turned his face and was ruthless?

Since then, the Wei clan has almost completely collapsed and completely disappeared from the history of the Han Dynasty. Moreover, hundreds of thousands of people were implicated in this disaster, which is known in history as the "scourge of witchcraft". Two years later, Emperor Wu of Han discovered the suspicious points of the Wu deception case, and knew that the prince was not a rebellion falsely accused by others, and that the army was only self-defense out of trepidation, and had no intention of causing trouble. Emperor Wu of Han, who was full of remorse, severely punished Jiang Chong and others who participated in the witchcraft case to frame the prince, and also built a "Si Womb" to commemorate the prince.

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